Chapter 32 (Just revised)

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Spending the day with Roan was like a dream come true.  After being taken in by Rachael and Lisbeth,  she soon began to find out how exciting having a birthday was.  Before that it was never really celebrated in her home; if you could call it a home.  Between her mom and sister, Roan was making up for lost time fast.  

He made her cover her eyes as he led her somewhere through the house.  She could feel the cool tile beneath her feet so she assumed it was the kitchen. 

 "Okay" he breathed.  "Open your eyes."  

She slowly took her hand away from her eyes and gasped.  On the table was a huge floral bouquet of Gerber daises and other wild flowers, a beautiful mini chocolate cake and several wrapped gifts. 

Sienna turned to Roan, her eyes wide with amazement.  "This is for me?" she asked, barely able to get the words out.  He nodded.  She threw her arms around his neck and sobbed.  

He didn't have to say anything, he just let her cry; he knew why she was crying and his heart broke for the child that never had a birthday but silently swore that he would spend the rest of his life making it up to her.

"I'm sorry.  You must think all I do is cry" Sienna said nervously laughing.  Roan tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and looked adoringly at her. 

 "Si, I would think something was wrong if you didn't cry every now and then.  You've been through a lot and it's normal that your emotions would be all over the place.  Just remember that I am always here for you to lean on and I will always have tissue handy" he said smiling adding a bit of levity to their conversation.  She laughed as he said what a beautiful sound.  

"I don't know where to start first" she said excitedly.  She picked up a small package and with shaking hands unwrapped it and opened up the maroon velvet box.  Oh my gosh!  It was the biggest diamond pendant she'd ever seen and it was in the shape of the sun.  

Roan took it from the box as she moved her hair and as he put it around her neck he whispered "Because you will always be the light of the sun that illuminates my path."  Holy shit!  That was so romantic!  

The next gift was a rectangular black velvet box and inside was a charm bracelet.  There was a race car charm, a sun charm and a heart with a key charm.  She knew what each of those meant and it thrilled her heart.  

She chose the biggest box next.  She got it unwrapped and moved the tissue paper aside; it was a gorgeous dress!  Strapless, mostly white, black piping around the very top, huge black sewn-in belt with black bow and black polka dots and lastly a little tulle that peeked out at the bottom.

  "Roan, this is so pretty" she said stunned.

  "I wanted you to have something new to wear tonight" he said softly.  The last gift was a new pair of black heels.  She was speechless at the heart behind the gifts.  

She turned to him, putting her arms around his neck and said "You have made this the best birthday ever.  I could spend the rest of my life saying 'thank you' but it wouldn't be enough time" she ended her statement by pulling his mouth to hers.  For the next few minutes they became lost in each other's kisses.

Sienna had applied light makeup, straightened and pulled her hair into a high ponytail and slipped into her new dress.  It fit perfectly.  Roan could buy her clothes any time!  She slid her feet into her new heels, grabbed her small purse and went to find Roan.  When she walked into the kitchen he was on his cell phone but turned as soon as he heard her heels clicking on the tile. 

 "Thank you for setting that up" he said as he hung up.  He shook his head as he walked towards her.  "I am the luckiest man alive.  I will be the envy of every man in the restaurant tonight.  I can't find any words that express how beautiful you look" he gently kissed her. 

 When they finally pulled apart Sienna told him "You can say things like that to me anytime.  I will never get tired of it" her smile lighting up his heart.  

"Shall we?" he said holding out his arm to her.  

"We shall" she said as they laughed and walked to the elevator.

Roan held the door open for her.  They were riding in style tonight; this was Roan's baby.  A black BMW 7 Series sedan.  It was gorgeous and rode so smooth. 

 "I love Charlie to death but I'm glad it's just us tonight" Sienna said grabbing his hand.  He gave her a quick squeeze and said he agreed.  They drove in comfortable silence, both of them deep in thought.  Roan was quickly going over the next few hours at the restaurant and his proposal and Sienna was just thinking about her life in general; how it was so true not to give up on life but keep pushing and things would get better.  They had.  Soon they arrived at their destination...Cocina d'Amore.

The valet held the door open for Roan and one came to her side and offered his hand which she accepted with a smile as Roan came around to her side.  Another attendant opened the restaurant door for them and inside they were met by Luigi. 

 "Ah Ms. Sienna you look so beautiful" he said enthusiastically kissing his finger tips.  

"Mr. Roan everything is prepared so if you would follow me" he said.  There was no getting away from the stares as they proudly walked towards an open room at the back of the restaurant.  The lights were off so Sienna assumed that they were early and the guests hadn't started arriving yet.  They walked in, the lights flicked on and everyone yelled "Surprise!"  

Sienna jumped, placing her hand over her heart as the tears threatened to fall.  She scanned the room and her eyes fell on Lisbeth and Cade but then her hand flew to her mouth.  Standing next to her sister was Rachael, her mom.  She ran to her throwing her arms around her neck.  

"Hey baby" she said softly.  

"Oh mom!  I can't believe you're here!  I've missed you so much" Sienna said pulling back and trying to fix her makeup. 

 "Precious I've never missed your birthday and I sure wasn't going to start now.  You have an amazing boyfriend who made it possible" she said smiling, placing her hand to her daughter's face. 

Sienna turned back to Roan and walked slowly towards him.  She really didn't care who was around or who saw when she put her hands around his neck and pulled him into the most sensuous kiss she'd ever given.  

There were hoots and hollers and clapping.  They pulled away from each other and the look that passed between them was one of pure love, pure adoration and pure thanks.  Roan was giving her everything that she'd ever need or want; including his heart.  

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