Chapter 37 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

Roan and I just lay there, facing each other, staring deeply into each others eyes.  I knew he was worried about conversations that had taken place earlier.  I spent most of my life living in fear but now that I actually had something to fight for, I wasn't giving in to it, I was going to fight for me, for us, for our life together.

 If William wasn't done away with, we would always live in fear and I was done with that.  No more.  I placed my hand on the side of his face and gently caressed his stubbly skin.

  "Roan I know you're not the biggest fan of Taylor's plan but it makes sense" I told him softly.  He closed his eyes and sighed. 

 "I know, deep in my analytical mind I know this but my heart is pulling me in a different direction.  I know this can be so dangerous and I swear to God if anything happens to you..." he trailed off.  I pulled myself closer to him, wrapping my body around his and laying my head on his chest.  There wasn't anything I could say that would assuage his fears, so instead we just held each other until he was ready to go back and discuss everything with the men.

Taylor Jason, Dan and Cade were still going over particulars when Roan and I slipped back into the office.  I could still tell he was hesitant but at least he'd come back in to hear the plan.  Taylor nodded at me as if to say 'thanks for getting him back in here' and I just nodded my acknowledgement back to him. 

 "Okay" he started with a deep breath.  "We know that Parsons has applied for a janitorial position at Addison Tech."  I sucked in a breath. 

 "He's that close?" I said quietly.  Jason nodded.  Roan was furious but said nothing. 

 "He died his hair and of course gave a false name but we ran fingerprints on the application and it's 100% him.  He's already been contacted and told he has the job.  He will start tomorrow.  My men have already been working after hours installing all the equipment that we need to keep an eye on Sienna, Roan, Cade and Lisbeth.  The ball is in his court now.  He makes a move, we bust him, and back to prison and throw away the key."

The five of us spoke a little longer and then I excused myself to go and find my sister.  I needed to update her on the latest.  She was not going to be happy.  I knocked on her door and then opened it.  Lisbeth was sitting up in bed reading a book.  

"Hey sweetie" she said as she patted the bed.  I went and crawled in next to her, laying my head on her shoulder.  "How are you holding up?" she asked.

  "I'm fine Lissy" I said.  "I have news" I added.  She closed her book and I had her full attention now.  "Taylor Jason has men in different positions all over Addison Tech, so tomorrow, it's life back to normal; however, he knows beyond doubt that William is here in Vegas and not only that he has applied for a job at Addison Tech and was hired."  

Lisbeth slammed the book down on the bedside table and leaped from the bed.  "You've got to be kidding me?" she said incredulously.  I shook my head no. 

 "And Roan and Cade both have signed off on this ridiculous plan?"  I nodded as she marched from the room.  I knew where she was headed and I felt sorry for the men.

Lisbeth stormed into the office and right in the middle of the men's conversation she lashes out.  "What in the hell?" she said fuming.  "You are going to use my little sister as bait?"  She stood with both hands on her hips, legs spread apart and mouth clinched together.  

Cade walked over to Lisbeth and calmly said "I know you're upset and I understand why, I really do, but it's what needs to be done.  Sienna can't live her life looking over her shoulder.  You know this, Beth."  A lone tear slid down my sister's face as Cade folded her into his arms. 

 "Well since you are here now" Taylor started "We will fill you in on the rest of what's going on now and what will happen in the days to come.  The people in this room and two other people, only, know of this operation.  Kathleen and the HR director."  After everyone had been filled in on the operation and knew their parts, Roan suggested we order in and take a break from all of this.  We all agreed heartily.

I felt like I hadn't had Chinese food in forever and it was delicious and filling.  Roan walked over to his iPod that docking on the charger and put on the soundtrack to Fifty Shades of Grey.  He knew I loved the music from that movie.  "I Put A Spell On You" started to play and Roan came over to where I was sitting on the couch and put out his hand for me to take.

  I smiled as I put my hand in his and we danced in the middle of the room like it was just us.  

I pulled my head away from his shoulder and stared into those deep baby blues and said "Ti amo, mi amore (I love you, my love (in Italian).  He wrinkled his brow. 

 "What did you just say?" he asked.

  I smiled at him and said "I love you, my love; in Italian."  

He smiled and pulled me closer and said "I love you too" and he carried me around the room like I was a feather and as he dipped me at the end of the song I giggled.  We got applause from the rest of the people, which I had totally forgotten about and I blushed as Roan kissed me hard.

  He was my everything and I was going through with this operation for him as much as I was doing it for myself.  I wanted my life with him and I was going to be selfish about.  William Parsons was going down and I was going to be the one to take him down.

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