Chapter 9 (Just revised)

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After such a late night at Leviathan, Sienna wasn't sure why she was up so early. 

When she had agreed to lunch with Mr. Addison, she didn't realize how well they would hit it off and then he asked her to dinner.

So she was out with him until eight pm, ran home, changed and then went to meet her sister at the club, making it a very long day and night for her.

She groaned and rolled over shooting a death glare at her clock.  8:30?  Really? 

She texted Lisbeth and told her that she was coming over. 

Throwing her cell down on the couch, she walked out and never heard it ping back with a message telling her that Roan and Cade were at her apartment! 

She waltzed into Lizbeth's apartment, loudly announcing that she needed caffeine. 

She stopped short, just wishing that a hole would open up and swallow her entire body!

Roan and Cade Addison were standing in her sister's kitchen and here she was, in her pj's, not even slightly covered up. 

Cade coughed uncomfortably as Roan just stood there with his mouth slightly agape. 

Sienna really just wanted to disappear. 

"I guess you didn't get my text?" Lisbeth said chuckling. 

Sienna shot her a look and said "Obviously not or I wouldn't have come dressed like this" she said, motioning to her attire. 

Walking quickly to Lisbeth's room, she grabbed a robe so she could cover up and then swallowing her pride, she went back into the kitchen.

She didn't see Cade or Lisbeth, just Roan standing there with a mug in his hand. 

"Where did they go?" She asked, inquiring of the couple's disappearance. 

"They went to grab breakfast" he answered. 

Sienna was blushing like crazy, much to Roan's amusement. 

"Those are some interesting sleeves you've got there" he remarked, talking about her tattoos. 

They were tribal in nature, starting just below her elbow on each arm and stopping about six inches above her wrists. 

"Remember that rebellious phase I told you about?" She asked him.  He nodded. 

"Yeah well this is what I did to myself instead of drinking, doing drugs or cutting.  I inked myself up."  She wasn't the least bit ashamed. 

He seemed curious.  "You have any more?" he asked. 

She nodded slowly, not sure if she wanted to show him. 

Oh what the hell!  Sienna opened the robe to reveal the dragon's head that was on the front of her right thigh and she turned slowly revealing that it went up her side. 

"It's very beautiful" he said quietly.  "Do you have any more?" 

Sienna shook her head, but added "I didn't get anymore tats but I did get some piercings." 

He raised his eyebrows.  "Really?" he asked. 

"Yeah I kind of regret them now, but they hurt so freaking much I wasn't about to take them out.  I just keep them to remind me of why we don't rebel against authority."  She answered.

They both laughed, breaking and melting the ice further. 

"Do I dare ask about them?" his voice slightly husky. 

This was a slippery slope, flirting with her boss. 

"You can but it doesn't necessarily mean that I will tell you" she said, flirting right back. 

"Can I guess?"  Oh he wasn't going to give up was he?

Sienna nodded, just waiting to see what he came up with.

"Well I know it's not your tongue or I would have noticed that right away; and I know it's not your belly button or I would have seen that as well.  That only leaves two places I can think of." 

Oh he was enjoying making her feel uncomfortable.  Jerk! 

She was blushing by this point, as he closed the distance between them.

Sienna was staring at his chest, not daring to make eye contact with him at this juncture. 

She saw his hand come up and felt his finger lift her chin, making her look at him. 

His lips were sexy as hell and his eyes seemed to have darkened a little. 

Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. 

"I want to kiss you Sienna.  I have since I saw you in the elevator." 

Closing her eyes at his confession, she slowly opened them to find him closer to her mouth, his breath warm on her face. 

"Mr. Addison you are my boss.  You don't think this is inappropriate?"  Deep down Sienna secretly hoped that it wouldn't matter to him.

"We are consenting adults Sienna, it's the weekend, we aren't at work and I don't see that it's a problem."  Was his genuine reply.

And she couldn't argue with him on that observation and slid her hands up his chest, to around his neck, bringing them closer, pulling his mouth to hers slowly. 

His lips were inviting, moist and sexy; his tongue dancing with hers as they continued to kiss. 

"Let me touch you" he begged. 

She released the belt on her robe and allowed it to part, while his hands slid down to her behind, squeezing her gently.

He then moved up her back, to under her shirt, his body heat searing the flesh on her back, then she felt them come around to her front, gently cupping her breasts, groaning as he made his discovery. 

"This is so hot" he said rolling her nipples around between his fingers. 

"I would have never guessed that you would have pierced these."  He groaned at the sensation of the loops between his fingers.

"Roan" she moaned against his mouth.  "We need to stop before Lisbeth and Cade get back." 

Sienna was trying desperately to believe that's why she wanted to stop, but the truth is she didn't want to stop. 

She wanted to go to bed with him, desperately. 

She hadn't been with a man in a long time, since high school and even that was only once. 

She had a boyfriend for a short time, they slept together and he had taken her virginity.

But after he met her step father, that was that. 

Roan mumbled as he pulled away from her mouth.  "I really enjoyed that" he said softly. 

Sienna looked up at his blue eyes, nodding slowly and then they heard the door, pulling away from each other like they were on fire. 

Sighing, she tried to forget what had just happened. 

Cade noticed the sexual tension in the room right away and he wasn't going to let it go. 

"Look why don't you two just jump in bed already!  We all know you want to!" 

That remark earned him a slap on the arm from Lisbeth. 

"What?" he asked genuinely not thinking he said anything that was so wrong. 

Sienna shook her head and walked out leaving them standing there, but Roan was hot on her heels, not willing to let it go.

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