changwon | bad boys {pt.1}

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Changkyun and Hyungwon ft you.

Requested by: @Alienxfeelings


"Ah what am I going to do!!" You yelled, hand running through your hair nervously.

You heard a laugh beside you,"It's okay! It's just another year of school, it's not like you haven't been here before."

"Yeah but.." You gave your best friend a worried look,"It's not the school, it's my new house. I don't walk to same route anymore! I won't be able to walk with you!"

She smiled and put a reassuring pat on the back,"You can walk with me when you come over sometimes okay?"

You gave a slight nod, pulling your mouth into a smile. She then grabbed your hand, walking you through the gates of a brand new year.


By the time first period bell rang, signaling you needed to be in class, you stood in the doorway, next to you was your friend, Eunji.

"I don't think I can do this." You breathed out.

"Come on, you've had to do this for how many years now?" She raised an amused eyebrow.

You watched as the students in front of you, threw paper across the room, yelling loudly. The teacher was no where in sight.

Suddenly you were pushed with force to the side, pulling your attention from the scene.

"Move. Your in my way." A deep male voice said.

"M-mian hae!" You bowed your apology without looking at the person.

"Hn." The boy simply replied, as you watched his shoes disappear.

Once he was gone, you finally stood up, still alittle shocked when you looked at Eunji.

"Oh my god.." She looked at you, eyes wide,"Do you even know who that was?"

You raised an eyebrow but shook your head,"No but after what he just did...I don't think I want to know."

"Well too bad, I'm going to tell you anyway." Eunji took your head pulling you into the classroom but kept her body against the opposite wall. You gave her a weird look but just thought she was trying to avoid the paper balls flying across the room.

Once she picked a seat in the back and you sat down, she leaned in close,"That was Lim Changkyun."

You nodded slowly,"Okay?"

"Lim Changkyun." She shook your shoulders, her voice was a harsh whisper,"The boy who started that big fight last year and was suspended like half way through!"

"Him?" You tried thinking back to any fights but you didn't exactly remember," all honesty, I've never heard of him."

"If it wasn't for his bad reputation, his good looks could get him anywhere." She glanced over your shoulder almost stealth like, using your body a shield.

You decided to follow her gaze and ended up making eye contact with the most hypnotizing dark brown eyes. Your eyes traveled down to his shoes, the ones that had walked away from you after you were pushed. Realizment settled in and you quickly snapped your eyes back to his staring ones.

He played a smirk, almost dancing on his lips. You felt your face heat up and you fumbled to turn back around in your seat. You looked at Eunji, hoping she saw what had just happened. By the look on her face, she had.


"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Eunji adjusted her school bag on her shoulder, giving you a glance.

"I'll be fine."

"No really, it's dark now, my house is closer and I'll be with you so why don't you just tell your mom your going to my house?"

You shook your head,"No it's okay, I need to help her with dinner anyway."

Eunji frowned but nodded,"If you say so.. text me when you get home."

You smiled, waving her a goodbye. You watched as she walked away, leaving you alone in the dark. The only light was the school's window lighting and one streetlight.

"God I hate tutoring... why do I suck at math..wae?" You sighed, shifting from foot to foot before finally walking away.

Normally, tutoring would of been done an hour ago but of course, your tutor was late and you waited for 30 minutes before she finally arrived. Then, math being your worst subject, took forever to learn how to do most of the problems.

Eunji had sport practice after school so afterwards she waited the extra hour just to say a proper goodbye. You were glad you had someone like her, otherwise the past school years would of been awkward and lonely.

You walked along the cracked old sidewalk before you heard shouting. You stopped abruptly at an alleyway and stared down it but the darkness prevented you from seeing anything less then a foot in front of you.

It wasn't till cold hands grabbed your arms and dragged you into the depths did you even realized something was there.

You were slammed to bricks of the building and you let out a yelp as it hit your back.

"Well well.." It was that same deep voice,"Look who we have here.."

Don't worry, Hyungwon will appear in part 2 ;)

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