Chapter 35 (Just revised)

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(Roan's POV)

No matter how hard she tried not to, Sienna jumped at every noise, was afraid of the dark and jumped out of her skin when anyone would try and touch her. My heart just broke into tiny pieces seeing her like this. I couldn't bear it. That's why I was working tirelessly with Dan, Taylor and Cade to find out exactly what was going on.

We had set up a small headquarters in my apartment office. While we were going over the latest intel, Taylor Jason's phone lit up. He put up a finger while he answered it. "Jason" he said with authority. "That's great! When? Just now? Okay I will check my email and give you a call right back. Thanks" he said hanging up.

"I'm supposed to have the prison's security footage for the day of the escape in my email" he told me and Cade as he opened his lap top. He got signed in and sure enough there was an attachment. He double clicked and opened it up. There was a woman, obviously in disguise, who looked out of place. There was something so familiar about her. We continued to watch the footage and stood up straighter when the convicted felon came into view.

We continued to watch the interaction between the two, when the woman slid what looked like a photograph over to the man. You could tell that he visibly tensed up seeing the item. I kept thinking there was something oddly familiar about this woman when she stuck her thumb nail up to her lip and flipped it outward, I knew. Holy shit! It was Shelby Madison!

"Guys, I know who the woman is" I said flatly. All eyes were upon me now. "It's Shelby Madison" I said.

Dan ran his fingers through his hair and cursed; Cade shook his head and Taylor asked "Who is this Shelby Madison?" I went into the whole sordid story about the notes that Sienna had received and how they had fired Shelby and escorted her from the building.

"She always had a weird vibe to her" I said feeling a small shiver go up my spine.

"Were you ever intimate with this woman, Roan?" asked Taylor. Thankfully no. I shook my head no. Taylor ran with this new information. "Why don't you guys go relax and be with your women. This is where I start kicking ass. If I need you for anything I will come get you" the man said.

Cade disappeared to his room where Lisbeth was already in bed. I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom, shut and locked the door. I heard the shower running so I knew Sienna was in there.

I needed her and I knew that she needed me as well. Stripping off my clothes, I just left them in a pile on the floor. I turned the lights down low so all that was left was a sensual glow. Sienna noticing a change in the lighting turned around to see me very naked, entering the shower.

I was afraid that she might turn around and ignore me or try to get me to leave but she didn't. She walked over to me and ran her hands up my chest, slowly, taunting me. I knew she could feel my erection against her thigh as she brought her eyes to mine.

"I need you. It doesn't have to be pretty or soft; just take me and fuck me" she said her voice full of need. "Fuck me now and fuck me hard."

I backed her all the way up against the shower wall; my hands resting on her shoulders as I let them fall slowly down her body until my hands reached hers. Clasping them together, I pulled her hands up above her head allowing our bodies to be flush.

My lips fell to her neck, planting open mouth kisses on her wet skin making her moan in approval of what I was doing.

"Roan" she breathed.

"What is it baby? Tell me" I demanded.

"I love your mouth on me" she said as I moved to the other side of her neck. I loved feeling her naked breasts rubbing against my chest, it felt so sensual. Still clasping her hands, my mouth moved down her body until I found her nipple and began to gently swirl my tongue around the hardened bud; her back arching from the sensation. She was dripping for me; she couldn't help it; it was my touch and that's how her body responded and I loved it.

"Grab on to my neck Si and don't let go" I breathed against her skin. Lifting her up so her legs were wrapped around my waist and holding her with one hand I searched for my cock so I could enter her.

She clinched around me as soon as I filled her with my heat. Her body was so receptive to me as I started to slowly move in and out of her as I searched for my rhythm. Soon you could hear our bodies slapping from the water and the force at which I was fucking her.

"Roan" she panted. "I don't think I can last much longer" she said her voice straining.

"Don't come yet" I told her as I continued to drive into her. My cock began swelling in her and I knew we both were close. "Now baby! Come for me!" I gritted out as we both found our release.

I continued to hold her for a bit as our breathing slowed back down to normal and then I gently let her legs down until her feet reached the shower floor.

My face was still buried in the side of her neck, when I whispered "Are you okay baby?"

Her voice barely a whisper "Yes." I pulled my face away, cupping her face with both hands.

"Sienna, I love you and I am not going to let you come to any harm. Do you understand me?" I asked.

She nodded and said "I love you too" and laid her head back down on my chest. I knew she felt safe and least for now.

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