Chapter 15 (Just revised)

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Sienna walked out of the ladies room to see Kathleen walking away from Roan as he strode over to her, looking very much concerned.

"Are you okay? Kathleen told me what happened?" He was furious.

Sienna gave him a genuine smile. "Please don't worry. I'm more than okay. They were just jealous. Can we please go? My feet are killing me!" She said grinning at him.

Sienna immediately saw the weight of the world disappear from his handsome face. Grabbing his hand, she said "Come on baby, let's make like a tree and leaf!"

He rolled his eyes and laughed heartily. "That was positively dreadful" he said shaking his head.

"Well it made you laugh didn't it?" He nodded. "Mission accomplished then" she said grinning at him.

True to his duty Charlie, was already outside, waiting on them, with the door open, allowing them to slid into the comfortable seats and glide away from the hotel and casino.

"How would you feel about going to my place?" Roan asked me.

"I'm fine with that only I don't have any clothes with me" Sienna responded.

"You can wear my clothes and I have an extra toothbrush somewhere. Are you sure?" he asked, hellbent on giving her a way out.

"Do you want me to?" Sienna asked looking him square in the eyes.

"More than you know" he answered honestly.

"Then lets go" she said squeezing his hand, leaving him smiling.

They rode the rest of the way in silence, both of them being nervous without the other's knowledge.

"Si" Roan broke the quite.

"Yes?" She answered.

"I've never brought anyone other than family to my apartment. I just wanted you to know."! Sienna knew what this meant and she couldn't help but feel very special.

"Really?" She asked.

"Really" he responded in earnest.

Sienna leaned over and kissed him sweetly on the lips as they arrived at Roan's building.

"Charlie thank you very much for driving us this evening. Go home and enjoy your family for the weekend. I will see you Monday morning" Roan said dismissing his driver.

"Yes sir and thank you!" Charlie said as he drove off.

Roan's apartment was the quintessential bachelor pad. It wasn't cold or austere but had lots of stainless steel, wood and glass.

It did seem to fit him though. Sienna walked to the window and was amazed by the view, it was spectacular and had a perfect view of the strip.

While admiring the view, she felt his arms snake around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"I was just admiring the view" Sienna told him.

"So was I" he said kissing her neck.

"You're incorrigible" she said softly.

"Here you go" he said handing her some boxer shorts and a soft black tee shirt. "I will show you were you can change" he said grabbing her hand and leading her to his bedroom.

"The bathroom is in through there" he said pointing to his left. "I will let you get changed. Meet me back in the kitchen when you are done. Okay?"

Sienna smiled and nodded, as she slipped into the ginormous bathroom thinking she could get lost in here.

There was a huge sunken Jacuzzi tube, a large walk-in shower and a vanity that encompassed an entire wall.
Eyeing a smaller door, she could only think this was Roan's closet.

Shedding her dress, she shivered because now she was totally without undergarments; slipping on the boxers and the tee shirt, she finally felt much more comfortable as she searched for a rag to remove her makeup.

Once that was done, she took her hair down and shook it out, running her fingers through the crazy curls, remembering how Rachel always said she looked like she was about seventeen with her hair like this.

Folding her dress neatly, she laid in on the end of the counter and put her shoes underneath on the floor and went off to find Roan.

Sienna could hear him rattling around in the kitchen and she wondered what he was up to, so she walked quietly up to the bar and just watched him make his way around the kitchen.

He was in black sweat pants with a tight white tee shirt and his body looked like an amazing work of art.

Sienna shivered, as her mind went back to the few times that they had been intimate, feeling his skin on hers and to be honest, she was aroused at how he made her feel.

"Would you like some..." he started but stopped when he turned around to look at her.

She felt a little self conscious until he finished his sentence.

" look...very young. I like it" he said walking around the bar, standing in front of her.  "You're a very beautiful woman, Si" he said kissing her gently.

Roan fixed them fresh fruit, different cheeses, some smoked meats and crackers and brought it to the living room and sat it on the coffee table. "What would you like to drink?" he asked.

"I think I might like a glass of wine" Sienna replied. "Any kind is great" She finished.

Roan grabbed a bottle of white wine out of the frig and poured a decent glass and then poured him a glass of red.

She wasn't sure how he knew that she didn't really care for red, but he amazed her at every turn.

He sat down next to her on the floor. "Is this okay with you?" he asked.

Sienna smiled and said "This is perfect. Thank you."

They enjoyed their snacks, their wine and just talked into the wee hours of the morning. Sienna confided a few more things to him, like why she became almost hysterical when she saw the photographers.

"He threatened me when they were removing him from the court room that he would find me. I just didn't want him seeing any pictures of me because he would know where I am." She shuttered at the thought when Roan brought his hand to her face and caressed her cheek gently.

"I will keep you safe" he promised lightly kissing her lips and she believed him, for once she truly believed that she would be safe.

Yawning slightly, she saw as he smirked. "Am I that boring?" he joked.

"Sorry I guess it's the wine." She shrugged, laughing as he stood up and offered her his hand.

"I'm tired too. Let's go to bed" he said. Those last four words made her heart skip a beat. She watched as he pulled the covers back on his bed.

Sienna slid in as he did, cupping her from behind and pulling her closer into him. He kissed her shoulder and whispered "Good night Si."

"Good night" she responded softly and letting her eyes close, feeling very sated and satisfied.

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