Chapter 6 (Just revised)

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The weekend came and went but Sienna was very proud for what she got accomplished.

With Cade and Lisbeth's help, she got her apartment furnished, decorated, pictures hung, shopping done and organized so she could start the work week with both feet on the ground.

She chose a black fitted pant suit with a gray striped dress shirt underneath, her black heels and decided to leave her hair down and straight with natural makeup.

She headed to Lisbeth's apartment so they could ride to work. Sienna knocked before walking in, as she had already texted her and told her she was on her way over.

"Good morning!" Sienna said cheerfully, calling out to her sister.

Lisbeth stuck her head out from her bedroom, toothbrush in her mouth.

"I'll be there in a minute" she mumbled before disappearing again. Sienna nodded and pulled out her yogurt and quickly poured a small cup of coffee.

She was excited and ready to start her new job, knowing a whole knew world was opening up to her.
"Good morning Sienna" her co-worker Ginnifer Bells said, but she preferred to go by Ginni. "

"Good morning Ginni. What's going on for today?" Sienna asked as she disappeared into her office.

She states that Roan Addison wanted her to jump right in by doing due diligence on a company he was thinking of purchasing.

Sienna took all of the information from Ginni that had been provided by the company and jumped right in.

She had been working very hard through the morning and now it was close to one in the afternoon, so she stood up and stretched.

She needed to walk for a minute and stretch out the kinks, then she decided to go and grab some lunch.

Picking up her phone, she dialed Lisbeth's extension.  "How's your day going so far?" she asked.

Sienna said she was finally breaking for lunch and asked if she had eaten yet.

Lisbeth's answer was she hadn't, so they agreed to meet down in the lobby and have lunch at the cafe.

Walking to the elevator, Sienna pushed 'G' for the lobby, tapping her toe to the music being pipped in over the company's audio system, she waited for the metal box to arrive; the dinging broke her thought process as she stepped into the metal box.

The elevator was going at a good pace when she felt it slowing down as it neared the 20th floor.

The door opened and Roan Addison stepped into the lift. "Good afternoon Sienna" he said smoothly.

"Good afternoon Mr. Addison. I hope your day is going well" Sienna responded. He nodded.

She could feel his eyes on her, but she couldn't bring herself to catch his glance. "

"How's it going with the due diligence?" he asked her, forcing her to look at him.

Sienna brought her eyes to his gaze. Wow, she'd never noticed his eyes before. They were like ice blue, deep and probing.

"It's been a slow go" Sienna answered honestly. "I've gotten a lot accomplished and actually when I get back from lunch I will be attacking the P & L.

I have experienced that is the true window to any soul of a company. I should know more after that."

Her answer seemed to satisfy him as they arrived at the lobby and before he got out he said "When you get through that portion please give me a ring so we can go over what you find. Time is of the essence. I was hoping to make a decision by business end on Friday."

"Of course. I understand. This is my only priority for this week." He nodded briskly and strode from the elevator.

Sienna let out a huge sigh and went off to find Lisbeth, wanting to ask her more about the elusive Mr. Addison.

Sienna picked at her salad as Lisbeth droned on.

She knew Lisbeth was talking, but Sienna wasn't hearing a word she said; she was too busy thinking about her hot boss and his eyes.

Sienna just shook my head. It was ridiculous to even entertain that she could have anything with him much less be anything to him other than an employee.

"Si, are you listening to me?" Lisbeth asked, exasperation in her voice.

"God I'm so sorry Lisbeth. My mind is all wrapped up in this due diligence that Mr. Hottie...I mean Mr. Addison..." she was stumbling all over her words at this point.

Lisbeth just grinned as Sienna threw her a withering look which absolutely did not phase her one iota.

Sienna rolled her eyes. "Please just forget that I said anything" she begged of her sister. 

Lisbeth shook her head and replied "I happen to have it on good authority that a certain someone is very interested in you as well" she ended wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

Sienna groaned, thinking that she really didn't need this kind of complication in her life right now.
(Roan's POV)

Roan Addison was busy replaying the images of Sienna Harper in his mind.

Her smell, her gorgeous hair, the way her pants hugged her luscious body and the way she made an attempt to engage in conversation when everyone else runs like they're frightened of him.

Why is this one girl preoccupying his every thought? He doesn't usually roll like that.

He shook his head and tried to focus on the task at hand but found himself looking forward to seeing her again sooner rather than later.

Kathleen rang his office letting him know that his 2:15 appointment was there. He stood up, sighed, buttoned his suit coat and went to open his office door and thinking of her.
(Sienna's POV)

Sienna sighed and rubbed her face. It was 3:30 pm and she had finally gotten through the P & L for Roan.

He wasn't going to be happy but then again she hoped that he would look at it as she was saving him a lot of money.

She picked up the phone and dialed his assistant's extension.

"Roan Addison's office" said the ever efficient Kathleen.

"Hey Kathleen. This is Sienna from Accounting. Mr. Addison wanted to meet with me when I was done with the P & L for this newest acquisition."

"Sienna I can't wait to meet you! I've heard a lot about you from Lisbeth.

Mr. Addison is finishing up with his 2:15 so go ahead and come on down." Sienna said she was on her way.

She gathered her IPad that contained her power point and spreadsheets and all the paperwork that went along with her due diligence.

Pulling out a mirror, she checked her reflection, brushed her hair and popped a mint and went off to meet with her boss.

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