kihyun | expelled love {pt.1}

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Requested by: @xmoonlightspiritx


You had just finished closing your locker before you turned and saw a group of boys walking down the hall. The teacher, Mr. Park Jisung, was walking in front of them, his mouth was in a deep frown and he had a glare to his eyes.

You watched as he passed but then a touch on your arm made you jump.


You breathed in and looked to the intruder,"Yah! Kihyun! Don't scare me like that!"

He put a finger to your lip,"Shh... Don't be so loud." Once he was sure you weren't going to yell again, he released his finger on your mouth.

"Are you in trouble again?" You asked quietly,"Why can't you be good for a change?"

"I like being bad." His voice rose a little as a few girls walked by and they looked at him and giggled. You watched as he flipped his jacket and played a smirk.

"Yah!" You slapped his arm,"Be serious.." You threw a glare at the girls.

"I am, look, the thing is.. I really messed up this time. I know Mr. Park isn't going to cut me anymore slack."

"And..?" You were starting to get a strange feeling in your stomach.

"You shouldn't be hanging around me Y/N, I can get dangerous."

"But Kihyun--"

"MR. YOO!!"

You and Kihyun both jumped, startled by Mr. Park's voice down the hall.

"I have to go." Kihyun said quickly, giving you a small before he ran off.

You watched him enter the office and disappear, it was then did you realized you were holding your breath.


You took a deep breath, muttering some words to yourself. This always happened, you've known Kihyun for years now but everytime you end up on his front porch, you always find it hard to knock on the door.

He doesn't know how fast he makes your heart race, how the butterflies are released inside your stomach and sometimes words get stuck in your throat.

You finally got enough courage to knock a few times and then stood back, waiting. Ever since Kihyun and his gang was sent to the office, you hadn't seen him since and it worried you. Now here you were, on his doorstep, too nervous to breath properly.

The door suddenly clicked open and a sleepy eyed Kihyun appeared,"Oh! Y/N!"

"K-Kihyun." You breathed out,"Are you okay, I didn't see you after school."

"They sent me home." He pushed the door open some more and motioned you in,"Let's not talk about it on my porch, okay?"

You smiled, walking in. You've been in his house plenty of times, but it always seemed awkward walking inside, at least at first it was. You watched as he made himself comfortable on the couch and then looked up at you, an eyebrow raised.

"Gonna sit?"

"O-oh yeah." You slowly made your way over to him and sat on the edge,"So, what happened? What did you do?"

"It's nothing really." He put his hands on the back of his head,"I'm expelled though."

"Expelled?! Kihyun, that's not nothing!"

"Hey hey, it's okay. I don't mind."

You stared at him, his hands casually behind his head and his eyes averted to the TV,"I do..." You mumbled, your voice trailing off.

"What was that?"

"Huh? Nothing.. but what did you do?"

He snapped his head over to you, his eyes narrowed,"It's non of your business."

"You can trust me, I won't tell anyone."

"I know I can trust you. But it's non of your concern. Like I said before you shouldn't be hanging with me, I'm dangerous."

"You always say that..."

"I don't do it on purpose you know. I just.." He paused,"Never mind."

"No, what?"

"It's getting late, you can eat here if you want and then you need to go home."

You sighed. Kihyun was always like this nowadays. Always reminding you about how 'dangerous' he can get. You did as he said and ate before you said your goodbye and left.

By the time it took you to eat and leave, it was dark out.

It was cold and you wrapped your hands around your arms, shivering a little.

You started to decide whether to keep going or to turn back and stay at Kihyun's house but instead you decided to just keep walking

Suddenly freezing hands gripped your arms from behind, another hand on your mouth and two more pulled your legs from under you. The pavement met you below as you were half dragged into the darkness.

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