Chapter 3 (Just revised)

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Addison Technologies above
Lisbeth's POV
Lisbeth was waiting impatiently for Sienna to come out of the terminal. She was flying in for her interview.

It had been a week since she'd seen Si but they talked and texted almost daily and the change in her sister was nothing short of a miracle.

She reflected on when she'd first met Chloe (now Sienna). She was a Sophomore in high school and Sienna was a Freshman.

Lisbeth knew something was up within the first couple of weeks of knowing Sienna.

She would come to school looking haggard, dark circles under her eyes and the final straw was when she showed up late to class one morning with a busted lip.

Lisbeth went home telling her mom about what was going on, so her mom invited Sienna over to spend the night and somehow she was allowed to go.

She guessed even her stepfather needed a break from the abuse, it was the only explanation for the girl's appearance.

Rachael, Lisbeth's mom, walked in on Sienna changing her shirt that night and gasped at the sight.

Sienna swung around so quickly it made her dizzy. "Oh child" Rachael cried. "What's being done to you?"

And that's when the whole sordid story came rolling out of Sienna's mouth.

Sienna's dad died when she was five and when she turned twelve, her mother met and married William Parsons.

He seemed okay for the first four years but then his true colors eventually came out.

It started with the verbal abuse. She wasn't pretty enough, she wasn't good enough, she would never be good at anything, etc.

Then she came home late from school one afternoon and even had a note from the teacher but it didn't matter. He picked up his belt and commenced to beating her unconscious.

Her mom found her later that night on the floor of her room and wanted to know what Sienna had done to set him off. From there on out it was always her fault.

Then her Junior year her mom up and died, which only made everything worse, because William added alcohol to his already volatile nature.

Lisbeth's mom, Rachael took matters into her own hands, contacted Child Protective Services and secured legal guardianship over Sienna.

It took Sienna some time to remember what it was like having a loving home, but she eventually came to the realization.

She had rebelled some, got some tattoos and even gotten her nipples pierced.

But when she was caught shoplifting, Rachael gave her a choice; shape up or she would let the state have her.

It was a harsh thing to do but it snapped Sienna out of her downward spiral.

She hunkered down, studied all the time, did all of her homework, didn't skip school anymore and as a result she eventually graduated from high school with a 4.0 gpa.

Lisbeth and Si worked incredibly hard and both got accepted into Stanford.

Lisbeth got her MBA in Technology Management while Sienna got her MBA in Accounting.

Lisbeth waved frantically at Sienna as she came out the door of the terminal. They ran to each other and hugged each other.

"I missed you girlfriend" said Lisbeth. "I missed you too. How's mom?" Sienna asked of Rachael.

"She's great and she's missing you. I think she might come visit in a couple of months.

Hopefully you will be settled in by then" said Lisbeth putting her sister's suitcase in the car.

Sienna told Lisbeth she would call Rachael and just catch up with her and let her know she'd reached Vegas safely.

"Are you nervous?" her sister asked.

"Actually, not at all" Sienna told her. 

Lisbeth made quiet reflection on how much she'd grown and changed lately and was so proud of her growth.

"I am so excited Lisbeth. This has got to be the turning point I've wanted since high school.

You made me believe that things would and could get better and you were right!" She hugged her sister again as they climbed into the car and took off.

Sienna decided on a black pencil skirt that went just below her knees, modest slit in the back and a white silk button down blouse and her black heels and her sister approved.

Lisbeth had given her a very nice black handled bag to use for work and monogrammed it with SAH for her as well.

Lisbeth whistled. "Wow babe! I'd hire you today! You look great!"

She grinned at her sister as she finished getting ready. Lisbeth suggested light makeup and wearing her hair in a high ponytail, adding that it added that professional air.

"Alright" she said to Lisbeth. "I'm ready to conquer!"

They laughed as they made their way out the door and to the parking garage, racing off to Addison Tech.

Lisbeth's floor was just above where Sienna was heading to HR, so she came with her and made the introductions and was invited to stay.

Liv Mason was the head of HR and seemed very nice. She greeted Sienna with a broad smile, hearty handshake and showed her to the conference room.

"We were very impressed with your resume Sienna. Lisbeth sings your praises and you come highly recommended." Sienna blushed at the compliments, while smiling at her sister.

"Thank you Liv. Lisbeth has been an amazing sister and has helped me in ways I'm not even sure she is aware.

This is a fantastic opportunity for me and I took the liberty of doing some due diligence on Addison Tech and would like to ask you some questions."

Lisbeth was so proud of her little sis, the way she handled herself, how articulate she was and what a wonderful young woman she had become.

The interview lasted for about two hours, with Liv and Lisbeth being highly impressed by Sienna.

How many people took that much time and effort into checking out potential employers before an interview?

"Sienna I love what I see. Will you excuse me for just a moment? I will be right back" she said smiling.

"I'm scared, Lisbeth.  What if they find someone better?" Sienna asked.  Lisbeth shook her head.  "Not a chance little sis" she encouraged.

Liv was gone about twenty minutes, when she returned with an offer letter.

Sienna read it and began to tear up.

"Sienna are you okay?" Liv asked concerned.

Sienna nodded. "'s generous. I'm just a little overwhelmed at the moment" she said smiling through the tears.

Liv patted her arm. "One of the great things about working for Mr. Addison is he believes in treating his employees well. You won't meet a more generous man who is very big on loyalty and productivity."

When they finished talking, Liv said that she would start on Monday morning.

Overjoyed Sienna and Lisbeth jumped up and down as soon as Liv left the room.

"I told you!" Her sister said proudly and it was just the beginning.

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