Chapter 46 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

We spent a couple of hours looking for wedding dresses and I was about to give up when Lisbeth saw a vintage shop and we said what the heck?  As soon as we stepped in there, I knew this was the place.  My mom went one way, Lisbeth went the other way and I went another.  We didn't talk for about fifteen minutes when I heard Lisbeth call out. 

 "Si, come here sweetie.  I think I found it!"  I walked quickly to where Lissy was and my mom walked up at the same time.  She was right, this was the one.  It was cream colored lace, with a small train in the back, short lacy sleeves and a sweetheart neckline.  I went and tried it on and when I came out Lisbeth and mom both gasped.

  "Oh my goodness" my mom whispered.  Lisbeth turned me to see the mirror.  I couldn't believe the woman staring back at me.  I fondled the lace material and smiled. 

 "This is the one.  This is the only one.  I don't want to look anymore."  I quickly changed and we went and paid for the dress.  My mom had found her mother-of-the-bride dress and Lisbeth had her bridesmaid dress.  I was so excited about getting married; marrying Roan was my miracle and dream all rolled into one.  The store clerk told me I was going to make a beautiful bride.  I smiled shyly as she handed me the garment bag and told her thank you.  It was a good shopping day.

When I got home I went looking for Roan and found him still in his office.  He had just looked up from his computer when I walked in, garment bag in hand.  

I was smiling like an idiot and he got up and walked around his desk and said "Is that it?" he said grinning.  I nodded excitedly. 

 "Me, my mom and Lisbeth have our dresses.  What have you been up to all day?" I asked.  He gave me that panty-dropping smile I've come to love. 

 "I have booked us the wedding venue at The Grove; four weeks from today." 

 I laid the garment bag across a chair and walked over to my man throwing my arms around his neck and said "So May 6th I will become Mrs. Roan Michael Addison.  I love how that sounds Mr. Addison" kissing him softly. 

 "It sounds wonderful Mrs. Addison" he said as he kissed me back.  I deepened our kiss and soon we were fisting each others hair and making out heavily on the floor of his office.

I peeled the tee shirt from his body and he pulled my sweater from mine.  He lowered his head and kissed my breasts through my bra. 

 "So beautiful" he murmured.  I used my feet to push his sweatpants down and he shimmied them the rest of the way off and he was gloriously naked on top of me.  He sat back on his knees while he worked on getting my jeans unbuttoned, unzipped and pulled off and threw them across the room. 

 "You're still overdressed" he said his voice husky as he pulled my lace panties down and off and finally he pulled the straps of my bra down and exposed my breasts. 

 "I need to feel your mouth on me Roan.  Please" I begged as his head dipped and disappeared between my legs.  I arched my back at the sensation his tongue delivered.  "Oh yes baby!  Right there!" I cried as I pushed his head closer to my sex.  He worked my sensitive bud with his sexy tongue until I exploded and climaxed, screaming out his name in awe and love.  He kissed my inner thighs, then my belly, stopping only to suck and pull on my nipples before his lips found mine.  I could taste myself on his tongue as he kissed me deeply, causing me to moan and buck my hips indicating I wanted his cock in me.  

"Is this what you want baby?" he said thrusting into me.

  "Faster, harder, please!" I shouted as he gave me what I desired. 

 "Fuck baby!" he grunted out as he found his release causing me to climax again.

  "!" I said as I rolled over to face Roan, now laying on his back trying to catch his breath.  "I hope sex with you is always like this" I said softly, caressing his face.  He grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on the palm. 

 "Sex with you is amazing baby.  I love you so much" he said.

We got up and got dressed and talked some more about the venue, our vows, invitations, etc.  I walked into our closet to hang up my garment bag when Roan asked me about dinner. 

 "I don't know really.  I just kind of wanted to stay in tonight.  I just want it to be us; is that being selfish?" I asked.  He walked over and put his arm around my waist and shook his head. 

 "Absolutely not.  One of the many things I love about you is you don't live for going out.  You're perfectly happy staying home and snuggling on the couch or curling up in bed.  I've never really been a party person but a lot of the women that I've dated always wanted to be seen on my arm."  This was not a new revelation to me and I felt bad that he didn't feel like he could say no. 

 "Baby wherever you are, that's where I want to be.  I have no desire to be on display for people.  To me happiness is curling up with you in bed, or taking a bath with you or watching TV with you.  You're my life now and we could never go out again and I would be happy with that" I told him truthfully. 

 Roan shook his head and smiled at me saying "You are amazing baby.  You were my miracle and I love you so much it hurts.  You are my happiness."

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