Chapter 27 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

Sienna felt like a little kid at Christmas time, taking the helicopter tour with Roan over the Grand Canyon, was breathtaking.  She'd never been fond of heights but being with him in such a gorgeous setting just took her mind off of everything.  She felt completely at ease.  

She got lost in the sound of his voice as they talked about the beauty and grandeur that lay before them but what affected her more than that was his hand taking possession of hers, softly rubbing her knuckles with his thumb and sometimes squeezing it.  It felt right; he felt right; they felt right.  

"Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked, his eyes twinkling.  

Sienna nodded and said "You have no idea!  This is by far the best thing that's ever been done for me.  Saying 'thank you' doesn't quite seem enough" she said honestly.  

He leaned over and kissed her gently on the cheek and then whispered "Although I appreciate your thanks that's not what I'm after.  Seeing you relaxed and happy is what I want more than anything.  I will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens for the rest of your life."  

His statement floored her.  It was almost like he was saying...could it be?  Did this beautiful, wonderful man want to be with her and all her fucked-up-ness for the rest of his life?  He said he did, time and time again, but she shook her head in disbelief.  

"What is it, Si?" he asked.  

She just looked into his sexy eyes and softly said "Roan you are my happiness" and turned to look back out the window.

(Roan's POV)

His heart and mind sank into her words...Roan you are my happiness...she wanted him like he wanted her!  Just when he'd given up, she stepped into his elevator and into his life; someone he could talk to, that would listen to him complain about his day and make him forget it all at the same time, someone that would make him laugh with her corny one-liners and jokes, someone he could get lost in bed with; she was right here, in the flesh, and she was his.  

He made a mental note to call her mom, Rachael; he had some things to discuss with her.  The rest of the tour was amazing and both were almost kind of sad when they realized they were heading back to the landing pad. 

They both noticed that Charlie was already waiting for them when they landed and both of them had said how much they liked Charlie, a lot.  He was good people and very loyal to Roan; people like him were hard to find these days.

"I don't know about you but I'm famished" Roan said after they were seated in the car.  "Dinner?" he asked. 

Sienna leaned over, cupping his face with her hand and gave him a very passionate kiss.  She reluctantly pulled away as he asked her what he did to deserve that.  She shrugged and said "Just because."  She was smiling and God she was beautiful when she smiled. 

 "And in answer to your question Mr. Addison, I'm ravenous!"  He smiled back at her answer. 

  "Do you like Italian?" he asked. 

She shook my head and said "I don't like Italian, I love it" she said grinning.  

"Charlie, please take us to Cocina d'Amore (Kitchen of Love) please" Roan said to his driver.  

"Yes sir" Charlie responded.  

They arrived at a beautiful and quaint looking little place and it had all the hallmarks of all things Italian.  Terra cotta tiles on the roof, green leafy vines growing all on the outside, and the smell was divine!  They were greeted by a very friendly older man by the name of Luigi.  

"Ah Mr. Addison!  Benvenuto! (Welcome)  It's been a very long time, no?" he asked.  

Roan shook his hand and said "Luigi I would like you to meet my girlfriend Sienna.  Si, this is Luigi.  He and his wife make the best food you have ever eaten.  The only place you would find better would be Italy itself!"  The man thrived on Roan's praise. 

"It's so nice to meet you" Sienna said, extending her hand.  

The man took her hand and placed it to his lips and said "Bella, it is very nice to meet you as well."  Roan loved the slight blush on his girlfriend as Luigi led them to what he called "their" table, gave them menus and said he would be right back.

They ordered an appetizer of stuffed mushrooms, which were to die for, Sienna was moaning like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally because they were that good!  Her moans garnered a smirk from Roan when she realized what she'd done, she blushed like a little girl.  

"I love when you blush" he said seriously.  

(Sienna's POV)

She shyly smiled at him as he raised her hand to his lips, fire shooting up her arm; she loved his mouth on her and how it felt every time. 

Sienna didn't think she would ever get tired of how her body reacted to the things he did to her.  Luigi brought out their food soon after; she had baked ziti and Roan got the chicken parm.  Food this good was meant to be savored; the explosion from the minute it hit her taste buds was astounding. 

She closed her mouth as she chewed slowly; this was the absolute best Italian food she'd ever had.  They didn't say much as they had both realized how hungry they were and she didn't think she could eat it all but somehow she managed.  She was a little embarrassed when she discovered that she had eaten everything on her plate.  Roan picked up on this because he told her he loved a girl with a healthy appetite.

Luigi came back to check on them.  

"Mama mia!  It was good, no?" 

Sienna nodded and said "Molto bene (very good)!"  Luigi and Roan both looked at her in surprise.  

Luigi recovered quickly and asked "Tu parli Italiano (You speak Italian)?"  

The young woman nodded and said "Si, un po (yes a little)."  The man let out a belly laugh. 

 "Oh Mr. Roan, I like this girl.  She's a keeper" he added.  

Roan looked at her with pride and said softly "Don't I know it."  Other than Lisbeth and Rachael no one had ever looked at her with pride or love or want.  What was this man doing to her?  He was making her remove every brick that she had carefully constructed; she was opening herself up more to him,  and barriers were crumbling.  

The old Sienna would have been panicking by now but she was starting to think that girl was slowly slipping into the shadows as the new her was quickly emerging.  For the first time in a long time, maybe ever, life felt worth living.

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