Chapter 38 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

The first week was uneventful; we knew he was taking notes and getting a feel for our routines.  He was calculating and evil personified.  He wouldn't make a move until he felt he was completely ready.  I never once dropped my guard; I knew he was watching me from afar, I could feel his eyes on me and I shuddered from within.  

Every fear and feeling of self-loathing from years ago came flooding back as if suddenly I was no good again.  I did the right thing by setting up a phone call with Dr. Santiago.  She was good people and like Dr. Miller she helped me see through the hateful haze that William was conjuring up just by being there. 

 I tried to never go anywhere by myself, I always let people know where I was going and I let them know that I had arrived.  People seemed to take mine and Roan's engagement well.  Ginny, my assistant, gave me a huge hug and told me how happy she was for me.  I will admit I sighed in relief; I really liked Ginny and I was glad that she didn't hold any ill will towards me or think of me as a gold digger.

Roan took his obsession with keeping me and Lisbeth safe by giving us a piece of jewelry that had a tracking device in it.  He knew, God forbid, that should Parsons get his hands on either of us our cell phone would be the first thing he would get rid of. 

 It was high tech, the tracking device; it was small but very effective and was spot on with targeting.  This made him feel a bit better but he still felt like shit letting this man roam free in his building near us, his family; but for once he knew that Taylor Jason had everything under control and really had a good handle on it and Roan would let the man do his job but it didn't mean he wasn't constantly worrying, he just knew who had more experience dealing with people like William.  Plus Taylor was good about giving him status reports so we never felt like we were in the dark.

(William Parson's POV)

The janitor's closet in the boiler room was a flurry of activity.  Parsons stood by his rolling trash cart taking notes, writing times and places down, formulating his plan of revenge.  He looked at his phone and scrolled through hundreds of pictures that he'd taken of Sienna, his blood boiling with each scroll. 

 "Bitch, I told you I wouldn't be gone forever.  By the time I'm done with you, you will be begging for me to kill you.  You think I hurt you before?  I'm gonna hurt you so good" his voice cold, devoid of human emotion and evil sounding.  He knew that she was heavily watched while at work but what they didn't count on was that he knew about Leviathan and that's where he'd planned on taking her from, when the time was right.  

The things he had planned for her, he was getting hard again, thinking about her naked body.  He'd never really wanted her mother, she was just a clingy bitch; he'd been obsessed with Sienna but had never touched her that way.  He'd been waiting until she turned eighteen and then had planned on taking her for his wife but the bitch had gotten herself removed from the home and had him arrested.  Revenge is a dish best served cold and he couldn't have been any colder.  He couldn't wait to hear her scream.

(Sienna's POV)

I just felt unsettled waiting for this creep to make his move.  Sometimes I couldn't stand the feeling of my own skin; I was jumpy and on edge and when I couldn't take anymore I decided to go down and see Roan.  He was just what I needed.  

I made a discreet phone call to Taylor's man that was stationed on my floor to let him know that I was heading to the elevator and then to the 20th floor to see Roan.  I felt safe once in the elevator and then my whole body relaxed once it stopped and the door opened.  My legs took me quickly to Kathleen's office and I was definitely glad to see my friend's  smiling face.  Kathleen got up and came around her desk and folded me into a hug. 

 "How are you holding up?" she asked gently. 

 I shrugged my shoulders and replied "As good as I can, I guess.  I just want this over.  I can't stand the thought of that man being here, around me and my family and friends.  I trust Taylor's plan but I want it done and over."  Kathleen nodded in agreement.  

"He's on a phone call but should be done in a few.  I will text him that you are here so just hold on a minute, okay?"  I nodded while Kathleen sent the text.  Her phone pinged back right away.

  "He doesn't want you waiting, he said to go right in" the woman said smiling.  "Thanks" I said before entering my fiance's office, shutting and locking the door behind me.

(Roan's POV)

I was on my phone when Sienna came around my desk and sat down on it, kicking her shoes off and placing her feet on either side of my chair.  She knew my body, my hands and my mouth would take her angst away and for once she was going to be selfish by wanting me at work and I was okay with that.  

I knew she could detect a subtle change in my breathing as I watched every move she made.  She slowly raised her skirt revealing thin, gray lace panties as I scooted my chair closer.  She started to slowly unbutton her silk blouse showing me the matching gray lace bra which cradled her amazing breasts.  

My dick was growing stiff and my pants were tightening.  I wrapped my left hand around her ankle and slowly moved it up her leg, kneading and caressing her skin causing her moan softly.

 When I got close to her sex, she moved her panties to one side revealing how aroused she was.  Finally I finished the call and stood up, not saying a word to her but burning her with my gaze.  I knew what she needed and kissed her fiercely, letting my mouth drop to her breasts, planting kisses on top of her smooth skin, moving down to her belly, I placed open mouthed kisses all over her skin,  I finally reached her sex and let my tongue slide in and started pleasuring her. 

We would both get what we needed and be satisfied until later that night when I decided I would take her again in our bed.

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