No Intentional Meaning

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Hey so I just feel like updating my book, and I feel bad cause I would rather do it when I have something important in my head to share, but I kind of don't at all. I could come up with some random crap but it'll be similar to what I've alreatd written so lets not.

I wish I could at least write something slightly happy and maybe by the end of me writing random stuff, it'll end up being a good meaning and it won't be a total waste of a chapter.

It feels like I can't look at someone without being able to guess that they've been depressed or are depressed or have self harmed or have thought about self harming or have thought about suicide.

That's probably clearly because its becoming a normality to have at least thought about those things in your lifetime.

You know what's sad though? Looking at someone who is happy, cheerful, the life of the party, has a big ego, has absolutely beautiful aspects to them physically or mentally. Someone you might not even be friends with, but they're certainly not someone you would expect to ever think those things. You see these people one day and you ask if something's wrong, and they say something depressing back to you like "well its about as good as it gets" or something like that..  Or maybe you see someone randomly and you look at their arm and you realize there are cuts on it. All of a sudden you think differently of these people... And after seeing and hearing it so much, you eventually just learn to look at people and think that they probably aren't truly happy... You look at people and look at their arms or into their eyes.. Expecting some sad back story to what they think about or have done to themselves..
And that.
Is sad.

That's when you start to realize that this world and especially our generation, is brought up with a terrible aspect on life. I mean yea, I'm guilty of having these thoughts too, but do you know how difficult it is to be happy when it feels normal to be sad?..
You probably do, because you're most likely a human being and when everyone is unhappy around you, are you cheery and full of life? Not exactly.

In saying that, I have a majority of happy friends, and its probably mostly because of that that I am out of being so depressed. As well as just knowing that being depressed isn't what we should be doing with our lives.. So I try not to let myself get like that again.

And I'm sorry guys, I know that you can't help depression.. I know that.. I just think that its really become so normalized because.. the amount of suicide stories you hear.. The amount of people in your school who have self harmed..

Its so sick... And I believe that societies influence has something to do with it..

I talk to myself, and sometimes I have a debate with myself about different topics. Usually with each of them I can come up with a crap load of arguments against what I say, but when it comes to this, I don't have nearly as many arguments.. It concludes in the same way.

Its the way we have been brought up.. the environment we are surrounded in.. And what we are subconsiously being taught.. That is teaching some of us the wrong way to live life..

And I believe.
Its so wrong.
That these things.. Are not abnormal..

Sorry if you disagree, feel free to comment your opinion. Just my opinion which may very well change tomorrow xD.

Thanks kids xx

See u in the next one x


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