Chapter 16 (Just revised)

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Sienna woke to gentle kisses on her neck.  It took her a minute to acclimate herself and then she remembered she was with Roan.  She smiled when she thought back to their evening, the way they talked and the fact that she felt so comfortable with this man. 

He was managing to break down every barrier, every wall that she had so carefully constructed since she was sixteen.  Brick by brick, it was crumbling and she found herself wanting to trust, wanting to believe in a world without abuse; physical and verbal. 

She rolled over to see ice blue eyes and beautiful kissable lips.  Sienna closed the gap between them and tentatively brought her right arm over Roan's waist and her leg over his hip. 

"Good morning gorgeous" he said, his voice still hoarse from sleep.  She responded by placing her lips to his, then placing small kisses along his jaw she ended up at his neck as he groaned positively letting her know he was enjoying her attention to him.

She could feel his erection growing against her belly as her lips pleasured him.  He'd closed his eyes enjoying what she was making him feel.  The first time ever in his life he caught a glimpse of what it would be like waking up to someone next to him every morning and he found he liked the prospect.

Sienna moved to his ear, her hot breath gently caressing his skin.  "Do you want me?" she asked softly.  He moaned as her fingers traveled from his ass, up his back and back down again.

  "More than you know" he answered huskily.  In a move totally uncharacteristic for her she rolled over on top of him, taking control and it was a heady feeling. 

With Dr. Miller's help she'd learned that it was okay to be in control to, to have a say in what happens with her; she doesn't always have to be submissive to other people's wills or ideology. 

It felt liberating.  She sat up on him and slowly removed his tee shirt leaving him breathless at the sight of her pierced nipples.  She leaned back down, placing her hands on either side of his head while his hands worked to get his boxers off of her using his feet to shrug them down to the bottom of the bed.

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear; studying and memorizing each feature of her lovely face.  "You are so beautiful Sienna" he said softly.  Her eyes closed slowly at the vocalization of his adoration.  She would never tire of being told she was beautiful.  She craved it, needed it like she needed water to live. 

Rachael and Lisbeth always told her how beautiful she was but it was different coming from someone who wasn't your family.  "Open your eyes baby" he implored.  Green eyes meeting blue he asked her if she believed him.  "I'm starting to" she shyly smiled. 

She felt him move his hips up sliding his joggers down and freeing himself.  His hands moved down her back until they reached her behind; grasping her he lifted her up until she could feel him at her entrance and he slowly and gently sat her down filling her with his heat.

He sucked his breath in at the feeling that was around his cock and his body shuddered as she started to move.  "Yes baby, that's it.  You feel so good" he moaned as her body took his; his orgasm starting to build. 

He let her have what she needed by willing himself away from climax each time she brought him close but eventually he would roll them over so she was underneath him and he could roll and grind his hips into her luscious body. 

"Oh Roan" she moaned as her back arched and she reached her hands above her head stretching her body before him, her breasts jutting upwards begging for his mouth.  He lowered his head capturing a nipple between his teeth gently pulling. 

The sensation for a pierced nipple was indescribable because it was always erect and the sensitivity was always higher.  "Oh God!" she cried at the feeling his mouth was eliciting from her body, so he moved his attentions to the other nipple as his pace increased. 

He was about to lose his mind with the pleasure she was giving him.  His mouth crashed on hers as he climaxed and brought her with him.  "Fuck!" she cried out as she came crashing down.  "Oh God!"

Roan let himself drop gently onto her then rolling them onto their sides.  "I don't know about you but I could wake up like that every morning" Sienna told him shyly. 

He cupped the side of her face and kissed her passionately, their tongues dancing with sensuality.  "I know I could" he said softly, falling into her green eyes; they were flecked with bits of beautiful.

 "I have a surprise for you" he said still kissing her.  "Really?" she said excitedly.  "What?"  He grinned against her skin and answered "Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise."  Ugh!  He was teasing her now. 

She tried desperately to pout but it just made him laugh more until she broke out giggling as well.  "Shower with me" he said suddenly and she was amazed at the weight that three little words could carry.

Roan brought her home so she could change her clothes and get ready in her own bathroom.  He told her that Cade had texted that he was at Lisbeth's and to join them over there when she was ready. 

He gave her another loud, wet kiss before breathlessly pulling away from her and gracing her with a smile that made her want him again.  The last time she felt this happy was when Rachael and Lisbeth told her she was coming to live with them.  All of the abuse would be a memory; she would never have to endure that kind of pain again.  

Sienna dried her hair, flat ironed it to leave it straight, applied very light makeup and chose her stoned washed skinny jeans, a tight, black vintage Marilyn Monroe tattooed tee shirt and pink Chuck Taylor's. 

This would be the first time since she was here to wear a shirt that showed her tattoos but she was happy with her appearance and grabbed a small wallet for her ID, bank card, and cash and slipped it into her back pocket and went off to Lisbeth's. 

She knocked on Lisbeth's door before walking in and finding Roan, her sister and Cade in the kitchen talking over coffee.  "I hope you guys saved me some" she said smiling and bestowing a kiss on Roan's cheek. 

Lisbeth already had a mug and handed it to her while Cade stood there with his mouth open.  Lisbeth shook her head and rolled her eyes.  "Close your mouth baby.  You look ridiculous!"

  Sienna just laughed and Roan rolled his eyes as well.  "No wonder you guys get a long" he said finally finding his tongue.  Roan smirked and said that it was time to go and the couples left hand in hand for their adventure.

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