hyungwon | first snow

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"Hyungwon! Wake up!" You yelled and bounced on top of the bed childishly.

"Jagiya...hnn." He groaned and rolled over.

"Come on Come on!" You whined and pushed against his back.

"Wae..." He mumbled into the pillow.

"It's snowing!! Like a lot!" You tried pushing him off the bed but failed,"Please! I wanna go play!"

"Wae..." He mumbled again.

You started to get frustrated,"It's the first snow we've had since being together, please Hyungwon!"

He rolled back over and stared at you for a moment,"Fine, but don't brush your hair, I like it messy." He smirked lazily and began to get up.

You blinked at his compliment, trying to decide whether to thank him or to check to see if your hair was actually really messy.

You followed after him to the bathroom where he held up his hand to block you from following any further.

"Hold it right there, jagiya. This is off limits when I'm in here." He poked your nose lightly and walked into the bathroom while sticking his tougue out at you.

After he shut the door, you sighed and decided to get ready while he was doing whatever boys do in the bathroom.

You went to the bedroom you shared and walked to the closet. You opened it and moved clothes out of the way to find your fur coat you had stored away. It was a light brown with white fluffy fur around the hood. The inside was fleece, and kept you really warm.

After you put on jeans and a long sleeved shirt, you sat on the bed waiting for your boyfriend to get done.

A few minutes later, Hyungwon walked in with a black sweater and dark jeans. He smiled at you,"You ready?"

You had started to put on your boots when he asked and you nodded,"Ne!"

He put on his shoes and coat and waited for you to lace up your own shoes,"Are you sure you'll be warm enough?"

"I'll be fine." You gave him a grin,"Come on, let's go!"

You jumped up and grabbed his arm, leading him to the front door and started admiring the white snowflakes pouring down outside,"Wow..it's so pretty."

Hyungwon laided his head on top of your head, wrapping his arms around you,"Wanna go see it without a window blocking us?"

You nodded, not wanting him to let go, but he did as he reached for the doorknob and opened it.

The cold hit you and you flinched back and felt Hyungwon's reassuring hand on your back to steady you. You started to laugh and ran out into the snow. It piled around your feet in a pale almost fluffy looking pile.

Hyungwon bent down, smiling devilishly as he made a snow ball and prepared to throw it.

You grinned at him and tried to make a snow ball of your own only to have Hyungwon throw his at you and hit it, bursting it into a puff of white powder.

You stared at him in awe,"Nice throw."

He flipped his hair like a diva,"It's my specialty."

You raised an eyebrow at him, trying not to laugh,"Throwing snowballs?"

He smiled, nodding,"You know what else I'm good at?" He motioned you to come over to him.

You hesitated, unsure what he was planning but walked over to him.

He suddenly grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into his embrace, giving you kisses on your neck,"Loving you."

You laughed and tried to get at away but he wouldn't let go, instead he tickled your sides.

Your laughing became uncontrollable and you could barely get oxygen,"H-Hyung....w-won.." That was all you could manage out before you both suddenly fell onto the snow covered ground.

You heard Hyungwon laugh against you, still wrapped around your waist, his head was snuggled between your neck.

You couldn't help but hug him back and blushed a little at the sight of your handsome boyfriend laying in the snow, white powder in his blond locks, a red tint to his cheeks and a bright grin that could probably melt all the snow in the world.

You both stayed on ground, despite the cold. All you had was his body against you to keep you warm as you stared up at the snowflakes drifting down around you.

Finally another update^^
Smut Imagines coming soon, I have 3 parts I still need to edit and publish.

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