Chapter 42 (Just revised)

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(Third Person POV)

Roan had continued reading to Sienna when he noticed some movement out of the corner of his eye.  She was starting to come to.  He ran out of the room and got the doctor, her mom, Lisbeth and Cade and they all power walked back to her room.  The doctor was checking her pulse and shining a light in her eyes while the nurse was taking notes on her iPad. 

 "Pupils are equal and reactive" he said while putting the stethoscope to her chest.  "Heart sounds good.  Ms. Harper, do you know what's happened and where you are?" he asked.  She looked at the faces in the room and then back to the doctor. 

 "Uh, the last thing I remember was Lisbeth and I were sitting in court...and...I...I can't remember anything else.  Where am I?" she asked unsure of everything now. 

 "You are in the hospital.  You were attacked.  Your mom is here along with your sister, her fiance and your fiance" he said.  She looked at him in horror. 

 " fiance?" she said credulously.  "Where exactly am I?" she asked feeling a panic attack coming on. 

 "Si, honey, you're in Las Vegas.  You live here now with me and you have a job at Addison Technologies" Lisbeth told her.  The tears started to fall as she looked anxiously around the room. 

 "Why can't I remember any of this?  I only know you and mom.  Who are the other people?" she asked.  Roan grabbed Cade's arm as his entire countenance fell.  He was heartbroken.  His fiance didn't remember him.  He slowly mumbled that he'd be back and walked out of the room.

Sienna looked confused.  Had she done something to upset that man?  She couldn't figure out what was going on.  Everything was a blaze and a blur.  She felt like she should remember but she didn't know why she couldn't. 

 "Sienna, I will be right back to talk with you in just a moment, okay?" the doctor said.  Sienna numbly nodded at him as she was suddenly left all alone again.  Roan was sitting out in the hall, his head resting on his knees.  The doctor went up to him as the others followed. 

 "Mr. Addison I know this is a shock but please believe me when I tell you, her memory will come back.  This is short term.  Nothing on her scans has led any of my colleagues and I to believe that this is irreversible.  I believe, given her history with the stepfather, that the trauma she endured during her attack has basically left her mind in 'protector' mode.  She's being protected from herself, as it were.  I believe that a song or a smell or certain clothing, etc will trigger her memory and it will all come flooding back.  My opinion, is try to treat her as though nothing has changed.  Show her pictures, talk about events, etc.  Just be patient, she will come back to you" he said sympathetically.  He left to go back into Sienna's room to chat with her about recent events.

Everyone's heart went out to Roan.  They knew this had to be tough on him without a doubt.  Rachael went over to him and put her arm around her soon to be son-in-law. 

 "Try and be optimistic Roan" she said soothingly.  "I think you need to spend some time talking with her.  Let me and Lisbeth go in first.  But show her pictures, talk about things you have done together, talked about, things that only she and you would know.  Her love for you is too strong for it not to come back.  Just give her mind a little time to figure out that she is safe and that this nightmare is truly over.  Do you trust in your love for her?" she asked wisely.  Roan, looking a little frazzled and exhausted, nodded his head. 

 "My heart won't let me give up.  I love her too much.  I refuse that she was given to me only to be snatched away.  I am willing to fight...for us" he said strongly.  Rachael patted his knee and stood up to go with Lisbeth back to Sienna's room.

Sienna was leaning back in her bed, her head reeling from the talk she'd just had with the doctor.  She perked up when she saw her mom and sister; they stood on either side of her bed. 

 "We know the doctor filled you on some things but what questions do you have for us honey?" her mom asked. 

 The girl cleared her throat and asked "Who were those two men that were in here?" she questioned.  

Lisbeth answered "One of those men is my fiance Cade and the other man, his twin, is Roan...he's your fiance, Si" she said.  Anyone could tell by the look on her face that she was shocked and confused.  Tears started to silently fall down her face.

  "Why can't I remember?" she sobbed.  Rachael embraced her distraught daughter and told her not to stress out about it.

  "You've been through a very traumatic experience" she said.  "The doctor said that it's very short term.  Don't dwell on it too much.  I would like for you to think about letting Roan come in and talk to you.  He's having a hard time dealing with this as well."  She did feel sorry for the man even though she couldn't really remember him right now. 

 "If you and Lisbeth trust him, I see no harm in letting him come in.  Maybe it might help?" she said shrugging her shoulders.  Lisbeth said she would go and fetch him.

"Roan" she said.  "Sienna is willing for you to come in and talk with her.  She's having a hard time with this, so you know.  It's breaking her heart that she can't remember you because she has already seen how much pain you are in from this.  Just go slow and answer her questions truthfully, okay?"  He nodded and followed her into the hospital room.  There was a chair for him by the bed and Rachael and Lisbeth said that they would be right outside.

  Sienna looked at the man; he was certainly good looking, hot in fact and he had the most amazing eyes...she almost knew those eyes but she still couldn't remember from when.

  "Um, do you want to sit?" she asked pointing at the chair. 

 He nodded and said "If it's okay with you."  She nodded.  

"This is awkward" she said laughing nervously.  

He chuckled and said "Yeah just a little bit.  Is there anything you would like to ask me?"  She toyed with the sheet in her hand. 

 "When did we get engaged?" she asked. 

 "On your birthday.  We went to Cocina d'Amore and your mom was there, friends from work, Lisbeth, me, Cade and Kathleen" he answered honestly.

  He could see the wheels spinning.  "Do I live with you?" she asked.  

Roan shifted uncomfortably in his chair.  He looked right at her and said "Yes.  You live with me."  

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