wonho | sunburned

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"Wonho! I wanna go swimming!" You whined and grabbed the sleeve of his shirt, tugging at it.

"But we've been swimming all day!" He started to pout and laid out on the couch, ignoring your pulling.

"It's fun though! Come on! Let's go go go!" You pulled at his arm, trying to pull him off the couch but it was no use, he was too heavy.

"Fine. I'll just go ask that one cute boy who hit on me yesterday to take me swimming." You crossed your arms, and smirked down at him.

He glared and quickly got up,"Um. No. Your mine." He grabbed your arm and pulled you into his lap. He cuddled against you and kissed your cheek softly before whispering,"Fine, we can go swimming but afterwards you owe me." He smirked.

"Oppa!" You whined again.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" He picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bathroom,"Get dressed."

He put you down with a kiss and walked away to change else where.

After you were done getting your favorite bikini on, you grabbed some sunscreen and carried it to the room Wonho was in. He was sitting on the king sized bed, obviously waiting for you. He stared at you as you walked in.

You grabbed the beach bag that Wonho had packed in advance and put the sunscreen in it. When you looked back, he was still staring at you. You felt a blush come to your face.

"You are gonna cover up, right? I don't want other guys looking at my baby girl." He said as he handed you one of his shirts.

Your blush deepened but you took the oversized shirt and threw it over your head, inhaling his scent as it fell over your face.

He smiled,"Much better."

He took your hand and the beach bag in the other and lead you to the door and opening it.

You both walked down the hallway of the beachhouse Wonho had rented for a few nights.

You two had been together for awhile and he wanted to do something special and you always told him how much you loved the beach.

You both walked hand in hand down the long wooden boardwalk that led right down to the ocean. It was a bright summer day, mildly warm with a light breeze kicking up the waves. The air smelled salty when you breathed in.

Wonho let go of your hand when you reached the shore and he spread out a beach towel over the warm sand and then you helped him put the umbrella into the ground next to it, casting shade onto the towel.

"Come on!" You pulled him along with you to the water and splashed your way in, laughing as Wonho stumbled behind you.

You both swam till the sun started to set, and a scarlet color took over the sky.

Wonho carried you to the towel,"We should go back inside now and eat."

You whinced at his touch when he picked you up,"W-Wonho.. My back hurts.."

"Huh?!" He said worryingly
and set you down on the towel and turned you around to look at your back.

He gently touched it and you flinched away from him,"Ow!"

"Main hae, Y/N but you have a bad sunburn."

You turned your head back to look at him and saw he was really worried.

"Is it that bad?"

You saw him nod and stand up. He reached a hand down to help you up,"Come on, I'll put the stuff away and then we'll walk back to the house and I'll take care of it, okay?" He smiled warmly.

You took his hand and grinned,"Thank you, Wonho!"

You stepped aside and watched him pick up the towel and unfold the umbrella. He carried the bag and umbrella is his left and took your hand in his right as you both walked back to the beachhouse.

When you finally sat down on the bed, Wonho went to the bathroom and came back with something in his hand.

"Aloe Vera gel." He wiggled the bottle in front of your face, playfully. "It helps heal sunburns."

You gave him a face of awe when he popped the cap off and squeezed a large amount into his hand. He motioned for you to lay on your stomach and after you made yourself comfortable, you felt him climb on you and sit gently on your back. You flushed red and put your face into the pillow he gave you.

"W-Wonho.." You mumbled out into it.

"It's okay, love." He whispered softly and began to rub the gel into your sunburned skin. It was cool and refreshing as it hit the hot skin and you tried to surpass a moan.

He rubbed until your back was completely covered in the gel and when he was done, he gently got off your back and moved next to you, wrapping his arms and pulling you toward him.

"Feel better?" He whispered into your ear.

You shivered and hugged him tightly,"I almost fell asleep." You whined into his chest.

You felt him laugh and it made you smile.

"Um, Wonho.." You started. "Can we still go swimming tomorrow?"

He let out a deep sigh but laughed,"No woman. I wanna lay right here..with you alllllllll day."

He cuddled next to you and then quickly realized you were still in your bathing suit,"You should probably go change.." His face turned red and he looked away.

"O-oh yeah." He let you go and you rushed away from the bedroom into the bathroom down the hall, your face bright red with embarrassment.

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