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I wanna cry

But crying feels like weakness

I'm a very emotional person

I get very emotionally invested

And worry over little things

I do stupid things

To hurt myself

So I'm prepared for the future

Try and teach myself

Learn within my body to get over it

It hurts a lot

But I'm tryna get over it.. Get used to it

Bodies gotta learn

And it'll learn by getting hurt

I don't even know exactly why I'm sad I just feel sad half the time

Just feel like crying

Crying into someone's shoulder

For all eternity

But I don't

Because it feels wrong

Like I'm competing with myself to see how long I can not cry for

I still won't yet let myself cry

I was about to just then

And I literally said out loud like 'stop'

I'm cold and sad and wanna feel numb but I can't

Bye guys

Gotta keep learning..


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