Chapter 17 (Just revised)

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Charlie drove them for a while but Sienna swallowed hard when she realized where they were going.  Turning quickly in the seat she looked at Roan with a huge grin. 

"Tell me we aren't going where I think we are?"  He nodded as she bit her lower lip and giggled.  He reached over and pulled her lip gently from between her teeth and leaned forward saying "Don't do that baby."  Wow, his eyes were...and then she got what he was talking about.

 "Sorry" she said embarrassed that she'd done that to him.  "Don't apologize...ever" he said smiling at her.  Lisbeth and Cade just watched what was taking place in front of them. 

Lisbeth leaned over and whispered to Cade "Do you think they realize that we are here in the car?"  Cade snickered as Roan rolled his eyes.  "We can hear you Lisbeth" he said smirking at her.  

"So Sienna you like NASCAR?" Cade asked her.  She nodded enthusiastically.  "While Lisbeth and I were at Stanford we had a mutual friend whose cousin was a pit crew member and got us into a race that took place during spring break.  I was hooked after that" she said excitedly.

 Cade shook his head grinning.  "She really is the perfect woman!" Lisbeth playfully jabbed him with her elbow.  "So am I mister and don't you forget it!"  He mocked saluted her and said yes ma'am.

 Charlie pulled them into the VIP entrance and presented their credentials.  Sienna was confused.  They were pulling into where the action was.  "How are we being able to get into this area?" she asked.

Roan explained that this was a practice day but that the race was in a couple of days and he had procured access to the track for the practice and on actual race day they would be in a VIP suite.

Charlie opened the door after parking the car in the designated area.  Cade and Lisbeth got out first and then Roan and Sienna.  They were met by a track official that presented them with their access lanyards.

 "These will get you in for the practice runs today and the ID card behind this one is the one for the actual race day.  Follow me please" he said as they walked toward one of the pit areas.!  They were heading towards Kevin Harvick's pit area!  He was currently in first place with 195 points!  He drove a Chevrolet Camaro and was sponsored by Jimmy John's.

Sienna felt like she was going to pass out from excitement!  And then when it couldn't get any better the man himself walked towards them. 

Roan stuck his hand out and introduced the group.  "Kevin, this is my girlfriend, Sienna Harper, my brother Cade and his fiance Lisbeth."  Kevin shook all of their hands and led them to his car.

"So Kevin, how are the changes that they made in the rules going to affect you for this race?  I know they reduced the horsepower from 850 to 725.  Did you have to start over with a brand new motor or were you able to do revisions?"  Everyone was staring at her.

 "What?" She asked truly not knowing what the big deal was.  Kevin went on to say that while dealing with the new rules and having to adapt and change certain parts on his car he was confident that it wouldn't change his current standings. 

"Sienna I see that what I've been told about you is correct.  You know your NASCAR facts.  Having said that how would you like to take a practice run with me and drive my car?"  Kevin asked her smiling.  Sienna looked at all the excited faces surrounding her.  "What? Are you serious?" She yelled clapping her hands.  

They suited her up in a fire resistant suit and while Kevin climbed into the passenger's seat she climbed in through the driver's side. 

She put her helmet on and could hear his crew chief addressing them; getting a crash course lesson and when Kevin felt she was ready they took off around the track. 

"You will reach approximately 145 mph" Kevin said into the head set.  "You can just drive around the track until you see my crew chief give a signal on your last pass and then you will just pull back into where we started from.  Are you ready?" he asked.  Sienna nodded excitedly.  "Alright Sienna the car is all yours.  Let's see what you've got!"

To say that it was arousing having all that massive power underneath her as she shifted gears and flew around the track would be an understatement. 

The smell of the burning tire rubber, watching the stands whip by her in a blur; it was magical but the best part was watching Roan recording it all on his phone.  He'd made it all possible. Sienna made a mental note to thank Roan properly later that evening. 

Kevin said they'd done about fifteen laps already and they could probably do about five more. 

They talked more about his car and every now and then the crew chief would tell her she was doing a great job and how impressed he was with her driving skills. 

He said he guess she had pretty good control over this massive machine, for a girl that is; making her laugh.   Sienna was a little disappointed when she saw his crew chief step out slightly which meant one more pass and they would be done. 

"Kevin thank you so much!  This was more than I could have ever imagined!" Sienna said smiling at him as they pulled into the pit area.  He said it was his pleasure.

Crawling out of the car like she was the driver and the look on her face told everyone how she was feeling at that moment.  She was on cloud nine!

The crew chief offered to take Roan's cell phone and take some pictures.  One of her and the car, one with her, Kevin and the car and then a group photo. 

Sienna shimmied out of the fire suit, told Kevin and his crew thanks again and walked over to her friends.  Cade said she did pretty good for a girl and suffered an elbow to his stomach from Lisbeth. 

"What?  I was just kidding!  I'm actually jealous she could handle the car that well" he said pretending to be mad.  Lisbeth came over and hugged her sister, telling her to turn around, she pulled a brush from her bag, smoothing out her sister's hair. 

Roan just kept staring at Sienna.  "I was so aroused watching you drive that car" he said seductively in her ear. 

Putting her hand to her mouth, she giggled blushing slightly and then she put her hands around his neck and gave him a very public kiss and told him that today was so amazing and thanked him for doing this for her.

 "It was my pleasure and to see you smile was thanks enough."  God he was too sweet.  Dinner and then home was planned to end the day.

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