hyungwon | nerdy crush

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Requested by: GabrielaSofiaCedeno


"Y/N! Do you know the answer?" The teacher called from the blackboard.

"U-um.." You looked away from the window you stared out at.

"Please stand up and tell us."

You hesitated, looking around the classroom. All eyes fell on you and your faces heated up as you slowly stood up,"Mr. Lee... I..I don't know the answer.."

"Maybe you'd know if you didn't stare out the window so much. Now sit down."

You lowered your head in embarrassment as everyone snickered and laughed. You wanted to throw glares at them, but you knew it wouldn't do much good.

"Yah. Stop laughing." A voice suddenly said,"I didn't know the answer either."

"But she's the nerd! She should of known the answer!" Someome said and the class erupted with laughter again.

"I said stop it!" You looked up, recognizing the voice finally.

Chae HyungWon. The school bad boy, threw his fist to the desk, causing a loud echo through the classroom. Everyone went silent as the teacher quickly slapped a ruler to his desk.

"Mr. Chae. I suggest you keep quiet unless you want to visit the detention room again."

"Maybe you should do something about the laughing. Then I'll stop."

"Don't you back talk me! Go! Stand in the hallway!"

"Whatever.." Hyungwon mumbled and walked out of the classroom, without a second thought.

"Now... where were we.." The teacher went back to the front of the classroom and started writing words of the board again.

You couldn't help but stare at the door in awe as moment seemed to reply over and over in your head. Hyungwon had just defended you and you were nothing compared to him... so why..? You need answers but you knew you didn't have the confidence to find them.


The bell rang and you gathered your things up. The walk through the hallway was long, and you had to walk down a few flights of steps before your locker was in sight but that wasn't the only thing in sight. Hyungwon was leaned against a locker, close to yours and talking to one if his friends.

You stopped halfway, hesitating alittle as to decide whether to go and thank him or just go straight to your locker and avoid eye contact. You went with option two, the safest option in your opinion.

You made your way to the locker, opening it and sliding your books into the depths. You had completely ignored Hyungwon's close presence till suddenly there was a loud bang on steel next to you and you jerked back, almost using the door of the locker as a shield.

"Yah." Hyungwon half yelled.

Trying not show that you were scared out of your mind, you slightly nodded at him, hiding behind the small frame of the door.

He stared at you with those hypnotizing dark gazing brown eyes of his before his mouth twisted into a smirk,"What are you doing."

"U-um.." You looked away from him,"N-Nothing." You mumbled. You wanted to shut the locker and bolt away but something was keeping you from doing it. Instead you said the words you wished to say quickly,"Thank you..."

You were surprised with he started chuckling and expected him to start making fun of you for saying such things, so you ran, not even bothering to shut your locker.

"Hey!" Hyungwon called at your swiftly leaving figure.

Embarrassment flooded and you wanted to cry, why would someone lie him want to defend you? You've been made of to many times to fall for it. Yeah he is the most handsome boy you've ever seen and you've had you heart taken by him but you couldn't fall for his trap. He was probably planning something, something to embarrass you even more.

Finally you made it out of the school and was on the sidewalk of your usual route when you stopped running. Out of breath, you stopped completely to catch it but arms grabbed you from behind and you felt his warm breath fanned out onto your neck.

"Stop running." He said.

"H-How..." You breathed out.

"Just take a deep breath. I'm not going to hurt you, you know."

"N-No I don't know.." His arms were tight around your body, your own arms trapped under his strong grasp.

"Listen. Just listen to me." He was calm, his voice soft and gentle even though the way he worded his sentences was harsh.

"No.. I.. I want to know why--"

"Why I did it? Why I stood up for you?"

You stopped talking, the breath back to normal as you just listened.

"Because.. I guess I.. like you? I don't know.. I just did it, okay?"

He let his arms slip away from you and you turned around to meet his eyes. He leaned in but you stepped back in startled by his movements. He then put one hand around your waist and the other on the back of your head and pulled you close to him as his lips planted onto yours.

Your eyes widened as his mouth pressed to yours but you slowly slipped your hands into his hair. When he pulled back, his smiled.

"I don't know why I did that either. It just happened. You're like a magnet. I'm attracted to you."

You couldn't help but laugh at his joke,"Hajima! You nerd!"

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