Chapter 31 (Just revised)

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Sienna opened her eyes and reflected on what day it was today; 29 years ago she was born.  Today was her birthday.  She rolled over and looked at her handsome, sleeping boyfriend and sighed. 

She hadn't been back to her apartment except to grab things here and there.  He asked her to stay, so she did.  She wasn't having second thoughts at all, just marveling at how she had come full circle.  

His face looked so young, he looked so carefree and much like a little boy when he slept.  It was adorable.  She slid quietly over to him; she just needed to touch his face.  Sienna gently ran her fingers down the side of his face enjoying the tingling sensation she got just from his touch.  Leaning over she placed small kisses along his jawline; her desire for this man running heavy and hot through her body.  He was so goddamn hot, the kind of man that would make a woman lose all control over reality and he was hers.  That's what blew her away; he was hers.

Sienna didn't sleep with panties so when she pulled her night shirt off she was naked.  Getting on her knees she hovered above her hottie and started to kiss his neck, then his shoulders, his pecs were next and stopping at his nipple she let her tongue play a little; he groaned indicating he was waking up or doing it in his sleep.

Sienna continued her journey southward to her prize.  To say that he was enjoying her attentions would be a gross understatement.  His erection stood proud; hell she was proud.  She did that to him and it belonged to her. 

Grabbing his manhood with her hand, she gently ran her tongue around the head, taking his length slowly as her mouth descended.  Sienna knew he was awake now as he raised his hips to meet her mouth as it took all of him.  

"Ahh baby!" he groaned.  "What a way to wake up!" he hissed as she sucked hard bringing her mouth up and off of his cock.

Her arousal gathered at her entrance as she straddled him and lowered herself onto him.  Closing her eyes, she felt him filling her with his girth; she just couldn't believe how good he felt inside her and when she opened her eyes she was staring into mesmerizing ice blue ones; they took her breath away. 

 Roan sat up pulling her closer to his body, putting his hands on her behind, he started moving her against him. 

 "So sexy, so wet" he breathed against her neck.  

"Yes baby" her body clinching around him.  "You do that to me.  Roan..." she groaned out as their pace quickened.  

"Tell me" he asked urgently.  

"I love you so much!  I need you so much!" Sienna said hoarsely as her orgasm exploded all around him.  She brought him with her as they climaxed together and then just held each other for a little while.  He lifted her chin so she could look him in the eyes. 

 "Happy birthday my love" he said sweetly, bringing their mouths together,  giving her his passion.

After a nice, warm shower and making love again,  Roan made her breakfast.  French toast made with brioche bread and fresh fruit.  Next to him it was the most amazing thing she'd ever had in her mouth.  She giggled and blushed at her thoughts. 

 "Sharing is caring" he said poking her gently.  "What made you giggle and blush?" he asked.  Normally she would have fought expressing such thoughts but she felt safe with this man and bold.  

"I was just thinking that next to your cock this is the best thing I've ever had in my mouth" Sienna said sweetly.  He spat his coffee out and she giggled even more. 

 "Wow" he said grinning sheepishly.  "I think that's a first!"  

They spent a leisurely day in bed, making love some more but most of their time was spent talking and getting to know one another.  She found herself opening up to him more and more and with each traumatic incident that she had endured, a little piece of that wall came tumbling down and her heart felt like each day, for each piece of wall that came down, a new piece of repaired heart took its place.  

This man was her elixir, her balm.  Sienna didn't know if he realized but he was healing her from the inside out.  She knew he had no idea the effect that he had on her and that was her fault; she needed to tell him.  She would never spend another moment regretting doing something or not doing something.  

Her favorite author, E.L. James, wrote in one of her books Carpe Diem...seize the day.  Sienna could feel tears slipping down her cheeks and Roan ever concerned asked what was causing this.  

"I spent most of my teenage years building up a wall to protect my heart and my body.  William had me convinced that no one would ever love me, that I was damaged goods; and I believed him.  Then by some miracle, this beautiful, wonderful man stepped into my elevator and into my life and I felt each brick that I had carefully constructed start to fall down.  I couldn't stop it if I had wanted to. 

 You saw me, saw what he'd done to me and you didn't turn away from me, you embraced me.  I knew from that moment you were different, that I could trust you with my heart.  I haven't been the same since.  You saved me, Roan.  Whether you realized it or not, you saved me and for that I will always be grateful.  I no longer see an ugly, unworthy girl; I see someone that can smile again, laugh again and for the first time love someone."

Sienna watched his face for some kind of reaction; noticing his tears she asked him to please not cry for her.  He pulled her to him and loved her, cherished her, giving himself to her. 

 "I've never had anyone say anything so beautiful to me before" he said sincerely.  "I feel like it is you who saved me.  I thought I would be alone the rest of my life.  I had never expected the feeling, the jolt I received when you got on the elevator that morning.  I couldn't breathe.  You owned me from that moment on.  You are my everything Sienna.  Please don't ever forget that."

She drowned in his words as he took her again, enveloping her in his strong arms, sinking deep into her body, making love to her.  This man loved her and she loved him; body, heart, mind and soul.  

They belonged to each other.

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