Chapter 10 (Just revised)

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Sienna tried to shut the door to her apartment, but Roan stopped it.

"Hey" he called but she just kept walking.

Frustrated, he shut the front door and locked it and then proceeded to her bedroom, where she had already started to get dressed for the day.

He walked in on her wearing nothing but her shorts. 

Throwing her arms up in front of her chest, she said "Ever heard of knocking?"  Her tone not amused by the intrusion.

He strode over to her and grabbed her shoulders. "Don't hide yourself from me" he whispered.

"Cade can be an ass sometimes. He thinks if it pops into his head it's okay to say it, but truthfully I didn't find anything wrong with what he said" Roan added.

Sienna sighed, letting her head drop. "I'm just not used to anyone wanting me. This is new for me.

I had a boyfriend in high school, he met step father and that was it. He took my virginity and ran.

And now I have serious trust issues and tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and I usually get hurt."  Her confession out in the open now.

"Look at me" Roan said gently as she lifted her head to meet his gaze, her eyes tearing up. "I want you and I promise you that I will never do anything intentionally to hurt you.

I think we are both professional and adult enough that if we both want this we can make it work."

Sienna was thrown by his words. "Do you really feel that way or are you just saying this because the situation is awkward?" She asked, keeping her fingers crossed that he was for real.

She received her answer in the form of a very gentle, soft and sweet kiss that quickly turned into a passionate and all-consuming onslaught in a matter of seconds.

Dropping her guard as well as the wall she had around her heart, she slowly snaked her arms around Roan's neck, which crushed her naked chest to his.

He groaned against her mouth, his hands sliding up her backside and then to her back.

She could feel his hands hesitate as they stopped on her lower back, causing her to panic.  Would he find her hideous? Would he still want her?

Sienna pulled back from him, searching his eyes but thrilled when she saw not disgust or pity, but understanding.

"Turn around" he said gently.

"Roan...I..." It was hard for her to put anything into words but taking a chance, she moved her hair around to the front of her shoulder and slowly turned. 

Sienna heard him hiss and then breath "Oh baby" when he saw her back.

She lowered her head and her shoulders shook silently as he pulled her to him, sheltering her in his strong arms.

To his credit, he didn't try to say anything but continued to offer silent support as she wept for the child that had to endure that abuse.

When she finally stopped crying, he compelled her to turn back around.

His eyes said everything; now there were three people who had seen the abuse and had refused to be disgusted by it.

"Kiss me Roan, please" Sienna begged. His perfect lips found hers, his tongue begging for entrance as she gladly granted it.

She could feel him backing her up until the backs of her legs hit the bed, stopping their momentum. 

Breaking their kiss long enough for her to peel his shirt off, their lips crashed onto one another's yet again and they continued their passionate dance.

Sienna's hands felt their way across his sculpted body, running her finger nails softly down his chest as he groaned at the sensation.

His fingers hooked into the sides of her shorts and slid them down her body, leaving them on the floor.

She shyly reached for the button on his jeans and popped it open, sliding the zipper slowly down, prolonging what she knew was coming next.

Roan pulled his jeans down and stepped out of them, giving her the shock of her life when she discovered he was commando; his erection sprung free, big and hard, begging to be touched.

Tenderly she encased him with her shaking hand and slid up and down his length, causing him to throw his head back, groaning with pleasure.

His excitment pooled at the tip, allowing her to run her thumb around it, spreading out the nectar.

"We can stop at anytime" he said softly. "I don't want to push you into something that you will regret later."

Sienna appreciated his concern, but right now, at this moment, she was only thinking about how good he was going to feel inside her.

"Roan" she said softly against his lips. "I do want this and it's you that I don't want to have regrets."

He shook his head and said "There's no chance of that happening."

Laying on her back, he rested on his forearms, kissing her softly on readied lips, then her neck, her shoulders and then finding her nipple, he latched on suckling it, lathing it with his tongue and placing kisses all around it.

Her back arched, letting his name escape her lips in ecstasy, as he took his time with her body. 

Sienna's fears of this being a quick fuck were completely dispelled.

He moved fluidly to the other side of her body and repeated what he'd already done earlier.

His tongue ran down the dip of her throat, down the middle of her chest to her belly button, where he circled it several times with his tongue and finally made his way to the apex of her thighs, spreading her legs wider and kissing the insides of her thighs.

When she didn't think she could take much more, his tongue slipped into the folds of her sex and he began teasing her clit by pulling, sucking and blowing on it.

Sienna was about to come undone from his assault, when he stopped and started kissing her belly as he made his way back up to her mouth.

"I want to feel you but I don't have a condom" he said his voice thick with desire.

"We are protected, I have an IUD" Sienna breathed as he sank into her, ever so slowly, savoring the moment.

"Sienna baby you feel so good!" he cried as he kept up the aggravatingly slow pace, encouraging her to wrap her legs around his waist, pulling him tighter, begging him to go faster.

"Oh Roan! You feel so good!" She cried as her body shuddered, her release causing him to fall soon after.

He pulled out of her, after a time and rolled onto his side, pulling her to him and wrapping a possessive arm and leg around her as they lay there.

Sienna felt safe and sated for the first time ever in her life and it was a feeling she never wanted to be without ever again.

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