+7.8 | minhyuk {smut}

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Requested by: exoluckyones


Minhyuk looked at the paper in front of him. There looked to be more black ink then the white paper. He softly cursed under his breath at the assignment. Science was definitely not his subject, never has been, never will. Scanning the paper, he saw in bold words:

Must work with a partner!

"Partners?" He tilted his head in disgust, "Who the hell would I partner up with anyway...?" He paused, the side of his mouth curling up into a smirk, "I know just the person."

He looked quickly over to a girl. Her hair covered falling in front of her face so you couldn't see her eyes.

"(Y/N)-ah!" Minhyuk chanted as he made his way over to your seat.

You lifted your head up and peered at him.

"Yah don't look at me in that tone of voice." Minhyuk joked and slammed the paper on the desk, "Partners. You and me."

You opened your mouth to say something but was interrupted by Minhyuk's loud voice, "Don't you even try to get out of being with me."

"But I don't want to..." You looked down at the paper, your voice was quiet, "I want to work alone..."

Minhyuk pointed a finger at the bold sentence on the assignment paper, "You see that?"

You looked at it, then nodded, "Mm."

"We have to work with a partner."

"But why did you have to choose me...?" Your voice trailed off a little, afraid of making Minhyuk angry.

Everyone knew, an angry Minhyuk was bad. They all knew not to mess with him. That's what he's most known for, being the school bully. His target was mostly you, you were quiet and shy, Minhyuk thought that you were the perfect target to pick on and tease.

"Because I want to." Minhyuk pushed you in your seat, but not hard enough to make you tip over, just enough to make you frantically grip the desk to keep from falling, "My house. Tonight, at 6. If you don't show, you better be prepared tomorrow." He threatened while raising an eyebrow.

You, eyes wide, nodding quickly.

"You afraid?"

You nodded once again.

"Good. You better be." Minhyuk pushed your papers to the floor, "I'm just warming up."

"What have I gotten myself into..." You stared up at the house. Not just any house but the one where the great Minhyuk lives. Everyone knows where he lives, not only is he popular but known as the handsome bully. With a deep sigh, you pressed your notebooks to your chest and made your way up the steps.

You stood outside the door and waited a few seconds before you intimately knocked a few times on the door. You stepped away and listened as you heard a voice. You weren't surprised when you heard Minhyuk and a trail of curse words come out his mouth. He heard rustling before the door opened and he watched as Minhyuk was smoothing this clothing down.

"Um..." You started to say.

"Your late." Minhyuk grabbed your arm and pulled you inside, "I told you not to be late."

"Actually, you said to show up. Which I did." The words came out so fast that it even surprised you yourself. You never says things like that especially not to Minhyuk.

By the look Minhyuk had, he was just as surprised but then recollected his self, "Well. Your still late, it's past 6."

He walked away and left an awkward standing you in the doorway.

"(Y/N)-ah!" Minhyuk called from another room,"Yah, come here."

You slowly left your place at the door and made your way over, following where you heard the voice. He turned a corner and saw half of Minhyuk's body in the refrigerator.

He must have heard you enter as he said, "You hungry?" And poked his head out.

You shook your head, looking down,"N-no thanks.."

"Oh come on! Don't be like that." He walked over to his a put a soda in your hand, "It's not like your here so I can beat you up or anything. It's just a science project, be glad I'm offering you my kitchen."

You had to admit that was really nice especially for Minhyuk, his food was always off limits. You clearly remember one of his classmates being beat up for stealing a single french fry. You looked at the cold misting soda can in your hand and then back up to Minhyuk's face, "Thanks..." You said more quietly then intended.

Minhyuk suddenly pressed a hand to your shoulder, backing you to the kitchen wall.

"M-M...Minhyuk.." You breathed out,"W-what are..-"

Minhyuk pushed a finger to your lips,"Shh.."Minhyuk cut you off with merely a touching of his lips. With wide eyes, you tried pulling away, but the wall and Minhyuk's body prevented it. Minhyuk smirked against your lips, licking them slightly. He watched you get flustered and red faced as he made the action.

Minhyuk then trailed kisses down your jaw, dotting his neck with gentle pecks. A soft, quiet moan escaped your lips when your sweet spot was found. Feeling proud for making you moan, he attacked the spot with kisses and soft bites until you were flushed and breathless.

"(Y/N)..." Minhyuk said against your hot skin and then bent you back against a counter. You were now bent over backwards, with your hips grinding against each other, causing a shock of pleasure to go through both of you from time to time. Minhyuk stared down at you, his eyes foggy with lust. He continued licking up his secret love's pale neck. You shuddered.

Minhyuk slid a leg up, so that was grinding into your clothed crotch instead of your own hips. You whimpered, almost pleading until your sounds grew a few octaves higher. Minhyuk smirked down at him, leaning down and kissing just below your jaw. Your quiet moans became full out shouts of pleasure, and you closed your eyes, waiting for what was to come.

"M-Min-hyuk .... I-I'm c-close...." You moaned, your breathes becoming more erratic. You looked up when Minhyuk suddenly stopped his aggressive grinding.

"You want more?" He smirked, leaving a love mark down your neck again. You shivered against the touch, quickly nodding your head.

Minhyuk chuckled, lifting your head to meet his eyes, "You have to help with the project, then I'll continue." He teased you with one last grind of his hips, making a slight moan escape your lips.

Minhyuk moved away, picking up the soda you had dropped, forgotten in your actions and motioned toward the living room, all the while, a smirk danced on his lips.

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