Chapter 13 (Just revised)

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To say she was nervous would be an understatement.  Her stomach just turned and rolled at the thought of being surrounded by so many people.

Sienna looked at herself in the mirror and didn't recognize the girl staring back at her, because a woman now stood where a girl once had. 

Lisbeth did her make up and hair, making her look like a movie star.  Dark smokey  eyes, red lips and her hair was in a sexy up do and her dress fitting like it was tailor made for her body. 

"Lisbeth I don't know about this" she said a tad bit whiny.  "He's our boss.  I would die if any rumors were started.  I didn't intentionally fall for him!" 

She felt like she was going to have a panic attack, but her sister, ever calm in these situations, made her see sense and reason yet again.

Lisbeth put her hands on her sister's shoulders.  "Si, you need to breath, you look constipated" she added. 

Sienna busted out laughing.

"There you go" she said gently. 

Sienna knew what she did and loved her for it, always knowing just what to say.

"Cade just texted.  They're here.  Ready?" 

Sienna nodded, picked up her clutch and walked into the unknown.
(Roan and Cade's POV)

Roan and Cade Addison waited outside of the limo, waiting on their women, when the door man opened the door and all time stopped, turning into slow motion. 

Cade let out a whistle when he saw Lisbeth and Roan couldn't say anything, all words and reason left his body when he saw Sienna.

She was beautiful, sensual, sexy and stunning.  He slowly walked towards her, his eyes piercing hers as they stopped in front of each other. 

"" was all he could manage.  She blushed slightly and returned the compliment. 

"I don't think I have ever seen anyone as handsome as you, Mr. Addison" she said softly. 

He grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips, pressing them gently into the back of her hand as he walked her to the limo.

"Lisbeth you look stunning" Roan complimented his future sister in law. 

"Why thank you sir and you look quite dapper" she returned. 

"Si you look simply beautiful" Cade commented. 

She shyly said thank you and added how handsome he looked. 

The limo glided away smoothly from the curb and merged onto the highway taking them to the MGM Grand hotel; Addison Tech had rented out their grand ballroom for tonight's festivities.
(Sienna's POV)

Sienna was distracted by his thumb brushing lightly against her knuckles, making her wish they were at her apartment. 

"You look very appetizing in that dress Ms. Harper" he whispered against her ear.  "What do you have on underneath there?" 

His flirting knew no bounds, so she would fight fire with fire. 

She looked him dead in the eyes and murmured huskily "Nothing." 

He didn't say anything more the rest of the journey but he did squeeze her hand and bringing it back up to his mouth he sucked gently on her knuckles making her shiver. 

Devilish bastard!

The limo came to a halt outside the chosen venue when Sienna noticed the photographers. 

Her grip tightened around Roan's hand as he noticed her looking like she was going to lose it at any second. 

She could hear her name being called, but it sounded like it was under water and then she heard Lisbeth's voice humming to her. 

She turned her head towards the sound and locked eyes with her sister. 

"There you are sweetie.  Everything is fine.  Roan and Cade got rid of them.  You're safe okay?" 

Her gentle words brought her back. 

"He probably thinks I'm a nutcase" she said bitterly. 

Lisbeth shook her head.  "Not at all honey.  He understands.  Now I didn't spend hours on you to sit in a limo" she joked as Sienna laughed, while her sister squeezed her hand as they emerged from the limo, their men waiting patiently.

Taking Roan's offered arm they walked in to the magnificent ballroom that contained elegantly decorated tables, a beautiful dance floor, buffet and bar greeted them as Kathleen walked over to their party of four.

"Kathleen you are breathtaking" Roan said brushing his lips to her cheek.  She blushed as she introduced her husband Allen. 

"Sienna you are simply stunning my dear" she complimented and then turned to greet Lisbeth and Cade. 

They chatted a bit more, then Roan told his assistant what an excellent job she did and then they walked off to find their table.

Sienna could feel eyes upon the two couples as they moved through the crowd of Addison Tech employees. 

Some of the women were glaring at her and some of the men looking at her like she was their next meal. 

It was unsettling, but Sienna put her big girl panties on and determined she was going to make a good night of it and have fun for once. 

She had a beautiful man by her side, who looked at her like she was the only woman for him and tonight that's exactly who she wanted to be.

The music playing was good old fashioned Rat Pack music and right on cue old Blue Eyes himself came on singing I've Got You Under My Skin when Roan whisked her to the dance floor, twirling her around, causing her to giggle out loud and then he pulled her to his body. 

"That's such an amazing sound" he said near her ear, his hot breath making her damp. 

"What is?" She asked, truly not knowing. 

"Your laugh baby, you should do it more often.  Your eyes sparkle when you do" he said sweetly. 

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she laid her head on his chest as they finished the song. 
(Lisbeth & Cade POV)

Lisbeth leaned over to Cade and said "She looks happy doesn't she?"  Squeezing his hand.

Cade nodded and added "So does my brother and that's a rarity.  Maybe she's exactly what he's been waiting for" he finished. 

Lisbeth didn't say anything, but silently prayed that the young billionaire didn't break her sister's heart.

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