Chapter 33 (Just revised)

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(Sienna's POV)

I felt like I was in a dream.  My mom and sister, a few co-workers that I had gotten close to, some of Roan's friends and his family were celebrating with us and I couldn't be happier.  

Everyone was laughing, eating and drinking; it was surreal to me as I had never had the so-called family anything until Rachael and Lisbeth.  I hoped and prayed that I would continue to experience these things as I found myself falling in love with the idea of family gatherings and celebrations.  

I just continued to look around the room with happiness when Roan stood up and tapped his knife on his glass.  Everyone quieted down waiting for him to speak. 

 "On behalf of Sienna and myself I would like to say thank you to everyone that is here tonight.  We celebrate birthdays because they are important and the people we celebrate are important as well.  Sienna, you are beautiful, courageous and strong.  You exude light wherever you go.  People want to be around you, to get to know you because you are genuine.  I can't even remember my life without."  I teared up at his confession but nothing prepared me for what happened next.

Roan pulled me to my feet and then dropped down to one knee.  I put my hand up to my mouth and sobbed.  Through watery eyes I saw him pull a box from his pocket. 

 "I knew this was going to happen the minute I laid eyes on you.  I want to cherish you, love you and protect you.  Sienna you would undoubtedly make me the happiest man on the planet if you would agree to my proposal.  Sienna Antoinette Harper, will you marry me?" 

I nodded right away and stuck my left hand out.  "Yes!  Yes I will marry you!" I cried happily.  He looked like all the weight he'd been carrying dropped in an instant as he slid the beautiful ring onto my finger.  Everyone clapped and cheered as he rose to his feet, gathered me to him and kissed me passionately.  I didn't care who was there because at this moment it was only us in that room.

I excused myself to go to the ladies room and as soon as I stepped out into the walkway the hair on the back of my neck stood up.  You know when you get that feeling you are being watched but you look everywhere and you don't see anyone you know?  That's what it felt like.  

I tried to dismiss it and went on to the bathroom but it still tugged at me.  I made my way back into the private room to finish celebrating with my family and friends.  I never thought when I woke up this morning that I would end the night engaged!  To Roan Addison!  If I was truly into pain I would pinch myself right now!

I walked out onto the balcony just taking in the beauty of the night sky and Las Vegas itself.  I would always be thankful for Lisbeth paving the way for me to be here. 

 "There you are" a voice called out softly to me.  It was my fiance'.  That has such a nice ring to it I said to myself. 

 "Hey baby" I said as he kissed me. 

 "What are you doing out here by yourself?" he asked concerned. 

 "Look at this spectacular view" I said sighing.  "I was just thinking about life and how funny it works out sometimes" I replied.  I turned to face him, putting my hands on his chest and looked intently into his eyes. 

 "You know I am going make an insanely good wife don't you?" I said grinning.  He nodded grinning back at me.  "I am also going to make you insanely happy" I finished. 

 He shook his head and said "You already have" and he proceeded to kiss me leaving me breathless.

We returned inside so that I could spend some time with my mom. 

 "I can't believe you are here" I said looking at her as we stood talking.  

"Has it been a good day for you?" my mom asked. 

 I gave the woman a hug, sighed and said "It's been the best!  It's right up there with the day you took me in.  I knew that day I would be safe, healthy and happy and that meant the world to me.  Mom, you and Lisbeth saved me.  If it wasn't for the both of you I don't know what would have become of me.  You put up with so much attitude from me in the beginning but thank you for never giving up on me and forcing me to straighten up.  I love you so much mom!" I cried.  We held each other for a moment just relishing the affection that took place between us.  Rachel told me that both her girls made her happy and proud.  I could not have asked for more.

(Shelby's POV)

Shelby Madison sat, raging, under the cover of a wig and watched Sienna walk back into what should have been her celebration, her party.  Roan Addison was hers!  Who did this bitch think she was coming in here out of nowhere and laying claim to her man? 

 "He's mine, he's mine, he's mine" she kept saying over and over all the while the small knife in her hand was gouging her leg.  She closed her eyes and sighed.  The pain made her feel better, made her feel in control.  The blood dripped slowly down her leg as she quietly slipped out without anyone noticing her. 

 She had paid a seedy private investigator to dig up what he could on Sienna Harper.  She now knew everything about Sienna's past.  She had an early flight to catch to Detroit.  Sienna would rue the day that she messed up her life, causing her to lose her job and her man.  She knew what Sienna feared the most and she was going to make her life a living nightmare.

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