kihyun | what is love

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"Yah! Kihyun!" You banged on his apartment door. "It's me, open up!"

You waited for a few minutes before the door finally clicked open and appeared a tired looking Kihyun.

"Aa, hey." He said and rubbed his eyes lazily before stepping aside to let you in.

You walked into his apartment, clean looking and tidy as ever. You don't think you've ever seen a spot of dirt on his floor in the 3 years you've known him. You were both trainees under Starship Entertainment but Kihyun had debuted as Monsta X before you. You still struggled to find time to see him when you weren't off practicing.

"Main hae, did I wake you?" You asked as you sat down on his light brown couch.

He joined you, casually sitting and taking the pillow and holding it against his chest,"Ani."

"You sure?" You looked at him with doubt.

He leaned his head back and looked over at you, sleep still in his dark eyes,"Ne." He gave you a small grin.

He let out a yawn before he started to speak again,"So..why did you come over?"

You immediately started to blush and Kihyun gave you a look of worry,"Are you sick?" He sat up ad reached over to touch your forehead.

"A-Ani!" You stopped his hand before it touched you.

Kihyun narrowed his eyes alittle,"If your sick, let me take care of you. I'll get soup and medicine." He started to get up but you reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Kihyun, no! I-I'm not sick!"

He flopped back down on the couch with a sigh,"Okay, but when you are sick. Tell me so I can take care of you."

You nodded,"I will, promise."

He nodded back at you and began to lay back against the couch again,"Then why are you here?"

You hesitated a little,"There's this boy...and he kinda I guess..likes me?"

Kihyun stared at you,"What do you mean?"

"Like..he told me he likes me but I like someone else..but I don't know how to tell that boy." You flushed again, putting your head down.

"You like a boy?" Kihyun said deeply. "Who?"

You looked up, eyes wide as you saw him looking directly,"W-well..his eyes are always bright when they see me. He always makes me laugh when I'm sad and takes care of me all the time." You started to smile at the thought of the boy your heart desired.

Kihyun was quiet for alittle bit,"So your saying you personally know this boy? Do you practice with him?"

"No but I see him often. Are you...jealous?" You raised an eyebrow.

Kihyun's eyes widened,"What? No, I-I just was asking. That's all."

You gave him a smirk,"Is there there a girl you like? I'm sure being a celebrity now, there must be plenty of girls who you find attractive, right?"

Kihyun chuckled,"Actually...there is."

"Really?! Who?" You asked excitedly and made a cute face at him to make him tell you.

Kihyun laughed,"She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She delicate and fragile on the outside and it makes me what to protect her but on the inside she's strong and brave I know she can defend herself but I can't help myself. I want to call her mine."

You stared in amazement at him as he finished,"Wow! That's so sweet, I'm sure she'll love to be with you!"

He smiled warmly, a faint red tint to his cheeks,"I know. She's with me right now."

Your smile disappear. Instead it was replaced with confusion. A strange feeling erupted into your stomach. Like butterflies.

"W-what do you mean?"

He reached out and put his warm hand on your cheek, gently stroking it,"I mean, my love is here. Right in front of me."

You didn't know exactly what happened next but you found yourself inside Kihyun's bathroom, curled up against the door. Panic settled in when you heard him knock on the door. His voice was calm but he was apologizing.

"Y/N, please. I'm sorry..I-I just.." His voice trailed off and you heard him lean against the door and sir on the other side.

"K-Kihyun..?" You whispered against the door.


"Tell me..what is love?" Your voice cracked alittle and a tear streamed down your face.

"Love is a feeling that comes naturally, Y/N." You heard his head fall back against the door. "It makes you want to be with that person..for the rest of your life."

You slowly got up, unlocking the door and opening it. You saw Kihyun sitting there on the cold floor, eyes wide as they looked at you.

"I want to be with you for the rest of my life." You fell down next to him and he took you in his arms.

"Baby don't cry." He gently wiped away a tear from your red cheeks. He smoothed down your hair, hugging you tightly,"I love you."

You smiled against his chest," you too, Kihyun."

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