Chapter 8 (Just revised)

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The rest of the work week flew by in a flurry of activity. 

Mr. Addison had called all of the employees together into the conference room on Friday morning for an announcement. 

Sienna filed in with the folks from her office, found Lisbeth in the crowd and waved to her. 

She was chatting with some other people when their boss walked in. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning and happy Friday to you all. 

I have an exciting announcement to make.  Addison Technologies has made another acquisition and I wanted to personally thank the following departments and individual employees for their hard work and due diligence." 

He continued to talk calling on the Operations department headed by his brother Cade, then the Legal department headed up by a man named William Watkins or "Wild Bill" as he was affectionately known and lastly my department, Accounting. 

"Sienna and Ginni worked very hard on the financials that were provided, their report was the key in making the final decision to go forth with the merger. 

Ladies thank you very much for your hard work and dedication to Addison Technologies. 

We are a better company today with employees like all of you here.  Thank you again, have a great day and you may all leave at 3 today" he finished and walked out leaving everyone to clap about the early dismissal time.

"Hey sis" called Lisbeth after they filed out from the company wide meeting. 

"Hey mama" she responded. 

"You going to Leviathan tonight?" she asked. 

Sienna told her that she was planning on it and asked if she was going to. 

"Cade and Roan are busy with this new merger, so yeah I wanted to go and hang with you. You up for that?" 

Sienna told her yes and they quickly talked about what they were going to wear. 

"I found some really cute leather skinny jeans, a flowy black tank and a cute leather jacket to go over it and some kick ass black suede booties" Sienna told her excitedly. 

Lisbeth said it sounded very sexy and that she was going with an off the shoulder red sweater and white skinny jeans and red heels. 

They finally reached the elevator and went off to their perspective floors ending with they would see each other later.

Sienna had just reached her office when her phone started ringing. 

"Sienna Harper, may I help you?" She said professionally.

"Sienna it's Roan.  I was wondering if you would meet with me for lunch today?" 

Her mouth dropped open.  Oh my God...what do I say?  She thought.

"Sienna?" he asked. 

"Sorry sir, I was just checking my work load for today.  I can do lunch.  When and where?" She asked. 

"Just meet me at my office and I will have Charles drive us" he said. 

"Okay what time?  And do I need to bring anything?  I assume this is a work related lunch?" She inquired. 

Sienna heard him chuckle.  What did she say? 

"You sound like me" he joked.  "Would it make a difference if I said I just wanted to have lunch with you?  That it's not business related?"  His confession shocked her.

"Well sir, I, uh, that would be okay.  What time?" She asked again. 

"One hour?" he responded. 

"Okay I will see you in an hour then" sienna said, hanging up the phone, completely shocked. 

She ran and closed her office door, calling Lisbeth immediately.

"Oh my God girl he just asked me to lunch!" She half whispered, half shouted. 

"Girl I told you he was interested" she said gloating that she'd been right. 

"But Lisbeth he's our boss!  I don't want any rumors started or people thinking I'm trying to sleep my way to the top!"  Sienna was very concerned about how things would be perceived. 

Lisbeth told her to go have fun and quit trying to read too much into it. 

Sighing, she said she was right, hung up and plopped herself into her chair wondering where this was going.

Rushing from her office, she told Ginni she would be back in about an hour. 

Sienna power walked to the elevator and hit '20', tapping her foot impatiently waiting for it to take her to her destination. 

The door finally opened and she stepped inside and was at Kathleen's office with two minutes to spare. 

She was trying to get her breathing under control when Cade emerged from his brother's office. 

"Hey Si!  How are ya?" he asked cheerfully. 

Sienna smiled back at him and said that she was doing just great and asked how he was. He replied that he was just fine.

"Roan said to go on in" he said winking at her.

Oh God what did that mean?  Calm down Sienna, just breath she muttered to herself, walking towards the boss' office. 

Even though the door was open, she still knocked; he spun around in his chair and motioned for her to enter. 

It sounded like he was on a business call so to pass the time, Sienna got out her cell phone and played some Candy Crush while she waited.

Sienna noticed that it had gotten quite and looked up to see him taking off his tie and unbuttoning the first few buttons of his dress shirt. 

He had a massive tattoo!  It was very colorful and extremely sexy. 

She tried not to stare at it, but it kind of took her breath away. 

Thank God he didn't catch her gawking, that would have been beyond embarrassing! 

He looked very relaxed in just his dress shirt and dress pants. 

Sienna really got a good look at just how fit he was.  The fitted shirt and pants emphasized his muscular body and she found herself swallowing hard. 

He was a gorgeous man. 

"You ready?" his voice broke her from her daydreaming.

"Oh yes sir" she responded quickly, standing to her feet.

"After you" he said, so gentlemanly.  Sienna walked in front of him, knowing quite well he was probably staring at her ass. 

They made it out of the building; actually he had taken her out the back way so no one from the office saw them leave together and for that she was thankful. 

His driver, Charlie, was waiting for them with the door open. 

"Good afternoon Mr. Addison" Charlie addressed his boss.

"How are you today Charlie?" he asked. 

The man said it was a good day to be outside.  Roan nodded and smiled. 

"Charlie, this is Sienna Harper.  She is new to Addison Tech and works in Accounting.  Sienna, Charlie." 

Sienna stuck her hand out and received a firm handshake in return. 

They entered the car and Charlie took off, taking them to their final destination.

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