Chapter 49 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

Our honeymoon was what dreams were made of.  We had a private jet take us to our destination.  Roan had rented a house built in the middle of the water surrounded by a rock wall, a dock and a thin walkway from dry land to the house.  We would be all by ourselves.  We could walk around naked if we wanted to.  We had a full staff at our beck and call.  We would waste no time getting naked and falling into bed.

  It was dusk when we arrived so the house was bathed in the light of the setting sun.  I couldn't have arranged for a more romantic mood lighting if I'd tried.  We had changed before we left the venue.  Roan was in khaki cargo shorts with a black fitted tee shirt and wayfarers; I was in a strapless rose print dress which Roan had told me several times during the flight that he couldn't wait to get me out of.  All I had under my dress was a pair of red lace panties; I wasn't wearing a bra, no need.  I couldn't wait to make love to my husband.  I shuddered as I thought of all the sexy things we would do to each other.

As soon as we knew it was just the two of us left in the house, Roan had left specific instructions for the staff to be on stand-by but we were not to be interrupted.  My beautiful and gorgeous husband was standing in front of me and I was just taking him in.  I gently grabbed his hand, looking down at his wedding band, platinum with six pretty good size diamonds across it, and bowed my mouth, placing kisses along his knuckle. 

 "Sienna" he breathed like a mantra.  I looked back up to his lust filled baby blues, reached for his shirt and pulled it off.  I ran my hands across his chest just drowning in how good his naked flesh felt against my skin.  I placed kisses all over his chest, shoulders, neck and then placed my lips to his, kissing him with need and want.  After indulging in a fairly long kissing session I felt his hands go for the zipper in the back of my dress.  He took his sweet time unzipping me until finally the dress fell to the floor and joined his shirt there.  His breath hitched at the sight of me.

  "There is nothing in this world as beautiful as you standing before me like this" he said emotionally.  I hooked my fingers into the sides of my panties and shucked them off and then reached for the button and zipper on his shorts.  Soon we were standing before each other naked and needy.

Roan picked me up, my legs wrapped around his waist, and carried us to our bed.  It was a king size bed that sat in the middle of the floor, the room was opened on all sides, just gauzy, light drapes gently blowing in the breeze.  He laid me in the middle of the bed as he settled himself between my legs.  

He gently stroked my hair as he said adoringly "I love you Mrs. Addison." 

 I closed my eyes for a moment and just took in his words; opening my eyes to his beautiful blue ones I raised my mouth to his, gently kissing his moist lips I pulled away and replied "I love you Mr. Addison."  He lowered his forehead to mine as I felt him slip into me, loving me slowly and deliberately and at his own pace until we could hold on no longer and we released our love to one another as we climaxed together. 

 Roan would make love to me long into the night; we never left the bed, there was no reason to.  I had no boundaries where my love for this man was concerned; I gave him every part of my body that night and held nothing back.  Eventually we would fall asleep wrapped up in each other feeling sated and relaxed.

We spent a glorious week in our own private paradise.  We swam, we walked, we laid and napped in a hammock,  took long showers together and made love.  I was so in love with my husband I almost felt sorry for other people who never got to experience this kind of love.  We had dined on some really great local food but most of the time we spent in our private home, eating fruit, drinking champagne and getting to know each other better.  

We had discussed having children as well; we'd dedicated an entire day and night talking about it.  It seems we both want children and we weren't both particularly found of waiting a long time either.  We also discussed me working if and when I was to get pregnant.  I basically told Roan that I would not have a problem being a stay-at-home mom and going back to work once our child started school.  I was just wired that way and would never apologize for it.  It was what I wanted and I believe what I needed.

The decision was made.  When we got back home to Vegas, I would make an appointment with my OB/GYN to have my IUD removed, get completely checked out and if given the all clear we would start trying to have a baby.  I felt so rich and full and complete.  I gazed over at my husband asleep in the hammock; he was just wearing his swim trunks and no shirt.  He was amazingly beautiful and he was mine.  I was wearing a lime green bikini trimmed in hot pink and I loved how well it fit my body; Roan had commented all day how much he would love to rid me of it.  I felt a familiar pull in my loins and went to wake my sexy husband.  I walked over to where he slept and bent down and kissed his forehead, and then his cheek, then the other cheek and finally his mouth.

  His lips started to move against mine as he parted them allowing my tongue access.  I was so caught up in the kiss that I hadn't realized he had reached around me and grabbed the tie to my top; he pulled it and it came undone my full breasts falling from the material.  He sat up on the edge of the hammock, both his hands cupping my breasts and gently caressing them as I pulled the top string undone completely removing the scrap of material.  He moaned and it sounded so sensual. 

 "My bottoms, baby" I breathed against his mouth as he untied the strings on both sides of my hips leaving me naked in front of him.  I pulled him to his feet as I worked to divest him of his swimming trunks; once he was without clothing he walked me backwards slowly to the edge of the warm water, submerging us up to our middles.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he carried us a little further out into the water and slipping into me, we made love in the bluest of water and when we were done there we moved to the shower.  My body submitted gladly to his as we loved each other into the dusk and early morning.

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