changkyun | kyunnie

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Requested by: @Its_haizum


"Changkyun? What are you doing?" You looked at down at him, sitting on the floor, papers scattered around him forming a circle.

"I'm organizing my lyrics I wrote..or trying to anyways." He sprawled out amongst the papers,"But it's so hardddd!"

You laughed and sat down next to his laid out figure,"Is it hard being a kpop star? Rapping and all? You make it look so easy." You glanced down at one of his papers.

He looked at you and quickly took the paper before you could read it,"Y-Yah! I need to organize these first!"

"Main hae!" A sad look came across you.

Changkyun reached out and touched your knee,"Don't give me that look, I'm sorry I's just..." His voice trailed off and he looked away.

"Hm? Just what?" You moved your head up to try and see his face only to see it red, "Are you okay? Are you sick?!" You started to move to feel his forehead but he caught your hand in mid reach.

"I'm fine, really." He smiled, it was one of his warm gentle smiles that made you melt inside.

You felt your face flush, and it became warmer as you looked down at your almost intertwined hands. Changkyun must have noticed because he looked away, a sign of his embarrassment. He soon let go and sat up before turning back to you,"Can we..Um talk?"

You nodded, a little worried by his low quiet voice. You knew everything about Changkyun. You two have been best friends since as long as you can remember. He was acting strange, he had been doing that for a while. He never really got embarrassed or anything toward you, it made you worried that he was acting so strange, especially when you cared so much for him.

"About what? Is something wrong?" You automatically laid a hand on his shoulder.

He looked at your hand, then back up to your face,"Answer me honestly okay? I need to know."

You nodded seriously,"Changkyun, I always answer you honestly."

He reached out and grabbed your hand, laying a hand over and under it, protecting it,"This feeling is getting stronger everyday I see you. I tried to distract myself with work and lyrics but they always end up being about you. Your always on my mind."

You gasped, tears threatened to fall although you weren't sure why. Maybe it was because you felt exactly the same.

"Changkyun..." It came out as a whisper. You looked deep into his eyes and you knew he was talking from deep within his heart. He meant the world to you, you couldn't imagine yourself without him.

"Changkyun.." You said again, your voice barely stable but you managed,"I...I feel the same way about you too...I always think about you..always thinking about your health, whether your not pushing yourself to hard. I miss you..all the time."

You couldn't hold it anymore, the tears fell, one by one. But Changkyun wiped them away before they hit the ground.

"Don't cry, it pains me to see you cry. When we were younger, you remember when you fell off your bike?"

You nodded weakly.

"Who was there to catch you?"

Changkyun poked your cheek lightly, getting your attention.

"You were." You said, looking back up at him. His face was mere inches away.

"And who was there when you accidentally locked yourself out of your house and you needed a place to stay." This time he poked your side making you giggle alittle. He smiled at your reaction.

"You were." You started to smile.

"And what about all those times when you didn't do your homework and you had to count on 'little kyunnie' to make you a copy?" He exaggerated the childhood name you gave him.

You grinned this time, completely cheered up,"You were such a good friend back then."

Changkyun raised an eyebrow,"What about now?"

"I-I..wanna call you my 'boy' friend." You flushed red, and looked away.

His hand caught your chin, bringing your eyes back on him. He gave you that look again, the warm smile and bright brown eyes that made you so weak. Those were the eyes of the person you so deeply loved.

"Then can I call you my 'girl' friend?"

"Of course." You giggled.

He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. His hand gently rested on the back of your head, his other hand around your waist. It was alittle awkward since you were both still sitting on the floor but you didn't want to move, didn't want to break away from his warm embrace. You waited so long for this. The moment was just right.

"I love you, jagiya." You heard his deep voice in your ear. You smiled against his chest, breathing in his scent.

"I love you too, my little Kyunnie."

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