Chapter 21 (just revised)

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Thank you so much for your patience everyone!  Here is another revised chapter of The Strip.  I am hoping to get more done today!  Enjoy!!!

Sienna seemed like a million miles away as they traveled to Roan's apartment.  He moved to the edge of his seat so he could turn and look at her.  

"Sienna what's wrong baby?  You haven't said two words since we left work" she brought her gaze to Roan's worried one.  Blowing out a ragged breath she began.  "Please don't be mad" she started off saying.  His brow wrinkled at her statement.  "Two days ago I found this on my office chair.  I confided in Kathleen.  She said if I got another one I needed to tell you.  Well I got another one today." 

She finished and handed him the notes.  Sienna watched his jaw tighten and his teeth clinch as he read the hateful words and then put them in his suit jacket pocket.  He turned to her, taking both of her hands and said most sincerely "Please do not believe this trash.  It's someone with a sick mind and a very jealous heart.  Do you understand me?  You are the most brave, loving, incredible woman I've ever met.  I will get to the bottom of this.  This is on me now, you don't need to worry about it anymore" he said with finality.  

She stared at him for a moment then shook her head.  "What is it?" he asked.  "I'm just not used to people giving a damn; I mean apart from Lisbeth and Rachael who are my family.  Trust doesn't come easily for me but you, Cade and Kathleen among a few others are helping me see that good people do exist" she finished with a smile.  Pulling Sienna into his arms made her feel safe, a feeling that she was slowly getting accustomed to.

Charlie pulled into the underground parking structure of Roan's apartment building and entered the slot smoothly,  jumping out he grabbed Roan's door and held it opened.  

When they were out of the car,  Charlie went to the trunk and grabbed Sienna's bag and handed it to Roan.  

She heard Roan instruct the man that he would call him if and when he was needed and told him to enjoy the rest of his evening.  

As they walked towards the underground elevator, Roan put his hand on the small of Sienna's back, warming her to her core.   When the door to the lift closed Roan was all over her.  

He backed her up to the wall, pulling her hands to above her head,  kissing her so passionately it felt like she was forgetting to breath.   

Roan finally pulled back leaving them both breathless as Sienna's hand immediately went to caress her swollen lips.  

"What was that for?" she asked softly.  He ran his hand through his hair before answering.  "You make me feel things that I'm not accustomed to feeling.  Your innocence is disarming and I find myself drawn to you, wanting to spend time with you and knowing you better.  Does that make any sense at all?" he asked seemingly frustrated at opening himself up like this.  

Sienna nodded, not being able to find words at this moment but it would seem that the proverbial cat had her tongue as they finish the ride to his floor.

Getting inside his apartment, Roan instructed her to follow him to his room.  Sitting her bag on the bed, he stepped to her placing both hands on either side of her face, pulling her in for a more gentle kiss. 

 "Is that better?" he asked softly.  The young woman looked up at him smiling and said "I didn't mind that other kiss either."  Chuckling, Roan kissed her forehead and headed to his bathroom. 

 "Go ahead and change into something more comfortable.  I want to cook for you" he said from his closet.  Wow, he cooks too?  "What are you fixing?" she asked while going through the contents of her bag.  "Well I know you like Chinese so I thought I would make you my broccoli beef" he responded.  Sienna's stomach started to growl at the prospect of food.  

"That sounds so good right now.  My stomach sounds like Godzilla trying to escape" she laughed as it rumbled again.  He reappeared from his closet dressed in black sweat pants and a very tight vintage Led Zeppelin tee shirt.  "You like Zep?" she asked.  He nodded, asking if she did as well.  "Totally!  I know it's cliche' but my favorite song of theirs is 'Stairway to Heaven'" she answered back.  

It felt good taking off the clothes that she'd worn to work and putting on pajamas.  Truth be told every evening when she'd get home, the clothes would start coming off and get replaced by comfy wear.  

Sienna couldn't stand to be restricted all the time.   Grabbing her Fruit Loops tank and shorts pj's, she walked into the bathroom, rinsed her face, got rid of all the make up and putting up her hair in a messy bun, turning out the light, she went to join Roan in the kitchen.  As she got closer to the kitchen, she couldn't help but grin as she heard Zep playing throughout his home.  He must have one of those mega sound systems because it sounded like they were playing in the room!

Sienna made it into the kitchen just in time to see him busy chopping vegetables with a kitchen towel draped over his huge shoulder.  There was nothing sexier than a man that knows his way around the kitchen.  

He must have sensed her gawking because he smirked at her expression.  "Take a picture baby" he said playfully.  Sienna huffed trying to act put out but she just couldn't, he was just too damned cute.  

Walking around the bar, Sienna asked if there was anything she could do.  He put the knife down, walked over to her, putting his hands softly on her arms.  "Your choice of night wear is very adorable Ms. Harper" he murmured.  "You approve then Mr. Addison, sir?"  He groaned and bit his lower lip.  

"You're just too sexy for your own good" he said cupping her behind, pulling her to him.  "But I digress.  If we keep this up neither of us will eat.  You asked if you could do anything?  Just sit over there and look pretty" he said pointing to the bar stool.  

Grinning, Sienna sat down and they worked a little more on getting to know each other, enjoying their conversation, light bantering and marveling in the fact that they felt so at ease with each other.  They

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