Chapter 45 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

I woke to warm, soft kisses on my shoulder, smiling to myself I moaned with pleasure as I said "Good morning baby.  That feels so good".  

I scooted closer to my fiance, his hard body pressing into mine.  Roan moved my hair to the side as he kissed behind my ear.  "Are you trying to turn me on, Mr. Addison?" I asked playfully. 

 "Hmmm, is it working?" he breathed against my skin. 

 I rolled over, all playfulness gone and answered "Yes" as I threw my leg over his hip, grinding my lower body against his. 

"Oh baby" he said groaning.  I crashed my mouth to his as I reached between our bodies and grabbed his hard cock, positioned himself at my entrance and with my foot pushed on his behind causing him to slide into me.  

I threw my head back in ecstasy at the full feeling of him invading my body.  Roan started to move but I stopped him.

"No baby" I panted.  "This is all me" I gritted out as I started to move against him.  My hips felt so good moving against him; his hard member sliding in and out of me. 

 "Oh Sienna, my God!  You feel so good!" Roan's ragged breathing could be heard echoing in the room, causing me to pick up my pace, our bodies slapping against each other. 

"Roan..." I grunted as I clinched around him, my nails dragging across his back.  

"Fuck!" he shouted as he released inside me.  I lifted Roan's face up to meet mine and slowly brought my lips to his, kissing him with all the love I had. 

 "I love waking up like that" Roan said against my mouth.  I giggled and said any time, any day.

We were together in the kitchen,  picking back up where we'd left off two weeks prior.  I was fixing breakfast for us as Roan walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist. 

 "You know I love you, don't you?" he said against my shoulder.

  I nodded and said "Yes because I love you that much as well."  

  "I have been doing a lot thinking the past two weeks" he started. 

 "Yes?" I said,  turning to look up at him. 

 "I want to marry you as soon as you are ready.  I used to think that I would want a long engagement but you are totally different than any woman I've ever known.  Every minute that you aren't my wife makes me feel incomplete.  Does any of that make sense?" he asked, his brow furrowed.  

I reached up and lightly stroked his cheek.  "It makes total sense" I answered making him feel immediately better.  "What did you have in mind?" I questioned.  

"What would you say if we were to get married?  Soon" he said.  

I looked at him thoughtfully and answered "Like how soon?"  He shrugged.

  "Maybe in a month?  Would that be too soon?"  

I smiled and gave him the answer of a lifetime.  "I could be ready to marry you in a month and it would make me the happiest woman in the world!" I said kissing him thoroughly.  

He caught me by the waist and pulled me to him, kissing me and said "God I love you!"

Roan was in his office doing a little make up work so I grabbed my cell to call Lisbeth and my mom.  Lisbeth picked up on the first ring. 

 "Hey sweetie.  What's up?" she asked.  I took a deep breath and began. 

 "Roan has asked that we be married next month!"  There was a little pause and then a shriek. 

 "Oh honey that's so great!" she said happily.

  "Lissy are you sure?  I mean I never thought that I would be getting married before you and Cade" I said to my sister. 

 "Ah baby girl, Cade and I are in no hurry to get married right now.  Please don't worry about that at all.  We need to go shopping!"  I heard Lisbeth yelling to our mom about what we had just discussed. 

 "Okay mom says we are coming to get you in a little bit and we are going shopping for our dresses!  Are you up for that?"  Lisbeth was so excited it thrilled me knowing I would get to share this with my mom and sister.  We talked a bit more and then I turned to speak to him.

Roan was busy looking down at his laptop when I started to speak.  I knew I looked cute because the smile on his face told me so.  

I was wearing white skinny jeans, a pink cropped sweater and my hair was in a high ponytail and I had found these adorable silver studded sandals one of the times Lisbeth and I had gone shopping.

Roan was looking at me like I was the most amazing and beautiful sight he'd ever seen.  

"Wow" he breathed, scooting his desk chair back.  "You look totally beautiful."  

I settled myself onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed his cheek and said "Thank you."

 "I take it that you are going shopping with your mom and Lisbeth?" he questioned.  

I smiled at him and said "How did you know?"  

He grinned and said "Just an educated guess."  

I giggled and ruffled his hair, remarking "You are just too smart for your own good!"  

We engaged in a small make out session when my phone pinged.  I sighed.  "My mom and Lisbeth are here.  I definitely want to pick this up later" I said winking at my fiance.  

He gave me a love swat on my behind as I walked from his office.  Today was going to be a wonderful day.  

I had so much to be thankful for, so much that I'd been blessed with, my face hurt from smiling so much!

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