Chapter 24 (Just revised)

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(Roan's POV)

Finally after what felt like waiting all night long Dr. Baldwin, the ER doctor came to talk to us.

 "Ms. Harper's family?" he asked. Lisbeth nodded. 

 "Okay well the good news is she is awake now and lucid. We gave her, based on Dr. Miller's and Dr. Santiago's recommendations, a heavy muscle relaxer. That did the trick. She's still coming in and out of it but she is awake and has asked to see you all. This happened, I believe, because of a stressful situation. I know from the notes of Dr. Miller that this happened before when her mind deemed that she was in danger and therefore she would hide away, if you will. For the time being, I would say at least a couple of days, she needs to be away from all stress if possible. Does anyone have any questions?" 

 Dr. Miller and Santiago said that they would like to speak with him. Baldwin left them with a nurse that would take them to Sienna's room.

Her room was dark except for the eerie glow from the heart monitor and the only noise was the beep from said monitor. Her hair had fallen over most of her right eye, her eyes closed and hands laying on her belly. My heart clinched seeing her like that but I was silently saying a prayer of thanks that she didn't look like she did six hours earlier.

 Cade leaned over to Lisbeth and whispered "You go first baby, we'll wait right over here" he indicated to the window as she nodded and kissed him on the cheek. 

 "Thank you" she murmured, walking towards her sister's bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed and tucked the stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Si, sweetie" she started. Sienna opened her eyes slowly. 

 "Hey big sis" she said hoarsely. 

 "How are you feeling" her sister asked very concerned.  

Sienna chuckled lightly "Like I'm high." Both girls laughed. It was a good sign that she had a sense of humor.

 "Do you remember what happened?" Lisbeth asked her. Sienna's face dropped but she remained in control.

 "Yes" she said softly. "I'm so worried about Roan. He doesn't need this exposure. I can't believe that someone would do that to us" she said slightly pissed off. 

 Lisbeth proceeded to tell her not to worry about me that I wasn't concerned about the photo, just her. Lisbeth talked to her a bit more, placed a small kiss on her forehead and told her that me and Cade wanted to see her. She nodded her approval.

Cade walked over and placed his hand on Sienna's. 

 "Hey girl. You gave us quite a scare. How you feeling?" he asked genuinely concerned. Sienna told him that she felt fine other than the queasy feeling from the drugs. They chatted about different other things and then she got the same little kiss on her forehead, much like it was coming from a big brother.

 "Thanks for taking such good care of my sister" Sienna told him before he stepped away. He squeezed her hand in acknowledgement. Lisbeth and Cade told me that they would wait outside so we could have some privacy.  Sienna scooted over in the bed so I could get comfortable. 

 I took her hand in mine and searched her beautiful green eyes. As hard as she tried she couldn't stop the tears from silently falling. I used my thumb to gently brush them away.  

"Don't cry baby. It's all going to be okay. I promise you it will be okay" I said. Leaning over, I kissed her soft lips. Sienna let a little groan escape her mouth. 

 "I missed how good that feels" she told me shyly. I gave her a beautiful smile. We talked a little while and then I brought up the idea of her coming home with me for a couple of days.

She blinked quickly at me several times. Did she not think I still wanted her?  I wasn't the least bit put off by what had transpired.

 "Roan I appreciate what you are proposing but you do realize that I'm severely damaged right?" she asked. I stiffened.

 "Si we are all a little damaged from something or other. What makes you stand out from the rest is you are here, pushing on, head held high, determined to live your life. I applaud you for that and look up to you. I want to take care of you. Do you understand that? Baby my reputation is safe believe me. Will you think about it?" I pleaded. 

 She looked up at me and said "I don't need to think about it. I would love to come stay with you. Lisbeth got on me one time and told me that I needed to start letting people in, start trying to trust again, so I will heed her sisterly advice" she said smiling up at me as I grinned back. 

 This statement earned her a very passionate kiss and as I pulled back from her, I knew my eyes felt hooded with lust.  "We'd better stop or I will be finding a way to lock that door and take you right here." She giggled. God what a beautiful sound!

Dr. Miller and Dr. Santiago showed up and I told her that I would be right outside while she talked with her doctors. 

 Cade noticed the immediate change in my demeanor.

 "I take it your conversation went well?" I nodded. 

 "She agreed to come home with me and let me take care of her for the next couple of days, that is if you are okay with this arrangement Lisbeth?" I asked. 

 Lisbeth walked over and gave me a peck on the cheek.

 "Thank you for caring for her. You are very good for each other, I think" she added with a smile. 

I shook my head and replied "I think it's her that's been good for me. I am going to call Dan and see if he's gotten anywhere with the origin of the photo. Excuse me" I said and there I was,  Mr. Addison, CEO, and I was back.

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