Chapter 18 (Just revised)

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Addison Tech was a flurry of activity due to the closing of the new merger with Branson Technologies. Roan had already warned her in advance plus she had already spent enough time with him to know when he gets into 'CEO' and 'work' mode she wouldn't see him as much.

Sienna was okay with that as this relationship was still all to new to her and she figured that a little absence would make the heart grow fonder. The last thing she wanted was for him to grow tired of her.

Her heart couldn't take losing him; besides look at everything that she'd already been through. She could certainly deal with Mr. Workaholic and Lisbeth was in the same boat, with Cade.

The brothers were a formidable team. Even though Cade had the brighter personality of the two he was a machine when it came to his job.

Sienna's office phone broke her from her thoughts as she looked at the caller ID; it was her sis. "Hey big sis. What's up?" Sienna asked as Lisbeth laughed. "Wanna grab lunch today? I know we are both pretty much single for a while" she sounded a little sad.

"I would love to have lunch with you. When and where?" Sienna asked. Lisbeth suggested a new bistro that had just opened called A Little Taste of Italy. Ah, the thought of Italian food! They set a time and Sienna told her she would see her soon.

Brian, one of the mail room workers, came in smiling and brought her the daily mail. "Well?" Sienna asked excitedly. "Thanks for the advice Si! We're going to see each other again this weekend!" She clapped her hands. Brian had come to her seeking advice on his new relationship and Sienna was too happy to help such a sweet guy.

"I'm so happy for you Bri...just be yourself" she finished smiling at him. He handed her the mail and there was an 8 x 10 square package among the items.

Hmm, I wonder what this is? She thought grabbing the scissors. Getting the box open, she removed the Styrofoam squares from the corner and unwrapped the brown paper. Her hand went to her mouth.

Roan had taken the pictures from the race track, had them matted and framed for her. It had a little title card under the glass that read Sienna Harper, NASCAR Driver, March 19, 2016 in beautiful calligraphy.

Sienna knew Roan was busy but this warranted immediate attention. She grabbed her cell and texted him.

I know you are busy so please don't respond. I just wanted you to know that you have made my days in so many ways but my picture is the best so far. Thank you for being you! xxooSi and hit SEND.

To her surprise the phone dinged back. No matter how busy I am I would never ignore your text. I'm glad that it arrived and it was my pleasure. I will talk with you soon. R.

Sienna couldn't have grinned more if she'd tried. She put the picture on the left corner of her desk, sighed and went back to work after opening the rest of her mail and getting it organized.

The lunch with her sister went great. They talked animatedly about this and that and after a very fulfilling meal, they paid the check and headed back to work stating they totally loved the bistro and added that to their lunch places they enjoyed visiting.

When Sienna went to unlock her office, she noticed that the door was partially opened; knowing for a fact that she locked it when she left.

This was bizarre. When she walked around her desk to sit down she noticed a folded piece of red paper in her chair. Picking it up, she opened it and immediately her eyes clouded with tears.

You are nothing but a whore! He will leave you in a heartbeat. You are nothing!

Sienna couldn't believe someone would be this mean and leave something like this. She hadn't offended anyone that she knew of so she couldn't figure it out.

One thing she knew though, she was going to hang on to it because you never know when you would need to cover your ass .

Trying to put the note out of her mind, she continued to work but the content of the note really got to her.

Picking up her office phone, she dialed Kathleen's extension. "Roan Addison's office, Kathleen speaking" said her cheery voice.

"Um Kathleen it's Sienna. Can I come talk to you?" The young girl asked; she couldn't hide the pain in her voice and Kathleen picked up on it right away.

"Come on down dear. Right now. I'll be waiting for you" she said soothingly.

Sienna mindlessly walked to the elevator, got in and pushed '20' and spent the ride going over and over in her head who would have left that note.

Finally she arrived at her destination only to see Kathleen standing by her desk waiting for her when she got off the elevator.

Ushering Sienna into Roan's office, he was at an off-site meeting, Kathleen said they could talk freely in there. Shutting the door, she asked Sienna what was wrong.

Putting her hand in her pocket, she hesitated only for a moment before she handed Kathleen the note and watched her expression as she read it.

"Oh honey. This is deplorable. I hope you don't give any credence to this. It's pure filth" she spat. Kathleen was like a mama lion protecting her cub.

"What are you going to do?" she asked gently. Sienna shrugged but told her that she would hang on to it, make a log of the circumstances leading up to when and where she found it and if she received any more she would go straight to HR.

Kathleen suggested taking it to Roan first and having that same thought Sienna knew she was right.

"Just please don't tell him" Sienna pleaded.

"Dear this is not mine to tell. You have my word it stays between us" she said smiling as Sienna thanked her and headed back to her office and back to work; trying to salvage what was left of the egregious end of the day.

She was so glad to be home and in the shower, washing what happened today off her body. Sighing she turned off the water, grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her body.

She was trying to decided what to wear when she saw the tee shirt she had worn the night she stayed with Roan.

Slipping it on with a pair of black lace hugsters she went into the kitchen to heat up leftover Chinese, and then the living room to look for something to watch on Netflix.

Sweet! Sons of Anarchy! She picked the first season, first episode and hit play and settled back on the couch to enjoy her show and food.

The hour went quickly, and now it was after ten pm, so she grabbed her trash, turned off the TV and headed to the kitchen to clean up.

With that finished Sienna brushed her teeth and prepared for bed. Suddenly remembering she left her phone, she padded back to her purse on the kitchen table.

There was a soft knock at the door and then her phone vibrated. It's me said the text; so Sienna opened the door to find Roan standing there in grey joggers and a black hoodie.

His scorching gaze raked her from her feet to her head as he stepped inside the apartment. Sienna had just closed the door when he grabbed her, turned her around and pushed her into the door, forcing her hands above her head; holding them with one of his, the other hand grasped her chin, kissing her hard.

"God I've missed you" he moaned against her lips; finally he released her hands as he walked them backwards slowly to her bedroom and kicked the door closed.

"Oh yes Roan" Sienna groaned as he took her long into the night.

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