Chapter 20 (Just revised)

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For the first time in a long time Sienna felt she was in a good place; her personal life, her job, her career and her friends. Life was exciting to live again.

She didn't worry about her and Roan walking into work together and for the most part she didn't really get any looks except from the two she-bitches that were talking bad about her in the restroom that night at the annual gala.

She didn't give two shits about them. They were jealous and they didn't matter; besides she didn't have time to worry about what people thought anyway.

As theses things flew through her mind she felt Roan place his hand on the small of her back as they took to the elevator.

"Ms. Harper" Roan said not looking up from his phone.

"Yes Mr. Addison?" Sienna answered him back.

"I'm pretty sure I neglected to vocalize how utterly and stunningly gorgeous you look this morning. Your skirt makes your ass look...divine" he voice giving his position away.

"Well no Mr. Addison. Come to think of it you did not but I am sure that it just slipped your mind given your preoccupation on 'other' things" Sienna said focusing on the word other and smiling at him.

They arrived at the 20th floor too quickly. Roan held the button down to keep the elevator door closed.

He looked at Sienna; his eyes burning with desire. "I am looking forward to having you in my bed this evening Ms. Harper. Have a great day" he finished by giving her a very wet kiss leaving her breathless.

"Have a great day Mr. Addison" she breathed. The door opened and he strode out of the lift and towards his office.

Sienna hit the 27th floor needing to get to Lisbeth quickly. A lot had transpired that she needed to share with her sister desperately.

Sienna stood at her office door entrance as Lisbeth finished up a phone call.

She motioned for her to come in and sit down; Sienna did so while closing the door. Her eyebrow lifted at Sienna's actions.

"Alright Rae just keep me informed" she said hanging up. "Spill it!" she said.

Sienna started smiling and just couldn't help it.

Sienna told her about everything; from Roan showing up at her apartment, the great sex, the intense conversation afterwards and the ride up in the elevator.

Lisbeth got up and came around the desk, pulling her sister to her feet. Giving her a very gripping hug she pulled back still holding Sienna's arms then said "I couldn't be happier for you Si. Roan is a good, good man.

Cade and I have been hoping and praying for him to find a good woman that could keep up with him and I am so very glad that it's you. He will take very good care of you. Trust him always, okay?"

Sienna hugged her sister back and told her how much she loved her before going back to her office.

The work day progressed; two meetings, one in Roan's office and one in Cade's, both having to do with the newly acquired company.

Both meetings were just confirmations that all of the due diligence and hard work from Sienna's department were spot on.

Sienna could tell that Roan and Cade both were very excited about the new things that would be happening and Mr. Branson was more than thrilled when he found out that Roan did not want to dismantle his company but keep it and his employees intact.

Also, Mr. Branson would be able to keep his seat on the board but at a lower percentage that way he would still have say-so in what was going on; the poor man wasn't really wanting to retire but his wife was insisting that it was time for them to travel, etc and like any good husband he gave in.

It was five o'clock already and Sienna had thirty more minutes to go so she decided to go through the mail that Brian had left on her desk.
Picking up the stack she started sifting through the envelopes when a folded red piece of paper fell out and landed on her desk.

Her heartbeat accelerated as she picked it up and slowly opened it.

You must be a really great fuck if you're riding in with the boss now. So tell me, how does it feel knowing you spread your legs to get what you have? Don't enjoy it too much you bitch-whore.

Sienna fought back the tears as she pulled up the log and entered the information into it; then taking the note with her she went to visit Kathleen again.

Knowing Roan wouldn't be there would allow her to talk freely and get her bearings on what she needed to do.

Kathleen was starting to pack up when she looked up and saw Sienna's face; immediately she ushered her into Roan's office and locked the door.

"Another one?" she asked sympathetically. Sienna nodded, handing it to her; she couldn't string two words together to make a coherent sentence from being so upset over this latest harassment.

"Kathleen I swear if I get one more I will be telling Roan. I can't carry this around with me any longer.

I swear every time something great happens to me it's always followed by some bullshit of some kind." She said starting to cry.

Kathleen patted Sienna's arm. "This is obviously coming from someone with a very sick mind who enjoys playing mind games.

I'm telling you dear please don't pay it any mind but you do need to tell Roan; enough is enough. That boy loves you honey."  Her revelation floored Sienna.

Roan had not voiced that sentiment...yet but could that even be possible?

They hadn't known each other that long and Sienna always thought love at first sight was something that writer's used to make their stories better.

Kathleen sensed Sienna's inner turmoil. "Darling, Allen and I knew each other less than a month before he told me that he loved me.

Six months later we were married and that was thirty-six years ago. I was seventeen and he was 20 when we married.

I'm not saying it happens like that for everyone but it isn't a fairy tale" she said giving the young woman a hug and then told her to get out of there and go home; relax for the evening and put it out of her mind.

As Sienna heard the older woman's wise words she tried to obey them but still this feeling of impending dread hung over her.

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