+8.2 | jooheon {pt.2}

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Jooheon angrily clenched and unclenched his hands. Sweat started to form in small beads around his neck and his forehead. He was walking along the sidewalk in the city, hands in his jean pockets. He was so angry that the cold night air didn't seem to bother him. 

"Who does she think she is..." He mumbled harshly, squeezing his eyes shut and then opening them. He saw a familiar person approaching him, tall and well built. He didn't feel like talking and tried to duck away but the boy saw him anyway.

"Yah! Jooheon!" The boy ran up to him,"I haven't seen you ages!" The boy seemed too cheerful for his own good.

"Hyunwoo, I'm really now in the mod right now."

"Oh come on, let's get something to eat yeah?" His eyes smiled brightly even after Jooheom had clearing waved him off. Hyunwoo insisted he get some Ramen or something with him. Unfortunately for Jooheon, who was now being dragged down the street by the older, there was a korean noodle shop just around the corner.

"You're not the type to walk around at night, something up?"

"It doesn't concern you." Jooheon mumbled when they entered the small restaurant. There were old paintings hung up on the floral print designed wallpaper, you could tell the restaurant was practically ancient.

"That's no way to talk to your hyung." Hyunwoo mustered a playful frown, trying to cheer up the younger who harshly sat down in on of the chairs.

Jooheon sighed loudly,"Hyung, I really don't want to talk about it."

Hyunwoo offered a smile again, sitting down in the seat across from him,"Is it about (Y/N)?"

Jooheon stared at him, almost a glare,"How... did you know?"

"Her and I are good friends remember, she tells me everything."

"Wait... so she told you about what I did earlier?" Jooheon started to worry, now realizing his how bad his behavior must of seemed.

"No, she just texted me and said she was upset." Hyunwoo paused for a second before continuing,"And I can see your upset so I can tell something happened.

"She just... I just wanted to be alone. Work is stressing me out y'know?" Jooheon sighed, laying his head on the table.

"Jooheon." Hyunwoo said quietly,"She was just worried about you. The same way you'd be worried about her if she came home tired and stressed."

"Well yeah but...." His voice came out in a mumbled mess into the table.

"Do you even remember what today is?"

That made Jooheon suddenly raise his head,"What do you mean? It's Thursday."

"And...?" Hyunwoo beckoned.

"And what?" Jooheon snapped at him, making the older just get to the point.

Hyunwoo only shook his head in disbelief,"Today is her birthday. God you make me want to just throw a punch at your face."

There was silence for awhile, the waiter even came over to take orders finally but Hyunwoo waved her off.

"I..I.." Jooheon started and quickly got up, his chair almost tipping behind him.

"Pabo." Hyunwoo simply said,"You better run. You better run like your running a 50 yard dash. Wait scratch that, run like someone took your favorite food..... that always gets me runnin'" Hyunwoo motioned to the doorway as if Jooheon was never going to leave.

But he did, taking off like the speed of light and he didn't stop till he ended up on the front steps of your house again. He didn't even wait till he caught his breath before he practically bashed the door down.

"(Y/N)!!!" He yelled, running inside.

You looked up from your spot on the couch. You started to frown, your eyes red from crying. Your sadness had turned into anger and you suddenly didn't want to talk to him.

"Mian hae!!" He had ran to your side, kneeling on his knees in front of you and took your hands in his. His grip wasn't too tight, they rested around your small hands, warm and gentle just like you remembered. You stared down at him with wide eyes as he began to speak again.

"Go ahead." He said,"Tell me I was wrong, tell me I'm an idiot."


"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have ever said things like that. I shouldn't have made you cry.. I shouldn't of..." He paused, reaching up to cup your tear covered cheek,"Forgotten your birthday.."

You started to cry again, one by one tears hit his hand. It wasn't because you were still angry with him, but because every word that left his mouth was too sweet,"Oppa, it's okay. I understand that you were stressed from work."

"No, I shouldn't of ever taken it out on you." He suddenly got up and sat beside you, both his hands now coming to rest on your shoulders to pull you into his arms. He lightly kissed your temple, dragging his fingers through your hair. It was the best feeling, just the two of you.

Everything before didn't seem to matter anymore. The feelings that you had earlier faded away and was replaced with comfort and warmth again.

"Jagiya, I promise you I'll make tomorrow the best birthday you've  ever had," He smiled, placing his lips against yours, only slightly brushing them,"Just you wait."

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