If you didn't already know this..
I SING!! And maybe I'll put a video of me singing one time! Not that you'll like it! But thats ok!
Anyway the point of this chapter is to tell you all that sometimes I sing a song relatable to my mood.
*Recently for when I'm sad its been either:*
Lost boy, by Ruth B
This is gospel, by Panic At The DiscoAnd since when I'm happy its generally cause of.. Um.. My person? Yea ok that can be their name..
*When I'm happy I'll sing either:*
All of me, by John Legend
Postcards, by James BluntAnd even if I'm not happy because of my person I'll still probably sing one of those songs, as I can make myself feel even more happy if I think about my person too!
So yea, I sometimes sing my emotions.. I try and see if there is a difference between when I'm emotional and when I'm not so much and see if the quality grows larger..
Singing can just be a good way to release your emotions, and distract yourself, but at the same time not distract yourself..
Its kind of complicated..
How Does It Go?..
عشوائيI'm a girl.. I think I have anxiety and at times mild depression.. I have quite a few friends, a lot more than in primary school anyway, and I care about them all a lot, though I don't always believe that they care about me.. There's more I could me...