+7.9 | wonho

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Requested by: my_names_chloe


"How are you and your boyfriend?"

"Hm?" You looked at your friend weirdly,"We're fine, why do you ask so suddenly?"

She didn't say anything back, just continued to eat her lunch. In between bites of rice she finally replied,"Well, I was just wondering because I heard that he was flirting with someone yesterday."

"What...?" You didn't believe her,"He wouldn't do that, who said that? Who was it?"

"I don't know, I just overheard some people in the hallway." She shoved more food into her mouth like it was nothing.

You got to thinking about it but you didn't really believe it, didn't really want to believe it, Hoseok has always been loyal to you. He's too innocent to do such a thing.

"He wouldn't do that to me."

"Would he..?" Your friend looked at you seriously,"All boys do it."

You stared at her,"But... Hoseok is different."


"He's just..."

"He probably has been playing you this whole time." Your friend rolled her eyes,"This is why I hate boys.."

You didn't feel like eating anymore, and instead got up from your place at the table,"I'm going to find him and ask about it." You said confidently.

Your friend only stared at you in awe,"Wow, you seem very proud today."

"Because I don't believe it's true." You started to walk away,"It can't.."


Your confidence had decreased since you left the table and you had searched the entire school for your boyfriend but he was no where to be found. He didn't even text you back.

"Now that I think about it, he didn't even come to sit with me at lunch..." You frowned.

The last place you checked was the courtyard and blonde hair caught your eye, you were about to yell his name and run over to him when you saw another form next to him.

She was beautiful, long dark hair, and bright eyes with a smile that could brighten anyone's day. She handed him a brown paper bag and Hoseok gave her one of those grins that made you melt inside.

You hide behind on of the brick walls when you watched your boyfriend waved his goodbyes to the girl before he took off in the other direction.

"Why Hoseok... why..?"


You hadn't gone back to lunch after seeing Hoseok with that girl so when you arrived in your science class, your friend had started to question you.

The first thing she said was,"I told you so." She crossed her arms and shook her head at you,"He did go to lunch though."

"What? He did?" You looked up from the desk.

"Yeah, he asked where you were." She gave you a pat on the shoulder,"Don't worry, I told him you had to study with a teacher or whatever so he wasn't that worried."

"Thanks..." You didn't understand why he would do something like that and not be honest with you. Why were you doing wrong..?

"Was that all he did?" You tried to find out more details.

"All he did was sit down at the table with some paper bag and asked where you were." You could tell she was angry,"Why must they be so stupid. No one hurts my friend like that."

"It's really fine." You said softly,"If he's happy then I'm happy."

"Are you serious right now?" She asked you,"He's cheating on you and your okay with it?"

"Well... I mean.." You started to cry, and you put your face into your hands,"I just don't understand.." You got up and run out of the classroom, not caring that class was about to start. You didn't want anyone to see you cry, your friend would give an excuse for you so you didn't think to much of it.

You were almost to the bathroom when you saw him. That familiar face, his chocolate brown eyes. But his mouth was frowning, something your not used to seeing.

"(Y/N)!" Hoseok ran up to you, placing his hands on both of your shoulders,"You're crying?"

You looked down, you didn't know whether you wanted to talk to him or not.

"Why weren't you at lunch?" He asked softly, wiping a tear from your cheek gently.

"Why weren't you at lunch?" You snapped at him unintentionally and started to instantly regret say such mean words.

He looked at you surprised but then frown again,"I should of told you, mian hae jagiya."

"Don't call me that."

"Why?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"If I wasn't good enough for you, why didn't you just say so..?" Tears started to our again.

"I don't know what your talking about." Hoseok once again started to wipe the tears but you smacked his hand away.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!" You yelled with frustration,"I saw you with another girl! I saw you!" You were trying to push him away but he only tightened his grip on you and pulled you into a hug.

"Jagi, you have it all wrong.." He whispered.

"What.." You sniffed, trying to catch your breath.

"That's my sister, she came into town for a little bit and I asked her if she could drop off some sweets she made yesterday for us to eat." He rested his head against yours,"I wanted you to try them with me."

"Your... sister?" You suddenly felt really guilty for yelling at him and slapping his hand away from you,"I-I didn't know... I'm.."

"It's okay (Y/N), it's okay." He held you, rocking you back and forth soothingly,"It was only a misunderstanding."

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