kihyun | secret love {pt.2}

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Requested by: @najun96


You stood there frozen. You could have easily left. The door was mere inches away. But there something keeping you from leaving, your feelings. The person that stood behind you.

"N/Y, you never told me what was wrong yesterday." Kihyun's voice said, softly in the quiet classroom.

Silence followed afterwards, you were unable to talk, unable to breath and you heard his footsteps approaching.

"Y/N." His hand grazed your shoulder.

Oh my god...oh my god...

Your mind raced. This is nothing. He's just being a kind classmate. He's just being nice, being worried. That's what classmates do. Right...?

His hand gripped harder, forcing you around to look at his face,"Yah. Are you going to answer me?" He's eyes loomed over your reddened face.

"I-I'm...f-fine.." You struggled to keep your voice steady but you failed.

His face changed from serious to a bit worried now.

"I'm taking you to the nurse." He didn't let you say anything. He grabbed your arm and pulled you out the door.

"K-Kihyun..." You couldn't think, couldn't tell him to stop. All you could do was stare down at his hand on your arm, warm and gentle even through he was practically dragging you down the hallway.

He pushed open the nurses door and into a separate room to the side. It had one bed in it and a table filled with different items for injuries.

"Are you hurt? Sick?" He set you on the bed before he went rummaging through the stuff on the table.

You didn't look at him, eyes on the ground. Your hand gently laid on your arm where Kihyun's hand had just been.

"Why won't you talk to me?" He walked over and bent down on the floor to look you in your eyes.

Embarrassment flooded in again,"I-I just.." You said flustered.

He stared, waiting patiently for your responce,"Just take a deep breath, speak slowly okay?"

You surprisingly did what he said but you still felt your heart beating in your ears,"Why taking care of me.."

He shrugged,"I was just..worried I guess."

Of course..because I'm just your classmate..

"But you don't even know me..."

"I know your name." He smiled.

You looked at him, his eyes seemed to smile along with him. It was a beautiful smile. You couldn't help it, you couldn't keep your feelings in anymore.

"I...I-I like you!" You said quickly, putting your head down.

Kihyun didn't move,"Whoa! Where's this coming from? I thought you were sick?"

You shook your head,"No...I tried to tell y-you..."

He started to laugh, which took you by surprise,"Really?! I guess I was too busy trying to help you.." His laugh turned into a nervous chuckle,"Main hae Y/N!" He gave you a bright smile again.

Regardless of your embarrassment, you gave him a small smile.

"You know.." Kihyun started to say,"You should talk more.."

"W-what?" Your eyes widened as you saw his face began to flush a little.

"I have a pretty voice." He smiled sheepishly,"Do you think we can..I don't more?"

"K-Kihyun.." You put your head down again, before you shook it and then looked directly at him,"Yes. I..I would love that."

He smiled excitedly but tried to keep his cool,"Great!" He took your hand again,"Well since your not sick or anything, I heard you were getting ice cream." He looked a little nervous,"Sorry, I just overheard."

You smiled at him,"I-Its okay!"

"Can I join you?" He raised an eyebrow.

You tried to contain your emotions but you started grinning anyway,"Of course."

He jumped up, his hand was still on yours and he helped you up. He helped you put your backpack on and you both made your way out the nurses office. Hand in hand.

The ended was a little bad, sorry about that! ^^'

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