Chapter 26 (Just revised)

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Sienna was starting to over come her shyness when it came to being intimate with Roan.  They were naked in Roan's bed, him on top of her, and they were kissing; passionately, romantically.  He could sense that Sienna was wanting something. 

 "What is it baby?" he asked in between kisses. 

 "I want to be on top" she replied softly.  Roan knew how much effort it took on her part to ask for this so he didn't hesitate in rolling over to accommodate her request.  She kissed his neck with open mouthed kisses, eliciting a groan from his lips; she moved down his chest and stopped to sensually lick and nip his nipples; moving down to his ripped abdomen she stopped and tasted his skin as she made her way further south.  

He could feel her wrapping her moist lips around his erection and it was erotic at best.  The way she took his length, how her tongue felt caressing the tip and how her lips felt was mind blowing.  Her pace was teasing him and between watching her shower, their kissing session in the living room and now this he wasn't sure how much longer he could endure this. 

 "Sienna baby you need to stop if you don't want me to come in your mouth" he pleaded, his breath ragged.  Oh but she did want him to release in her mouth.  She was turned on and wanted to know what it felt and tasted like so she kept it up.  

As her pace increased and his hands pulling her hair tighter she guessed he was close but when she felt a change in his cock she knew for certain.  

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed as she felt his warm liquid hit the back of her throat.  It hadn't bothered her as much as she thought it would and she was proud of herself for going that far.  It was her first time, ever for oral sex on a man.

Roan rolled her over, his eyes the brightest blue.  

"Jesus Si, that was amazing baby" he said crashing onto to her lips as he basically mimicked what she had just done to him.  He licked and sucked on the soft skin of her neck, moving his way down his mouth found her hardened nipple.  He groaned.  

"I love how your body responds to me Sienna" he said as he sucked and rolled his tongue around her bud.  She arched her back loving how he was making her feel.  Her hands found their way into his hair as she moaned out his name.  He grinned against her skin as he made his way to her belly and finally the prize, her wet and ready sex.  He couldn't wait to taste her; he placed gentle kisses on the outsides of her lips and then sucking them slightly causing her to almost come undone.  He couldn't wait anymore as he slid his tongue into her awaiting core and finding her clit he lathed it with his tongue feeling her arousal on his chin.  

"Baby you taste and smell heavenly" he husked out as she moaned and writhed underneath him.  She got bold enough to grab his head and push him closer to her and this increased the friction causing her explode around his tongue. 

 "Oh my God!  Shit!  Yes!" she screamed as she came and her orgasm felt like it was continuous and never ending.  She was slightly aware that Roan had kissed his way back up to her as his mouth found her's and she tasted herself on him and it was a turn on.  What was he waiting for? she thought impatiently.  Yet again she boldly moved her hand between them, grabbing his cock she guided him to her entrance and bucking up her hips his tip rubbed just on the inside of her causing her to hiss.

  "Please Roan" she begged. 

 "Please what baby?" he asked.  Oh this infuriating man!  

"Jesus God!  Fuck me already!" she cried out not recognizing her own voice because of her need to feel his heat.  He slammed into her, waiting a moment he pulled out and slammed into her again causing her to scream in ecstasy; doing this a few more times he finally stayed in her and picked up a furious rhythm.  He would make love to her later but this right here, right now was a need for them both and he fucked her with passion.  

"Come with me baby" he cried out as they both found their release together.  Roan laid down on her gently, their breathing still ragged from their activities. 

 "Holy..." Sienna started but couldn't finish.

  "I know" Roan said still trying to catch his breath.

They just laid wrapped up in each other for a while longer when Roan told her to get up and get dressed.  He had a surprise for her.  She was both curious and excited.  She picked out dark blue skinny jeans, a long sleeve grey cashmere V neck sweater and grey flats; she also wore a very cute grey braided hair band that kept her hair back from her face.  She chose to keep her makeup light, adding only mascara and lip gloss and a quick squirt of Pink Beach Weekend by Victoria's Secrets.  

She walked out of the bathroom as Roan was throwing on his shirt.  She almost giggled out loud.  He was wearing dark blue jeans and a long sleeved grey V neck sweater!  He looked up at her and noticed the expression on her face and finally caught on to what she was grinning at.  

"Mr. Addison it would seem that you received the wardrobe memo today" Sienna said trying to sound professional.  

"Why yes Ms. Harper, that does seem to be the case" he said grinning as they walked out the door.

Charlie drove them Addison Tech and instead of staying on the lower ground level parking, he drove up the winding drive to the very top of the 7 story parking structure to where they were outside and there waiting for them was a helicopter with Addison Technologies on the outside! 

Charlie jumped out and grabbed the door.  Roan told the man that he would text him when they started back this way.  

"Yes sir Mr. Addison.  I will wait for your text.  Have a nice flight" he said getting back into the car. 

 Roan introduced her to his pilot, Marco Vincenti, and while Roan got her safely secured in the helicopter he and Marco discussed the flight plan.  Where on earth were they going?  

They finally got in the air and flew for about fifteen or twenty minutes when Sienna realized what was in front of them...The Grand Canyon!  Roan had brought her for an aerial tour of the Grand Canyon.  It was breathtaking and the best night ever!

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