Chapter 44 (Just revised)

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(Roan's POV)

The whole room's gaze was locked on us.  Sienna had just kissed me and announced that her memory had returned.  I continued to stare at Sienna like she had an extra nose.  

I stammered "I...I don't" I finally got out.  She shrugged.  

"I was washing my hands and I saw your cologne sitting on the counter and something made me pick it up and smell it.  I felt like I'd been hit by a bolt of lightening.  I smelled it again and all of these memories came rushing back and all of a sudden I knew where I was, what had happened and who you were.

 All I could think of was getting to you, kissing you, touching you and letting you know that I remembered.  I have missed you so much and I'm so sorry it took me this long" she said smiling through her tears. 

I didn't care, she was back.  I grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her so tenderly her knees trembled and she grabbed my shirt to give her support. 

 "I love you Sienna" I breathed against her mouth.  We could hear our guests clapping their hands and soon we were surrounded by our family, friends and others.

We had a different reason to party now.  Ginni and Sienna hugged like sisters and ended up crying, it was a sweet moment.  I felt was good.  We didn't have to worry about William Parsons anymore.  We could move on finally, Sienna and I could move on, starting our lives over together. 

I had missed this wonderful woman; for the last two weeks I couldn't explain it to my mind, but in my heart I knew she loved me.  Meet Me In The Middle started to play and I took her hand so we could dance. 

I pulled her so close, leaning my forehead to hers, whispering how much I loved her and that I'd never given up hope that she would find her way back to me.  I griped her tighter and softly wept against her.  

She didn't try to stop me from crying, she just let me release it and just held me, loving me.  I could feel all eyes in the room on eyes, watching us with love and gratefulness that she'd come back to them and me.

It was about midnight when people started to leave and finally we were left with just family;  Sienna's mom, Cade and Lisbeth.  Cade had taken me aside while Sienna was talking with her mom and Lisbeth. 

 "Lisbeth, Rachael and I are going back to Lisbeth's apartment, man.  You and Si need to be alone" Cade told me. 

 I hugged my brother and said "Thanks for being there for me, bro.  I know I don't tell you this enough but I love you and I'm thankful that you are my brother." 

 Cade just raised an eyebrow, hugging me back; this was uncharacteristic, I know, for me to show or express this much emotion but he knew it was Sienna-influenced and was thankful for it. Cade just patted me on the back and told me that he loved me too.

I stood by the couch as Sienna shut and locked the door.  I knew that look in her eye and I felt it too.  I had missed her body on mine, her hands caressing me, her kissing me; I needed her like never before. 

I picked her up without a word as I told her to wrap her legs around my waist and I walked us to our room.  I gently sat her feet down on the floor and began to slowly unzip her dress, letting it fall to the ground.

 I shrugged my shirt off as I saw my beautiful woman standing in front of me with nothing on but a lacy white thong.  Sliding to my knees, I pressed my face against her stomach started placing gentle kisses on her skin; I felt her moan against my skin as she ran her fingers through my hair, speaking my name in reverence.  I slipped my fingers through the sides of her panties and slid them to the floor as I picked her up and laid her down in the middle of the bed.  

I loved the feeling of worshiping her with my mouth; tenderly lathing her hardened nipples with my tongue, sucking on them and kissing her breasts. 

 "Oh yes baby" Sienna breathed out, loving how I made her feel.  I kissed back up to her neck and then my hungry mouth found hers and I kissed her like I hadn't before.  She was mine and I would never let her go.  

She reached for my jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them, saying it had been too long since she had seen my body.  I stopped long enough to get them all the way off and then I was on top of her again; my hot body laying on hers, heating her through and through. 

 "Baby I need to be in you" I pleaded.  Sienna parted her legs further indicating she wanted this too.  I closed my eyes as I slipped into her hotness, filling her with a heat of my own. 

 "Roan" she mumbled wrapping her legs around my waist as I started to thrust in and out of her.  My panting and ragged breathing turned her on as she said she was getting close to her own climax. 

 "Sienna baby I need to hear you" I panted as I thrust deeper and harder. 

 "Ahhh Roan!  Please!" she cried out as she came; feeling her clinching around me, made me fall fast and hard.

  "Shit, yes!" I cried as I found my release.  I pulled out of her and rolling onto my side, I drew her closer to me along with draping her leg over my hip, just still needing to be that close to her. 

 "I love you Si" I whispered.  She placed a sweet kiss on my still heaving chest.  

"I love you too babe" she replied back as we feel into a much needed peaceful sleep.

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