Chapter 7 (Just revised)

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Sienna really liked Kathleen and now knew why Lisbeth always spoke so highly of her.

They continued chatting when Roan's office door opened and several men filed out with Roan behind them.

Speaking in low tones, they shook hands, leaving with a smile to Kathleen.

Sienna stood up, gathered her things and walked, ready to interact with her boss.

She received several looks from the men that Roan had just met with, but she didn't dare hang her head, but kept it held high and acknowledged them as they walked out.

"Gentlemen" she said as they left the office. She looked over at Roan and he was motioning with his hand that he was ready for her.

As she walked by him, she felt his right hand on the small of her back as he ushered her into his office shutting his door.

She shivered slightly from his touch. Alright girl this is business only she kept repeating to herself.

She stood in front of his desk waiting for him to take a seat first and then she sat down and waited.

"Before you present your findings to me I would like to know your personal thoughts and opinions on this deal and then we can go into what you found. Sound fair?" he asked looking at her.

She had never been asked for her opinion before and was actually excited about giving it.

Even though the P & L was a disaster there was hope for the company if the COO, his brother, could have a hand in restructuring their operations. There was a lot of loss in that area.

So Sienna went into her spiel, giving Roan the pros and cons regarding this acquisition. He seemed genuinely impressed with the time and effort she put into this project and he said that he'd been given a lot to think about.

She stood up and was preparing to leave when he asked her to sit back down. She was filled with dread but tried to remain calm.

Roan sensed that she had tensed up so he immediately relieved her fears by saying "I like to have a chat with new employees when they start working with me."

Her body immediately relaxed as he continued. "If I ask any questions that make you feel uncomfortable just speak up. That's not my intentions at all." She nodded as he continued.

"I was very interested in what you had to say when we were at Leviathan the other night. Would you feel it invasive if I asked you to elaborate?"

Exhaling she said "What I revealed the other night was something that I've never talked about with anyone beyond Rachael and Lisbeth.

I can't explain why I felt comfortable enough telling complete strangers that part of my life. I guess because if Lisbeth trusts you and your brother that means I can to."

He considered what she said thoughtfully. "I do want my employees to feel that they can trust me...implicitly" he said genuinely.

She went on to confide in her boss telling him about the abuse she suffered at the hands of her step father, the trip that Lisbeth had made on her behalf for court, changing her name legally and then getting the new job here and getting blessed with a fresh start.

Sienna thanked him for his time and left saying good night to Kathleen and retreating back to her office.

Roan was reeling from his talk with Sienna. He burned with fury to think that someone could do that to a child, put them through that kind of pain and agony.

The sentence he received was too lenient as far as he was concerned.

Shaking his head, he put his mind back to the task at hand, which was discussing with his brother the new acquisition and Sienna's findings.

He was very impressed with the work and passion she had put into her presentation and he could continue to see why Lisbeth thought so highly of her.

"Kathleen, would you see if Cade is available to come in here please? Then you can go home."

About ten minutes later Roan's twin entered his office and he presented Sienna's due diligence findings and asked for his opinion.

"This is very thorough work. Her ideas are spot on as well as her evaluation of the operations. And it could be a very advantageous merger, Roan" he finished sounding excited at the prospect.

Roan said that he would contact the CEO of that company and they would move up their negotiations based on Sienna's work.
(Sienna's POV)
Sienna was exhausted by the time she got home from work. 

Lisbeth and Cade were having dinner that evening and they had invited her but she didn't want to be a third wheel so she picked up something and was looking forward to her pj's, food, and mindless entertainment on the TV.

She had pre-recorded Pawn Stars, sat down on the floor and put her food on the coffee table and just relaxed.

She felt so blessed in all the good things that had happened for her lately. Life was finally good and she finally felt happy and safe for the first time in a long time.

She was in mid bite when her phone vibrated. It was an unknown number but she picked up anyway.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Sienna?" a familiar voice asked.

"Mr. Addison?" she was truly perplexed.

"I'm sorry to bother you at home but I had to tell you that the work you did on the merger and due diligence was fantastic.

Cade agreed on your assessment of the operations and we are moving ahead with the merger." He sounded excited.

"I'm very pleased to hear that sir" She responded genuinely.

"Well, I won't keep you then. I hope you have a good rest of your evening" Roan said.

"Thank you sir and you as well. See you in the morning" Sienna said still wondering why he would call her and not wait until he saw her at work.

She shrugged and went back to her dinner and show, letting the conversation slip from her mind.

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