Chapter 11 (Just revised)

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Roan ended up spending all weekend with Sienna. For both of them it wasn't about sex; they spent time talking and getting to know each other.

Sienna had never embarked on anything like this, nor did she have anything to compare it to, but she trusted him and for once, she let go of her heart and placed it in his hands.

They could have slept together many times over those two days, but Sienna thought he sensed for her, it was more about human contact and companionship than anything else and never pushed for anything more than hugging or cuddling.

"So how did you know that owning your own company was what you wanted to do?" She asked Roan, as they laid on the couch, his head on her lap.

"It's always been a family business and mom was ready for my dad to retire, so it was given to Cade and I" he answered.

"What about you?" he asked. "What did you see yourself doing?" Sienna thought carefully before answering.

"I wanted to be a counselor for children but found out I was way better at math than counseling.

I was severely fucked up at the time, so the path I chose then was the best for me.

I have checked into some programs here, about becoming a mentor, because I feel I'm such a different place now" she answered truthfully.

Roan sat up on his elbow and pulled her mouth to his, giving her the sweetest kiss.

"I think you would make a phenomenal mentor" he said softly.

Sienna was sad when Sunday evening rolled around, because he would be going home and she would feel that clingy emptiness once again.

She was extremely grateful for the time they had spent together and would treasure it, but she didn't want them to go too fast, too soon.

Taking time to get to know each other was very important to her and she believed Roan as well.

Walking him to the door, he grasped her hand. "I had a very enjoyable and relaxing weekend" he said kissing her cheek gently.

Sienna looked up into crystal blue eyes and said "Thank you for making me feel lovely." Her breath hitched from emotion.

Roan clasped her face between his hands, bringing her eyes to his.

"Si, you are lovely and you are good and you are wanted. Always remember that." God how sweet!

She grabbed him in a fierce hug and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I will see you tomorrow morning" she said as he opened the door. He nodded and was gone.

Sienna's alarm went off, all to sudden, bringing reality to her door; it was Monday...again.

She chose a fitted classic style dress, brown with light pink polka dots, matching pink shrug, the cutest pink and brown Mary Jane type heels, a matching blingy ring and brown handbag.

Thrilled with how she looked, she kept her hair down but put some big wavy curls in it and kept a light, natural makeup and pink lipgloss.

Satisfied, she headed to Lisbeth's and finding her in the kitchen when she walked in, her sister immediately started with twenty questions.

"Hey stranger. I didn't see you all weekend. You okay? Did you see Roan? Did you guys talk?"

Sienna huffed, held up her hand and nodded, then proceeded to tell sister about how her weekend turned out.

"Lisbeth I was with Roan all weekend" she said quietly.

"Si! Oh my gosh that's amazing. Was he good to you?"

Leave it to her big sis to go all mama lioness on her, but Sienna loved her for it.

"He was the perfect gentleman. We made love once and spent the rest of the time talking and getting to know each other. He didn't push or prod. He was great!"

"He saw your back then?" Sienna nodded.

"No pity on his part, just genuine understanding. I was freaking out because his hand was on my back and he asked me to turn around.

I didn't want to, but I did and of course I broke down, but he just held me; he didn't try to say anything witty, he just told me I was lovely." She rambled, her eyes getting a little blurry.

"Aw sweetie I'm happy for you. Roan's a good man, just very work oriented and if you can deal with that, you guys will do just fine. Ready to go?" she asked.

Sienna nodded while Lisbeth locked the door and they headed for work.

****(Roan's POV)

"Where did you disappear to all weekend?" Cade asked his brother, needling him.

Roan shot him a look. "You know very good and well where I was" he answered a tad bit testy.

"Well?" Cade pushed for more, like he always did, but this time Roan didn't mind expanding on the topic.

"She's great and sweet and wonderful" he said.

"But?" Cade asked back.

Roan shook his head and said "No buts. We want to see each other and we both agreed to take it slow."

For once Cade was serious when he laid a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"I'm happy for you man, really I am." Cade said with sincerity in his words.

Roan thanked him and the conversation reverted back to business as they stepped off the elevator.

"Kathleen good morning!" Roan said to his faithful assistant.

"Good morning sir" she answered back with a gracious smile.

"Can you come in here please?" he asked. She nodded, grabbed her pad and pen and walked to his office.

"Shut the door please" he asked. She complied.

"You know I trust you?" he said to her.

"Yes sir, I know you do" she replied.

"What do you think about Ms. Harper?" he inquired. Not hesitating Kathleen answered immediately.

"I think she's pretty, and smart, cares about her work and she's genuinely friendly. I like her a lot." Kathleen said professionally.

Roan's body relaxed at her assessment. "Would you discreetly order four dozen red, pink and white roses and have the card read I very much enjoyed the weekend and don't sign it. She will know where they came from."

Kathleen smiled brightly. She was so happy for him and had waited, probably as long as his mother, for him to find a nice girl to get interested in.

"Now let's discuss Addison Tech's grand ball for this year" Roan said, and it was back to business.

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