Chapter 29 (Just revised)

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(Roan's POV)

Shelby came into Kathleen's office, head held high acting like the snotty bitch she was, and throwing her fake blonde hair around.  Kathleen almost broke her jaw smiling at the evil woman as she picked up the phone to let Roan know she was here. 

 "Send her in" his voice very commanding. 

 "Right away" Kathleen answered.  "You can go in" she said her fake smile lost on the self-absorbed woman.  She almost vomited watching the woman pull her shirt tighter and stick her chest out before going into her boss's office.  Kathleen scoffed and mumbled "Enjoy while you can you hussy."  

Shelby stopped short when she saw two security officers and Dan from Legal in Roan's office.  She wasn't so smug now; as a matter of fact she was now stumbling all over her words.  

"Uh, good morning Mr. Addison" she said.  Roan looked at the woman in disgust, so thankful that he'd never bed her. 

 "Sit down Ms. Madison.  We have a lot to discuss and I don't have a lot of time" Roan said his voice cold and hard.

Shelby swallowed hard as she sat down across from Roan. 

 "Now" he said harshly.  "I am going to talk and you will listen, you will not interrupt and you will not say anything unless I ask you to.  Am I clear?"  His glare made her heart beat faster and she knew now she was in deep shit. 

 "Yes sir" she said softly.

  "How is it that you thought we wouldn't find out about the picture that you sent to all Addison Tech cell phones?  I am also assuming that you were the one sending those hateful and disgusting notes to Ms. Harper as well.  I pride myself on providing a safe and bully-free environment for all of my employees yet it seems that we have had a horrible incident take place that endangered one of my employees and I will not tolerate this behavior.  

I have a zero-tolerance policy in place and you signed your employee contract stating that you understood this and would never take part in these kinds of activities, but here we are.  You are here by effectively removed from your position here at Addison Technologies.  You will be paid for the full pay period plus any vacation and/or PTO time that you have acquired. 

 I will not, nor will any other senior executives, provide you with a letter of recommendation.  You are on your own as far as that is concerned.  You will also sign a NDA and Gag Order stating that you will not discuss anything that went on here today or I will prosecute you to the full extent of the law.  Are my words sinking in yet Shelby?" he asked venomously.  She swallowed hard and nodded.

After taking care of that unpleasant business, having an employee escorted from the building and generally heaving a sigh of relief, Roan felt good about how the situation was handled.  It was over.  He and Sienna could get on with their lives and put this incident behind them.  Dan stayed behind in Roan's office for a moment just tying up lose ends. 

 "Alright well all paperwork is signed and dated; I will have Lisa notarize everything and I will get it filed and hopefully we will never have to take this file out again" Dan said.  Roan shook his friend's hand. 

 "Dan I can't thank you enough for all of your help on this.  It means a lot.  Even if it wasn't involving my girlfriend, you and your team handled yourselves professionally and timely.  You have put together a fantastic group of people.  Please let them know that I have booked a room at Picasso for tomorrow night; the bill has already been taken care of.  Also Kathleen has some envelopes containing a bonus for you and each member of your team." 

 Dan stood flabbergasted.  He shook his friend's hand and said "Wow I don't know what to say but 'thank you' Roan.  That's very generous.  I wish the best for you and Sienna.  She's a great girl and we all really like her" Dan finished.  They talked a bit more and Dan left.

"Kathleen, I'm going to be on a phone call before my next appointment.  If they get here before I'm finished just have them wait and let them know I will be with them shortly" Roan said to his assistant as he closed his office door.  He picked up his phone and punched in a number.  A female voice answered. 

 "Mrs. DuBois?  This is Roan Addison.  I wondered if you had a few minutes to speak with me?"  Rachael said of course.

  "Good morning Mr. Addison.  How are you this morning?" she asked. 

 "I'm doing well thank you but please call me Roan" he said.  She laughed softly. 

 "Of course.  What can I do for you this morning Roan?" she asked nicely.  He cleared his throat and began.

  "I want to talk with you about Sienna" he started.  The other end was silent.  "Mrs. DuBois?  Are you still there?" he asked concerned.  

"Yes, yes.  I'm sorry.  I'm still here and Roan please call me Rachael" she said as they both laughed.  She had managed to put levity into the conversation.  "Now, what about my daughter?" she asked.

  "Well" he began.  Where does he begin?  "I love your daughter very much Rachael.  So much so that I want your blessing in asking her to become my wife" he ended.  

She chuckled and said "Well that certainly didn't take long, now did it?  I know enough about you from Lisbeth and now from Sienna that I have no doubt what your intentions are toward my daughter.  I happily give you my blessing.  I know that what you two have been through already and you haven't run yet, chances are you won't.  Just handle her heart with care, is all I ask" she added cautiously.  

They talked a bit longer and then hung up with promises that they needed to have a family get-together soon.  He felt like his heart would burst.  After his last appointment he had some ring shopping to do!

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