Chapter 47 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

The days flew by so quickly that we were already into May; the month Roan and I were getting married.  As a matter of fact we were five days away.  Everything was set, we just needed the day to get here.  We had our dresses, the guys had their tuxes, we had the venue and the cake.  Roan had even booked a surprise honeymoon get-away for us, with the help of Lisbeth and Kathleen. 

 I had asked Ginni to be my other bridesmaid and Kathleen's little grandson, Bryce, would be the ring bearer and Ginni's little niece, Kayla, would be the flower girl.  I was doing something completely unorthodox, I had contacted Dr. Miller and asked him if he would walk me down the aisle.  He was all to happy to do this for me. 

 I was just so happy with life in general; God had taken me through everything and even at the darkest, saddest moments I had found the inner strength I needed to triumph.  William was a distant memory and one that I would never have to dredge up again.  That chapter of my life was closed and I was busy penning a new one for Roan and I.

Roan had told Cade that he didn't want the traditional bachelor party.  He just wanted his brother, Dan, Kathleen's husband, Dr. Miller and a few other acquaintances over to the apartment for drinks and cigars.  I had chosen to do the same with Lisbeth, at her apartment.  My guests included, my mom, of course, Roan's mom and sister, Kathleen, Ginni and Lisbeth.  We drank wine and had a mani-pedi night and it was amazing.  We made sure we took lots of pictures as I told my mom I wanted to remember this night, my wedding day and our honeymoon so I could put an album together.  I was truly blessed to be surrounded by all of these beautiful and strong women who were now my family.

  "Si, Roan wanted me to give you a message" Lisbeth told me.  "He was hired a limo, driven by Charlie, that will take all of us to the venue tomorrow.  He didn't want us to worry about getting there and that we could all go together to make sure we arrive at the same time." 

 All the women let out "Aaawww" and I giggled at their outburst.  I told them that I would be right back and disappeared into Lisbeth's room.

Roan felt his phone vibrate. 

 "Excuse me gentlemen.  My fiance" he said holding up the phone and going into his office.  "Hey babe" he answered. 

 "I love you Mr. Addison" I said softly. 

 "I love you Ms. Harper.  Everything okay?" he asked.  

"Lissy told me about the limo and I wanted to tell you thank you.  I love how you think of the littlest things and make them happen.  You are so good to me and I love you for it" I finished, my voice a little teary. 

 "Si, it makes me immensely happy to do things for you.  I live to see you smile and it fills my heart knowing that I put that smile there.  Tomorrow can't get here soon enough" he declared.  I giggled.  

"I know.  I feel the same way.  The waiting is killing me!"  We talked a little more and then I blew a kiss into the phone as he did the same.  "I will see you tomorrow, love" I said. 

 "Absolutely.  Sleep well" he said as we both hung up.

The ladies decided to call it a night at midnight.  Even though the ceremony was early afternoon and we had everything done, we didn't want to take the chance of having bags under our eyes plus the wine made us tired.

  I stayed with Lisbeth while mom took the guestroom and Ginni and Kathleen folded down the sofa which converted into a queen size bed and we all laid down with our hearts full and thankful.  It was weird for me not sleeping next to Roan but I still felt comfortable having Lissy next to me.  I scooted over and laid my head on her shoulder. 

 "You miss him?" she asked softly.  I giggled a little and answered truthfully. 

 "Yeah I do.  It's silly, huh?"  Lisbeth turned on her bedside lamp and faced me. 

 "No honey.  It's not silly.  Si, after everything you have been through, before Roan and since Roan, you deserve a little happiness and that happiness just happens to come in the form of a demi-god otherwise known as Roan Addison!"  I laughed out loud at her description of my fiance.  Then she went on to tell me something that thrilled me to pieces.  

"Cade and I are moving in together at the end of the month!"  I squealed and hugged her.

  "I'm so happy for you!" I cried.  We talked some more and then decided that we really needed to get some sleep.  "I love you Lissy" I said. 

 "I love you too, Si" she replied.

We got up at ten o'clock, had a light breakfast, coffee and then everyone took quick showers.  I was the last one so I could have help getting ready.  Lisbeth looked gorgeous in her pastel pink halter style bridesmaid dress.  Ginni's was the same color just a different style.  My mom's dress was a pale yellow and looked amazing against her skin and Kathleen had chosen a baby blue cocktail style dress.  

"You ladies just take my breath away" I said, my voice full of emotion.

  "Alright Si" Lissy said.  "Are you ready to get married?" her eyes glistening with tears.  I nodded afraid if I tried to speak I would never stop crying.  Lisbeth did my makeup and Ginni did my hair.  My makeup was light, with a little blush, dramatic eyes, light pink lip gloss and mascara to make my eyes pop.  Ginni did an amazingly simple up-do on top and left the bottom part of my hair hanging down in large, soft curls.  When they finished I was allowed to look at myself.  I gasped at the woman looking back at me. 

 "You guys...I...just wow!  Thank you so much!" I said emotionally.  The final touch was my dress.  They carefully helped me slip it on and then my ivory lace flats.  I had opted for those instead of heels because we would be outside and I didn't want to sink into the ground.  Mom handed me my bouquet, the girls grabbed theirs, mom and Kathleen had their corsages and we headed downstairs to meet the limo.  Lisbeth had packed my honeymoon bag and I was ready to get married.

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