Chapter 28 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

Sienna was on her second day of 'rest and relaxation' as Roan had put it.  After last night she didn't think that life could get any better. She was truly content and happy and for the first time she wasn't scared of it ending.  She felt that she could handle anything that life threw at her as long as she had her family, Roan and Cade.  

Roan unfortunately had to go into work for a while to deal with the 'picture incident' but promised he would be home as soon as he could because he was going to take her out...again!

"I want you to pick out the fanciest dress you have" he said.  "I want to take you dancing."  Wow!  Really?  Sienna smiled up at him as he placed a loving kiss on her forehead.  "Later baby" he said as he disappeared through the door.  

Well, what to do?  She thought.  First, she was going to look through her clothes that Lisbeth had put together for her and see if there was a dress in there for tonight, then a long, leisurely bath and then she was going to spoil herself by taking a little nap; after that who knew.  

"Geez Lisbeth" she muttered.  "You practically moved all of my clothes here" she finished.  Finally her eyes fell on a brand new cocktail dress that she had bought some time ago but never had an occasion to wear it.  It wasn't red or maroon, somewhere in between; it came just above her knees and the fabric was soft and flowing.  It was off-the-shoulder with decorative beading on the left shoulder and she decided that pairing it with her grey heels would make it pop.  Satisfied with her dress, Sienna wandered into the bathroom for her luxurious bath.

(Roan's POV)

Roan arrived at work and had made almost to his office when he turned around and saw Lisbeth  standing there. 

 "Hey Lis" Roan said. 

 "Good morning" she responded.  

"I know you are wanting to know how Sienna is doing, right?" he asked.  She nodded.  "Has she not called you?" he questioned. 

 "No, she has" was Lisbeth's response. 

 "Ah, you just wanted to get it from me?" he said smiling. 

 "Something like that" was her answer. 

 "She's doing amazing.  I took her for a tour of the Grand Canyon and then we went to Cocina d'Amore for a late dinner.  I'm taking her out dancing tonight and from there we will see" he finished. 

 "I'm grateful you are taking such good care of her but Roan I have to ask you what are your intentions towards my sister?"  Very protective, he thought and was glad.  Sienna could never have too many people protecting her and watching out for her.  Roan quickly closed the door.

"Lisbeth, I not only love your sister but I am very much in love with her.  I had all but given up hope until she stepped into the elevator that day.  I know you and Cade have wanted this for me and I understand why but I was just resigned to the fact that it doesn't happen for everyone and then...well you know.  

I know what kind of reputation I have but that man hasn't existed since that night at Leviathan.  I think I knew then, maybe even before.  She's my everything.  I had planned on doing this with your mom present but I have every intention of asking her to be my wife but I had wanted to call your mom to ask her blessing first and well your's too.  Sienna loves and respects you and so do I, I mean we are going to be family, right?"  

His future sister-in-law was stunned by his confession.  "Roan, I don't know what to say.  Of course you have my blessing and I know my mom will give it as well.  Sienna has changed so much and for the better since she met you.  My lips are sealed" she finished by motioning across her lips.  She gave him a quick hug before opening his office door.  

"Have a great day Kathleen" Lisbeth said heading to the elevator. 

 "You too dear" the woman called after her.

"Kathleen, I'm going to need you to get a hold of Dan and let him know that I'm in now.  He's got information for me concerning the photo incident."  His assistant nodded as she picked up the phone.  Roan disappeared into his office and while waiting on his Legal counsel he picked up his cell phone and dialed Sienna's number. 

 "Hey baby" she said picking up on the first ring.  Her voice was amazing.  

"Hey to you too" he said smiling.  "What are you up to?" he asked.

  "Well" she started.  "I found my dress for tonight and I'm excited to say it's gorgeous and I can't wait to wear it for you and now I'm in the bathtub, spoiling myself and taking advantage of this huge tub and then I thought I might take a little nap" she finished.  "How's your day going so far?" she asked.  He went on to explain that he's waiting on Dan from Legal.   He can tell from the silence that Sienna is frowning as she knows what it's about.  Roan can sense how thick the air is with tension.

  "Si, don't worry about it, please.  We've traced who sent the picture and it's being dealt with.  I am planning on telling you everything tonight.  Okay?  Trust me please, baby" he says very concerned.  

He heard her sigh and then she said "I trust you Roan and you know what?  I don't care about it anymore.  I know you are taking care of it and I trust you or I wouldn't be here, with you, in your home.  Really, it's all good" she ended.  He could tell she was telling the truth and it made him feel a lot better.  

"I will see you soon okay?" he said.  

She answered "Yes, soon."

As they said their goodbyes, Dan walked into Roan's office, his expression grim.

"So we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was Shelby Madison that sent the photo?" Roan said barely containing the rage and contempt he felt for this woman.  Dan said the proof was irrefutable.  Roan picked up his phone and called his assistant.

  "Kathleen would you please call Shelby Madison and have her come to my office right now?  As soon as she's in here, have security go to her office, box up her personal effects and confiscate any and all Addison Tech property and then have them escort her from the building" he said with authority.  

"Yes sir!" Kathleen answered grinning all the while.  This was a long time coming!

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