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Hey guys. It's been a while.


This year included so much really.

We had some really loved stars die, like actually what the Fuck Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds (carries mother) both died on consecutive days!?! Or at least maybe Carrie died on Tuesday and Debbie died Thursday.. EITHER WAY that is just what the heck man.

We lost David Bowie

Alan rickman

Obviously Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds

George Michael

Mohammed Ali


Christina grimmie

+ so many more.

And it's all really sad

Though we lose people every year but yea.. so many

Just then I tried looking up the people we lost in 2016, and I know it's a website on the internet so it can't be expected of much, but the title of it was: 'a look back at notable people who died in 2016'

And for this reason, that made me want to write them a long letter to tell them how wrong they are:

We all have people special to us, and every day people die.. those people might have other people who care about them.. and to the people who had to bury their loved one.. that person's death was notable..

I know that my friend's family member died in 2016..

I know that my friend died in 2016..

I'm pretty sure that I know more people who have had to go through the death of someone they know..

And really it's not fair that the celebrities are "notable" deaths.. though once again it's a website and nothing much more  an be expected of it.. maybe the celebrities achievements are more significant to the other people who die.. but it doesn't mean they're more important to us..

Even then.. It wasn't just PEOPLE who died..

It was the way we used to think..

The way we thought when we were children.

It was relationships..

Maybe even who we used to be..

Maybe every day we lose a piece of what we were when we were younger. Of what we used to be.. which could be good or bad really.. it's just sad how we lose parts of ourselves.. even if we do replace them with newer and better parts..

Maybe this year encountered Alot of change..

If you care about a person.. a relationship.. a memory.. any situation.. the break apart of that situation is never going to be easy..

2016 was a crazy year.

I had them, then I lost them, then I had someone else, then I lost them, now back to having someone else. It was the worst year for my relationship with my parents, but I still love them. My friendships have never been stronger though! It's really the best aspect of my life. I met some of the best people I've ever known in 2016 and I love them to pieces, never ever regretting what I've been through. I'm quite scared for a new year, because I'm an emotionally attached person and I don't really want to lose the year that I almost wish I could redo.. it was one of the worst and best years of my life.. I don't want to go into 2017 really. I miss 2016 already and it's not even a new year yet..
Change is scary.. and it's bound to be that next year will bring just as much terror as it will good.. I'm not excited.. but I'm willing to go through with it. I mean I don't exactly have a choice to go into a new year or not anyway so too bad if my option is to stay in this year xD but I really will miss 2016. I'll miss the memories that I will most likely forget when I'm older and the friends that some of which I might lose as I grow.. I'll miss the broken relationships.. I'll miss everything good and bad that happened in this magnificent year... and I love you guys all so very much 💗 remember all you've been through and either become stronger from the bad things.. or never forget the good things.. you're all so amazing.. I promise 💗

And in conclusion. If I release this the day before 2017 starts, I wouldn't be surprised if another well-known person, died.

**Mike drop**


Thanks everyone 💗 for a magnificent year..

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