kihyun | expelled love {pt.2}

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Requested by: @xmoonlightspiritx


"Aish.." Kihyun's voice complained, kicking a rock off the street. He didn't bother with even walking on the sidewalk, instead he casually walked along the yellow lines in the middle of the road, hands in his leather jacket.

"What am I going to be about all this trouble.." He looked up at the night sky,"Nothing to do now that I'm suspended.."

Now that he thought about it, he never really enjoyed school. He always had his gang with him, following him everywhere. He only liked messing around and the attention it brought but... maybe there was something he enjoyed the most about being at school.. it would have to be--

A loud scream startled him in his thoughts and he froze in the street, mid step.


Kihyun broke out into a run, the fastest he could go down the street in the direction he heard the scream. Anger flooded his senses as he heard laughs, very familiar laughter.

Woo Sungyeol and his gang.

"Damn it.." Kihyun cursed under his breath,"Please don't be her.."

The laughter continued as other voice yelled,"Noo!" That made him run even faster as he realized it was you.

Kihyun turned the corner of the street sharply, eyes scanning fast as they laid to the scene in front of himself.

"Woo Sungyeol!" He yelled with anger,"Get your hands off her."

"Hmm?" Sungyeol's voice cooed,"Does she belong to you? No. So you can just back off." He smirked, his dark hair covering most of his forehead. He gave pleasure in throwing your body to the ground, just to see the look of Kihyun's face.

"She is-" Kihyun started.

Sungyeol interrupted,"What?" He smiled,"What is she to you? I heard her you know."

"Huh?" Kihyun's eye brows furrowed in confusion.

"She talked about you as she was walking. Say something like..."He doesn't want me around." Or "He doesn't care about me....the way I do."

Kihyun's eyes widened as they fell to your own on your place on the ground,"Y/N.."

"But." Sungyeol raised his voice,"This is no time for the boo hoo sweet talk. You can save that for after I beat your ass, Yoo Kihyun."

"As if." Kihyun jumped at his attacker, sending a punch to his face. Sungyeol only laughed,"Please. Is that it? Didn't you get suspended?"

Kihyun growled in anger as he suddenly pushed Sungyeol to the ground, hand pulled back in a fist, but before it connected with his face, he was slammed backwards to the pavement.

He let out a curse when he remembered it wasn't just Sungyeol he was fighting but his whole gang too.

He desperately looked at you, your eyes frightened,"Y/N! Here!" He dug in his pocket for his house keys, which he tossed to you before being kicked in the side and he let out a deep groan,"Go.. Run. Okay?"

You nodded frantically, struggling to stand up on your feet again. You ran just like he said, but you couldn't help but turn back to see him just as he was punched back to the ground. You winced, tears rushing down your cheeks.

"Go.. Run. Okay?"

His voice stayed but your footsteps on the pavement were louder.


You dropped the keys in your panic to open the door. Once it was finally opened, you locked yourself inside, sliding down the back of the door onto the floor with shaky legs.

'What's going on.. what exactly happened.. who were those guys..'

With so many questions flowing through your mind, it was only Kihyun that you worried about. What of you had stayed? Would things be different? Would you have been able to help? Probably not...

You closed your eyes to try and push out as many thoughts as you could out but a loud bang on the door of your back made you instantly jump again in another panic.

"Open up! It's me Kihyun!"

"K-Kihyun?!" You fumbled with the door again and opened it up to see a bruised up and panting Kihyun in front of you. Out of instinct you reached out to him and pulled him inside, eyes scanning over his wounds.

"I-I'm fine, just close the door.."

You did as he said and watched as he reached over your arm to lock it himself. As soon as he did, he let out a long sigh, his eyes closing and his back sinking to the wall.

"Mian hae..."

"Hm?" He looked quickly to you,"It wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have let you leave so late.."

"But I was a bother."

"Don't say that." He pushed himself off the wall and you winced as he limped to the kitchen.

You wanted to help, but you still blamed yourself for what happened.

"Oh come on, don't look at me like that." Kihyun said, holding an ice pack to his eye that he had just gotten out of the freezer.


"No buts." He lifted the corner of his mouth into a half smile,"Your not a bother, I just... said that"

You looked at him, waiting and watching as he slowly put the ice pack down onto the counter.

"I just said that to protect you.. and I guess it didn't work out today."

"But you did save me."

Kihyun hung his head low and approached you, grabbing your hand and looking at it. There was a thin scrape on it from were you broke your fall. He turned your hand over and over, looking at it carefully.

"Come." He said, walking away from the kitchen with your hand still in his.

He lead you to his room, the one room that you spent the most time with him in. Although this time, it felt like a wave of awkwardness was floating around in it.

He guided you to the bed, slowly at first before he sat you down on it. He looked down at you, his eyes dark but soft at the same time.


"Shh.. it's okay. I won't let anything hurt you again."

His voice hung in the air. It was alittle cold and you shivered. Kihyun noticed, wrapping his arms around you and then suddenly just fell onto you as you fell backwards onto the bed.

You gasped from his weight but he propped himself up on his arms, one on either side of your head. He looked at you once again, forehead touching yours.

"Y/N.." He softly said, his eyes locked onto yours once again, deep brown clashing.


"Let me.. love you."

His words struck you with shock and you let out a small smile,"Of course, Kihyun."

And so his hands, began to roam...

To be continued...

So hey everyone! Finally back with a new update! I'm sorry for being so late on this requested story ;-; please don't be mad..

But don't worry! I saved all the smutty goodness for part 3! (Just so it would be a separate chapter and would be easier to access *wink wink.*)

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