Chapter 48 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

It was ten minutes until the ceremony was to begin.  Dr. Miller was already by my side.  Cade had already walked my mom and his mom to their seats.  A few minutes later I heard Cannon in D which was the music that my bridesmaids would walk down the aisle to, followed by the ring bearer and then the flower girl.  They were so adorable it made me excited to have Roan's children. 

 Becoming a mother was very important.  I knew I would be the best mother ever because of Rachael.  I never worried about repeating my biological mom's mistakes.  That would never happen.  Dr. Miller patted my hand and that brought me back to the present.

  "Are you ready?" he asked lovingly.  I nodded and smiled through my tears.  The wedding march began and everyone stood up as he walked us to the beginning of the brick-lined trail.  I looked in front of me and saw Roan.  My heart skipped a beat.  He was breathtaking.  He'd chosen a fitted black tux with pastel pink vest and bow tie; Cade and Dan's matched the girl's dress colors.  Roan had picked out and purchased my bouquet.  It was made up entirely of baby pink rose buds and white baby's breath.  It was stunning.  Before I knew it Dr. Miller had walked me right up to Roan. 

 The pastor asked who was giving the bride away.  Dr. Miller answered "I, Dr. Miller do, at the request of the bride" he said proudly.  He gave me a quick peck on my cheek and placed my hand in Roan's.  "Take care of her son" he said in a fatherly voice. 

 "Yes sir.  I intend to" Roan promised.

I was smiling so much my face was beginning to hurt; but I couldn't help it.  I could hear the pastor talking but I was so engrossed in looking at Roan and he at me, that I really didn't hear a word. 

 "The couple have written their own vows and would like to recite them now."  Roan went first. 

 "Sienna, I see my vows to you not as promises but privileges.  I wasn't sure if I would ever meet 'the one' but when you stepped on to the elevator that day you stepped into my heart.  At first I tried to fight it, but my heart was no longer willing to do without love.  I did everything I could to get to know you.  You were sweet, beautiful, kind, fearless, strong and compassionate.  My money and position didn't mean anything to you.  The only thing you wanted from me was my love and time; which I was only too willing to give you.

  You made me the happiest man in the world when you said 'yes'.  I will love you always through good times and bad; through sickness and health; whether we have money or are broke.  It doesn't matter to me as long as you are by my side.  I will cherish you like you deserve to be cherished; I will always be faithful to you because there is no other woman for me.  I will respect and honor your wishes and I promise to include you in everything.  You are mine, mi amore (my love)."

I was holding back the tears.  His vows pierced my very soul.  I knew he meant them and that's what made them so special.  Every word out of his mouth I believed because he believed in me.  I took in a deep breath and exhaled hoping I could get through mine without totally breaking down. 

 "Roan, ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of my happily ever after.  There were times that I wasn't sure if that would ever happen for me.  I tried not to give up, even though sometimes it seemed the easiest thing to do.  Then by God's grace, I was given a new family.  A loving mother and a loving sister.  They made me believe once again in happiness and miracles.  My miracle came in the form of a compassionate, handsome and kind man who unbeknownst to me was searching for the same thing.

  I promise that no matter what happens I will always have your back.  You will have my shoulder no matter what.  I will honor you in the way that you deserve, I will cherish you like the precious heart that you are and I will be faithful to you always because let's face it, you have ruined me for any other man ever!"  Our guests laughed as I finished. 

 "You were my knight on the white horse, who not only rescued my heart but showed me just how worthy of love I really was.  Sei mio per sempre (You are mine forever).  I love you." 

 We exchanged rings, repeated those vows and finally we got to my favorite part..."I now pronounce you man and wife.  Sir, you may kiss your bride."  Roan looked down at me with all the love I could have ever wanted, putting both hands on either side of my face pulled me to his mouth and kissed me like a man kisses his wife.  He left me breathless.

We stepped away from each other, Lisbeth handed me my bouquet and the pastor said "Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you for the first time to Mr. and Mrs. Roan Michael Addison!" 

 Claps and cheers rang out as we walked down the brick covered walk and into the reception hall.  I was married!  The photographer had met us at the end of aisle with instructions; when the guests have all arrived into the reception the wedding party will go back to where the ceremony was performed for pictures; once that's done we will join the other guests for the first dance, the cake and then the party. 

 The DJ announced us for our dance; I had chosen "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol.  Roan wrapped me into his arms as the music washed over us and we began our first dance of many as husband and wife.  I knew in this moment I could never love anyone as much as I loved this man.  He is and was my happily ever after.

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