changkyun | say it.. {angst}

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Requested by: RiYoungHan

It was a Tuesday afternoon when Changkyun came back. He and his fellow "members" walked through the eastern gate that surround the small town you lived in. He thought it was appropriate that they reentered through the town's lesser used gate. It was the way he had left, after all.

When they reached the street market, people and children pointed, everyone stared. Those boys were now famous, or so it seemed. Idols, he himself a rapper, something he'd always dreamed of being as a small child.

He found himself searching the crowd for your hair, but you were nowhere to be seen. When they passed the bench where he had left you, just three years ago.

It wasnt till a few days after returning to his hometown did he run into you just after he signed the lease on a new apartment.

You were walking down the bricked street with a friend. He stopped and stared at you just a heartbeat too long. You must have felt it because you turned completely around.

When you saw him, you covered your mouth with your hand and he averted his eyes like he would from a private moment.

He let you turn back around and even get a few steps down the street before he found his voice enough to call your name. You turned around again and he watched as your friend wrapped an arm around your shoulders and tried to usher you away, but you found yourself walking toward him.

By the time you reached him across the crowded street, you had composed your face into a friendly mask.

"Hello, I.M. Welcome back." That was his stage name, you weren't used to it yet, not even after three years. He had always been Changkyun that is, until he decided to leave you behind.

He had nodded, immediately falling into old habits.

There were times when he was overjoyed and happy about everything that it was almost impossible to not be happy when with him. As he grew older, the boy you knew, vanished, ungulfed by his dreams.

You stood there a moment, him counting cracks in the sidewalk.

"Take a walk?" he had finally said. You nodded slowly, weighing your options but then you had fallen into step together.

You then walked toward the East Gate in silence. As you approached the town's edge, you suddenly veered and steered him away from the site of your last goodbye.

"I never go that way anymore," You said and there was something hard in your voice. Something hard that hadn't been there before he left. "There's a bench over there I'm not particularly fond of."

He had watched you cry, on that very bench as he broke the news of his departure. He admitted to regretting it but he wouldn't of ended up where he was now. An idol, something he'd always wanted.

He opened his mouth, but the words caught in his throat and slid back down to settle like a stone in his stomach. He heard you sigh beside him. He couldn't look at you.

"What do you want, I.M?" You had stopped in the road and turned to face him. He finally took a good close look at you. Your hair was almost the same as when he left, maybe a little longer around your face. Features that hadn't been there previous, were. You had grown up since your childhood, surprising him a little.

His tongue was still paralyzed in his throat. When it became apparent that he was not going to answer, you continued on.

"Do you know how many times I dreamed about this day?" Despite the charged words your voice was hollow. "That you would come back? Take my hand and tell me you loved me? Do you remember? I do. I remember every word you ever said to me."

You laughed then. The sound left him cold.

"I even practiced what I would say to you when you came back. Though I do admit it changed somewhat over the years." A low sound in your throat. "And this isn't it."

You paused. Changkyun thought vaguely of stopping you, but let you go on. He owed you that.

"I heard you accomplished your dream. I'm happy for you, I.M. I hope it was everything you ever thought it would be. And now I have to go." You made it look easy, turning and walking away.

He imagined he had made it look easy, too.


You didn't turn around.

"I'm sorry.."

You stopped,"What makes me believe you..?"

He didn't say anything, still trying to piece together words for what he was feeling. Guilt, regret.. failure.

"I'm different now." You heard his footsteps getting closer to you now, your back was still turned and it would stay turned.

"I... I won't forgive myself for what I did to you." His arms wrapped around your waist. Those so familiar hands, a touch that you could never forget. The tears that poured down your face were like every promise he ever broke.

"I can't change the past.. but I can make a better future." His grip tightened, afraid of letting go.

"Is it true? You.." Your words caught in your throat. Changkyun held you, his head coming to rest on your shoulder. His scent invaded yor senses and suddenly it was hard to think.

"I didn't realize before what love meant to me. I want you to know I thought about you everyday while I was gone. I didn't forget you, I..."

"Say it.... please.." Your voice was so quiet with anticipation.

"I love you (Y/N)."

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