kihyun | dream

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Setting is in kindergarten

"Start your drawing now!" The teacher walked around and watched over the little kids as they started bringing out they pencils and crayons began their activity.

A little blonde kid with bright eyes turned to his classmate.

"Y/N! What are you gonna draw?" Minhyuk said with a wide grin on his face.

You hesitantly turned your head, "Um... I really don't know. Maybe I'll draw a princess." You gave him a small unsure smile.

"Wooow! I think that'll be great. I'm gonna draw ramen. Lots of ramen! And I'm sure it's going to be super awesome!" He joyfully pumped his little fist in the air before he was suddenly smacked on the head by a boy who just approached their table.

"What was that for Kihyun?" Minhyuk glared up at him.

"That's stupid. We are supposed to draw our dream...what we want to be when we grow up." Kihyun said while taking his seat.

"I know! That's why I'm drawing ramen. I dream to have hundreds of ramen when I grow up!" Minhyuk said with a little huff and crossed his arms.

Amused by the antics from the little boys in front of you, you giggled and with a smile, you turned to both of them, "You guys, stop fighting. Let's just begin our drawings."

"You're right. It's pointless to argue. Besides Kihyun should be back at his table!" The blonde pointed a finger at the already seated boy.

Kihyun just ignored the blonde and started arranging his crayons, pencil and paper.

"SEE! He's mean! He's ignoring me!" Minhyuk yelled loudly as he stood up and glared at him.

Kihyun countered with a glare of his own. "I like it here," he silently muttered, then quickly turned his face away with a faint blush on his cheeks.

Minhyuk, seeing the little blush on little Kihyun's cheeks, lost his glare and instead had his mouth wide open and eyes darting from you to the him and then back. You, oblivious to a blushing Kihyun, sighed and pulled Minhyuk beside you to sit down. "It's alright Minhyuk. There's plenty of room at our table. Besides, I like working with Kihyun and you."

Kihyun immediately turned to his paper and began working on his drawing as you did the same. It was Minhyuk who remained shocked for a few seconds before getting back to reality. The little blonde just scratched his head at what he saw. He may be young, but he certainly understood what that meant.


Minhyuk yawned loudly and stretched his arms above his head. That was quite a challenging activity, but he was really proud with his work. Glancing at you, he asked, "You didn't draw a princess! Did you change your mind on your dream?"

You stole a quick glance at Kihyun, who was busy packing his things up before replying, "Kihyunnie said we have to draw what we want to be when we grow up. And I think I can't just be a princess. So I decided to draw a doctor instead."

Minhyuk started packing his stuff as well as he replied, "I didn't know you wanted to become a doctor. Well good luck on that! I think it's a difficult thing to do." He scrunched up his nose and tried to recall what doctors do. He was sure it was something he didn't like very much.

"How about you, what did you draw?" Minhyuk gave you his all teeth grin and loudly proclaimed, "I drew myself as a singer! I want to be a singer when I grow up! HAHAHA!"

"Why do you want to be a singer so badly?" You asked amused.

"W-well... I uh..." Minhyuk threw a quick glance at Kihyun before finally turning back to you,"I am going to teach Kihyun a few things about singing..he thinks he knows all about that stuff. Ha-ha-ha." He forced a laugh to avoid the piercing glare Kihyun directed at him.

When Kihyun started narrowing his eyebrows, Minhyuk quickly added, "AAAAND I think being a singer is a REAAAAAALYYY COOL JOB! I mean, I get to be so AWESOME!" Minhyuk inwardly jumped for joy for his quick save.

Kihyun sighed when you seemed very confused with everything.

"Well, alright then. If you say so." You decided to agree with the blonde since it seems it's pointless to reason with him. "I'll be a lot of hard work though."

Minhyuk's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. "WHAAAAT! I DID NOT KNOW THAT! I need to talk to the teacher about this, no way!" The blonde quickly walked away while dragging his backpack with him.

You just sighed and turned to the now silent Kihyun, who has finished packing his stuff. "I saw you draw a policeman Kihyunnie. Just like the ones from your family." You stated. Now that the loud mouth Minhyuk was gone, you felt awkward talking with him alone. "Was that your dream?"

Little Kihyun, at the young age of six, decided that if Minhyuk already has plans on helping him achieve his dream, then he might help himself as well. So he went for being honest and said, "No."

"Oh... I thought that was your dream since that's what you draw." You said confused. You knew that Kihyun is an intelligent kid so you didn't understand why he didn't do what the instructions correctly, he was him who told you and Minhyuk what to do after all.

"Well, then what do you want to be when you grow up?"


You were stunned with the intense gaze his little dark eyes were giving you. Your own couldn't help but stare back at him.

You had to shake your head twice and blink three times before his reply began sinking into your brain. Upon realizing the meaning of his word, you blushed a bright red,"I-I don't think you understood my question Ki-hyun-nie."

"I did."

"T-Then how c-come-?"


And once again, your face turned several shades redder than before, if that was even possible. Being confessed to at six years old was not in your list of expected daily routine, so you did what you thought was best. Dash for a quick exit.

"I-I think I have to go... I- uhh...I have to help my mom do the...-uh... laundry! Yeah, the laundry! I have to go Kihyun... Bye!" You quickly grabbed your bag and ran out of the classroom still beet red.

Kihyun quietly stood up and slowly made his way out of the classroom as well, wearing a proud little smirk on his face.

'Laundry?' He asked himself, and just shook his head as a small smile graced his lips.

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